New season (late 2005) reviews (81)

18 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-10-06 13:03 ID:cOPyvc6F

ARIA Ep01 raw
This whole episode is about going around a water city in a gondola.
Young girl goes in space to a planet (terraformed Mars?) where the city's streets are under water like in Venice (Why did they build the city there and like that is beyond me - maybe to attract tourists from Earth?)
She works locally as a gondola driver apprentice (but she doesn't seem to have any basic sales sense whatsoever - why didn't she ask the parents of the freeloader kid to pay for the fare at the end? She says "she had fun" when the parents say they are sorry for their child's misconduct.)
And then, no Air Traffic Control? That landing spaceship almost sunk the gondola.
No tides? That water looked awfully calm. But we saw a moon at night.
No winds? But the intro showed a wind farm...
No motor on those gondolas for possible emergencies?
The "lovable mascot" looks like a dwarf albinos hippopotamus with alien eyes...
The girls seem to have no drive, like inmates of an asylum hospital... ^^;

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