Best anime series (last 10 years) (66)

1 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-10-19 01:13 ID:jKHDqaTo

Just wondering what people think are some of the best anime series in the last 10 years. I know people will have some personal bias, but please support your choices. I mean there are tons of anime I find entertaining, but just don't make the cut. I suppose quality in terms of overall story, character development, entertainment value, animation, OST, innovation/overall excellence. I think I've watched most of the anime "worth watching" and many series not worth watching, but maybe there will be some others I have yet to watch. I've probably seen around 150-200 (full series) series so far.

I personally think Junni Kokki (12 kingdoms) was probably the best I've seen in recent memory. It had some annoying characters, but overall it was excellent. I think it made the top 5% in terms of animation, OST and style. For a long series, it kept up without slacking on the animation. I suppose having a storyline and character development is what set it apart. Most animes seem to utterly fail in terms of developing characters. All I usually see are static characters that are unrealistic. The storyline is also one of the better lines because it's based on a book that doesn't suck. e.g. The story wasted written by some shitty mangka, but an actually writer.

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