■TBS official
■comic BIRZ
■AA keeping warehouse
■arrange site
Q01: What story?
A01: It has the intention aroused as Rorzemmaden and dolls who move :.
It is a talk to try to fight for (Omit it for Netabare), and, perhaps,
Moreover, is hero Hickey's growth drawn?There are gag about 60 percent
original, and it ..shade.. doesn't exist.
Q02: Though it doesn't sell the original …A02: Because it is a soldier such as
Fakkintikin'outoror nature removing Maboroshifyu 2, it seems to be few. Please
look for by the foot or wait for the mail order.
Q03:Rozen Maiden English and German. Moreover, does not Rozen spelling differ?
It is the series one that puppet manipulator's named A03:Rozen name was taken.
Therefore, a Japanese syllabary not good.
Q04: Are dolls moving by what?
A04: It seems to obtain power by rolling the screw. (It describes and exist in the
original. )It comes to be able to exercise a strong ability by using the power of the
plus and Mediam.
Q05: It reads very much ..the crimson, Hinaitigo, the mercury - vapor lamp, Mido
rihoshiishi, Hoshiishi, and the gold thread sparrow...
A05: ..encounter.. . considerably .., doll strawberry, and.. .., ,..Each artificial spirits of the dead is Horrie, a berry bell, Mamei, Sidorem, Rempica, and a pizzicato (almost perfume name origin).
Q06: Is wanting to see drawers that go out to that ankle pants?
If that is taken off, it is already no bread. ..becoming it.. ? whether it is the one to
still put on something below
There is nothing under that from A 06:4 Sre eyes 217, too. By the way,, feeling named skirt →
petticoat → Dorowars (drawers). Dorowars is the final undergarment and FA though it is not
possible to say indiscriminately because there is variously pattern. It opens as well as man'
s undergarment to do it even if it doesn't take it off ahead. The part of hips is cut out
like O character completely and ..hips.. full view also : when it is old times. To clarify
it easily for
Shinku ha kuso
Ginsama banzai
Ginsama ヽ(´ー`)ノ
3) Please stick to speaking English. Except for the Japanese board, where you are allowed to use either language.
All right.
You should at least sage while making trivial replies like those.
Second season ?
_ ......... __
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―― 文翻訳(日英) ――
Whether to be what, recently, with a certain bulletin board and so on, a decision on a sequel!
It is being written in な wind which it wants to see.
Is it true though it does?
If even this site is not on it yet, when it is
Though it thinks that it is the groundless rumor which almost spread from something, if it is true, still
Information opening to the public is permitted. (Because it has ever きい a story with a thing like that.)
Is it a thing when it それっ and information is omitted from anything because it is a thing if it doesn't go yet?
Though it それっ and thinks that it is a problem very much, ・・・.
It is ・・・ though that is very joyful and thinks if 僕 【 I 】 has a sequel.
How do you like a true place?
Then, today, in this side.
< TBS charge 3/23>
Is it まじ?
It is … when it is persistently mere rumor because there is not that schedule at the time of the present.
Only all cheer is reliance!
Rosen soul /2005/3/2312:, 47:42
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Can we watch complicated AA whitch has made in Japan from foreign country?
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"Mercury Lampe" is mine!
Chigai MASU
>>27 is hontou ni hontou ni obakasan.
Just finally finished Traumend, ending wasn't too good but I still loved it.
Also, old topic is OLD.
clears throat
Hello everyone, sorry to wake you, I was just wondering:
Why do you think this series was so popular?
Was it just the pure, magical, aesthetic appeal of the character design, that can mysteriously strike at any time, like hello kitty or pikachu?
Because there are certainly huge narrative flaws to this series. I'm just curious how a series can be so popular running only on character design, as opposed to writing, direction, or voice-acting. I guess that's just the way things are.
Funny thing is it's not the show's general character design that's appealing, really just Suiseiseki and Shinku, and to a much, much lesser extent, Junk, urr Suingintou.
If it's good enough for Mr. Aso, it's good enough for me!
It's true that the writing is flawed in many ways. But you are overlooking the things it does well. It's not really the character designs that make it (although they are no doubt a part of it), but the character portrayals. The characters, in their totality, carry the show. In effect, it's a character-driven show, not a plot-driven one. The biggest flaw is that the writing does not let it be entirely character-driven, but attempts and largely fails at plotting.
That just means it's a moe show. And all of those are terrible, as we know.
Fucktard, character driven != moe. I doubt most of you have even read the manga, and just bitch about the obviously inferior adaption.
You'll find it pretty hard to dismiss Azumanga Daioh as terrible.
Also, while moe shows are often character-driven, you've still got shows like Haibane Renmei and Honey & Clover.
So is the manga really better than the anime? Was a lot of the plot development cut when they adapted it?
No, not really. The manga is very different, and takes another path entirely.
If you liked the anime, you'll most likely like the manga, though. Claiming either is clearly superior, though, is walking on pretty shaky ground.
The show reminds me of Chobits. It too was a popular manga that was supposedly done little justice by its adaptation, but still had terribly appealing characters that made the show worthwhile.
Also, both shows were about moe dolls.
> You'll find it pretty hard to dismiss Azumanga Daioh as terrible.
Hey, that had Kimura as a stand-in for the viewer.
Whereas Jun's sister wants to do him.
(this is the carl horn school of literary analysis)
Your girl Shinku is going to lose to Rena and Rika in Saimoe 2007 so be prepared
i love rozen maiden, it's one of my favorites desu.
>> Why do you think this series was so popular?
Character designs where great, really, not just the maidens, the hikkimori protagonist and his extremely patient sister were interesting too, as was the mysterious antagonists and the overall feeling.
I can't emphasize this enough, the feeling we get, not just form the dolls but from the dream worlds and flashbacks from the past conveys a very interesting aura of magic, elegance, fantasy and danger.
I think it is similar to the feeling of a Harry Potter book, not the same really, there are many differences but it is a good example of what I'm talking about.
The plot, while not very developed is bizarre, and make us wonder what's going to happen next, it's engaging.
>> running only on character design, as opposed to writing, direction, or voice-acting.
Complain about writing, but direction and voice acting? I don't see any directing flaws, and the voice acting is great, remember that voice acting is like 50% of the character's charm and you do realize that the characters are the major drawn into the series, it has got Rie Tanaka for fuck's sake.
>> show's general character design that's appealing, really just Suiseiseki and Shinku, and to a much, much lesser extent, Junk, urr Suingintou.
At this point I'm not sure you know what are you talking about. Suigintou is the most popular character in RM, so much that the fans refuse to let her go, the OVA was completely dedicated to her.
Suiseiseki comes in second place but very close but Shinku... I actually think Souseiseki fares better thant Shinku, which is a shame because Shinku is a much more original character.
In short, you are on drugs.
> I don't see any directing flaws
An absence of flaws is not all that is needed for something to actually be good. Rozen Maiden's directing is competent but entirely forgettable.
>>49 why the fuck did you bump this?
dickshit, probably.