New season (late 2005) reviews (81)

52 Name: !.38tuXtuXs 2005-10-21 14:06 ID:IkMoi66S

I tend to watch everything opposite of what Sling watches, so the fact that he thinks it sucks is a good indication that I like it.

WAHa seems to have somewhat similar taste to me, so I guess you can make the logical connection...

I personally think it's the best of the season. WAHa, you really should try the first episode. I think Sling's comments are unfounded (but it's pointless trying to argue them out because that would have to make him change his entire mindset which I don't think anyone has the right to do) ... So go watch it to decide for yourself.

AssSubs has put out one ep of it but the torrent appears to be beyond dead for me. I wish someone else would sub it (AFAIK, Nanashi and someone else were interested in it)... and as for it being licensed, it's Media Factory and there's that, but other than that, I dunno.)

And finally, whoever linked to pelleas, next time don't put in the whole URL!!! Put a ttp:// thing like the 2channelers do so that you know, we can continue being all happily secret and underground (yeah right)

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