Post your anime obsession stories (59)

16 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-09-02 21:50 ID:+BOPPvzz

After an alltime low a few months age I am now pleased to announce my liberation from the claws of anime addiction. It is my belief that the nature of such a condition is not so much an addiction as an unwillingness to accept and fully absorb ones current reality - instead wasting waking hours downloading, browsing forums and searching substitutes for a particularly good yet inconclusive series. Although I have left this mindstate I am not sure if it was necessary to fully give in to the addiction, to be constantly left unsatisfied and full of unanswered questions without anyone but oneself to ask. I did behave like that and the reward after a serious amount of invested time was immunity to any such kind of emotional void. The really enlightning phase came after this: A physical change of milieu, no access to anime and the time to think.

With the refusal to be ashamed of yourself the rest will follow. Knowledge that the world and the people aruond you are very simple and predictable. Certainity that the world can be altered, and most importantly, you can be altered. Do not fall in to the banality of merely changing your appearence - it is your mind that needs to be trained. The ability to reflect on a difficult matter - any matter - for minutes without breaking the trail of thought seems lost in the current youth. Realize the actual usefulness of this ability. Consider your current situation. Change it for the better.

I still like anime, I still watch it - but no longer to fill a void.

SO yeah im slightly more enlightened, possibly thanks to anime.

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