Something I've been wondering... Nanoha A's was supposed to start this week, right? Have any groups said anything about subbing it?
Very very very fantastic!!!
Uh... info on this series? Links? Pictures? Mr. >>1 should provide such things!
It's the sequel to Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha:
which was itself a spinoff of Triangle Heart:
Basically anidb is your Hitchhiker's Guide to Anime.
My regret is higher than mountains and deeper than oceans. :(
But seriously, are there any plans to sub this?
Thoughts after watching episode 1 raw, I found it to be great stuff, and almost-exactly what I was hoping for. It definatly seems that the show will be more battle orientated this time around, which can be either a good or a bad thing, depending on how you like your shows. At the moment, it looks as if episode 3 is going to be the first calm episode, probably to get Fate set up appropriatly in the Human world.
And Rocket Hammer wins an internet.
cant' wait can't wait can't wait
someone hurry up and sub this plz!
Nanoha A's episode 01 fansub released by Triad. Check your local Google for details.
Looks pretty good!
Am I the only one who gets a 'mean Sakura' vibe from Vita?
ahh just what i needed to fill my magical girl hunger!
Triangle Heart was really good. Much better than most martial arts oriented anime out there.
When I first saw Nanoha, with a ordinary girl suddenly becoming a mahou shoujo, with a magical staff, a little mascot and having to retrieve lost magical items... "wait.. Is it you, Sakura?!" Contrary to my expectations, the series developed VERY good, like Triangle Heart, there is nothing else to compare it to other mahou shoujo series. Things happened so fast. In just 13 episodes, it was like watching a normal mahou shoujo in Fast Forward mode.
Now on A's, the first scene was a magical book that suddenly broke its seal... "Right, the Clow Book... it was missing on the first season...". Again, it surpassed my expectations. The first two episodes were very dense. For some time I was desapointed, because it looked a little like a DBZ fighting scene... but the end of episode 2 changed everything again. It's overwhelming.
Except the book in Nanoha A's was the "Book of the Pulsating Flesh" that was needed to revive Mr. Gentleman. Of course when Joker's (Oops! I mean Mr. Carpenter's) plot failed all the books they stole had be re-distrubited back to the people. Somehow in all the confusion wheelchair girl came to possess said book.
Now I recognize her! Vita is Misha's (from Pita Ten) evil twin!
Ⅰ love FATE very much.
Her kindness,politeness and cuteness… are so fascinating
that I am looking forward her every entrance(><)
This needs less fanservice and Hayate is overly moe. Also, it needs a fighting game adaptation. I rate episode 1 pi+1 out of five stars.
Go Home!
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・ So there is 1855 - 768 = 1087 small-penis.
Never take lightly the small-penised forces.
Read "How to form a convincing argument in English" and then talk.
StrikerS makes me sad
because it sucks?
Good answering to a reply over a year old, there.