How do you keep up with all the shows? (52)

1 Name: Densha Otoko!SGRPrwhmGE 2005-08-06 01:47 ID:4KzjydTs

I like watching anime as much as the next guy on this bbs, however since I have a job and other interests I am increasingly finding it hard to keep up with new shows. For example Bleach, I think I am up to episode 26. Yakitate Japan I am also struggling to keep up with. New shows I want to watch, Eureka 7, Trinity Blood and Speed Grapher I just have no time to download and watch at all!

I also have DVDs of FLCL to watch and I haven't even started on them :(

Have you guys ever been in this situation, and do you have any suggestions for keeping up with anime?

2 Name: MJP 2005-08-06 03:14 ID:Heaven

I have the same situation, basically. I have a full-time job, I go to the gym, I hang out with my girlfriend, etc. I'm a bit behind on GSG vol. 2 and a bunch of manga I just picked up.

My suggestion: two episodes or two manga per day. Keep that steady pace and you'll find yourself back up to speed in no time.

Now if only I could stop the throttling of BT bandwidth on my Internets, I could be at the bleeding edge again... >_<

3 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-08-06 06:06 ID:Heaven

>>2 Solution: change ports! :D

4 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-08-06 06:39 ID:/uT/MBgT

Girlfriends! Jobs! You guys have quite some nerve!

5 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-08-06 10:41 ID:p/q/OrPO

The solution is a to develop a finely tuned sense of snobbery, so that you reject most shows outright, preferrably without having even seen them. This cuts down on viewing time a lot!

6 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-08-09 00:53 ID:70zFIljj

Don't sleep.

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