Anime Clubs (99)

1 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-01 23:01 ID:JlH7LSnw

So, I'm curious as to how many of us are members of any somewhat official anime clubs. I recently joined one at my university, and honestly I'm a bit disappointed - I seem to be more knowledgeable than most of the other members, and we have quite a few "stereotypical weeaboo" type fans. A letdown, since I'd never really had any people local who shared my hobby and I was hoping for better.

Anyone else have any experiences like this?

2 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-01 23:32 ID:UtOp2Ccb

I hate weeaboos! Everytime I find someone who download Naruto over Kazaa or Limewire I die a bit.

So... no anime clubs here. I'd rather watch stuff with one friend.

3 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-01 23:58 ID:Heaven

Never been in an anime club. The other anime nerds I ever knew were disgustingly emberassing geeks, ugly & irritating as all hell. Don't want to bother hanging out with them.

4 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-02 00:04 ID:JlH7LSnw


It's kinda like that, yeah. Some of them are alright, but the rest... I guess I always figured that stereotypes weren't really true, but I guess they are. -_-

5 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-02 02:08 ID:1Yty0sxo

All anime fans are either

  1. young fanboys/fangirls who don't know what they're talking about
  2. shy, awkward otaku
  3. loud, unruly otaku

All three can be annoying to deal with. If you're in between, you're just in transition from one to the other.

6 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-02 02:19 ID:JlH7LSnw

I guess I'm #2. orz

Surprisingly, most of the members are female. I actually think that's part of the problem...

7 Name: !.38tuXtuXs 2005-11-02 06:38 ID:Heaven

I guess I'd be #3. Haven't been in a club. Probably won't. If I were I'd probably be trying to show off too much.

8 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-02 15:07 ID:LY9IsXW7

Also #2 here. I feel awkward even in a comic shop next to people who look worse than me(I'm no prize by any standard). I would like to at least meet people in a club though. orz.

9 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-02 21:50 ID:Heaven


Number four is the animü-elitist who laugh at people download naruto of kazaa.

10 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-03 00:23 ID:cSyzIBQv

#2, mostly.

a bit of 4 sometimes :p

11 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-03 01:55 ID:AFrKGS6o


that's number three!

12 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-03 07:12 ID:Heaven

Well, not out loudly...

13 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-03 17:00 ID:jBnO+kWu

I'm in a somewhat anime club at my university. They show two episodes of 3 series once every week.

There are 2-3 leeding the show, the rest is mostly a silent bunch of people (including me) who just come there to sit and watch, I find it very enjoyable.

14 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-03 18:38 ID:JlH7LSnw

I've introduced several people to anime in the past, and while it's enjoyable to watch stuff with them, all of them are 'casual' fans... they'll only watch what I show them. I was really excited at the prospect of meeting others who might be familiar with shows that I'm not, or know things that I don't... but most of them have never heard of the shows I follow. Guess that comes from watching fansubs, mostly...

15 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-05 05:22 ID:1Yty0sxo

or haibane renmei. orz

16 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-06 00:29 ID:L1j4T+me

What the fuck is a weeaboo

17 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-06 00:44 ID:JlH7LSnw

weeaboo = wapanese

don't try to figure out the logic here - there is none.

18 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-06 01:32 ID:L1j4T+me

Ah, I see

I can't understand Waps anymore. I was once a Japanophile and I regret every second of my life that I wasted with it, but seriously. How the fuck do you explain this to other people? I know I couldn't explain why I was obsessed with everything that came out of that country at all. People would look at my iPod playlist and go "What the fuck is this?" and when they'd use my computer and see all the anime shit I was downloading they'd say "The hell? Are these cartoons?"

And yeah, I just sort of grew out of it after awhile, but I can't figure people who still do this shit. It's not cool

19 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-06 01:56 ID:Heaven

Yeah, it's fucking horrible that people like stuff. They should all be bitter and joyless old gits like us, telling the kids to get off our lawns.

Christ, for someone who claims to have "grown out of" something, you need to grow up.

20 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-06 02:40 ID:L1j4T+me

We're obviously thinking of entirely different kinds of people

I realize I worded that wrong and shouldn't have used to word "cool" like that

Anyway, I was just saying how I feel about Wapanese since weeaboo lead into that

Back to what this guy meant to discuss

21 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-06 12:37 ID:Heaven

> We're obviously thinking of entirely different kinds of people

Yeah, you're talking about the people you try to be cooler than, and I'm talking about you being a sad little git.

22 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-06 23:51 ID:kPfJsUdv

>>19 and >>21 You're being insulting instead of constructively criticizing. I have thoroughly enjoyed >>18's post.

My own story:
I was into anime for a long time and finally after a couple years at university I checked out the anime club. They showed the entire Evangelion series + movie one day, which I had never bothered to watch before. It was neat.
But after that, I realized they all had very bad taste. They lusted after japanese-looking animation without regard to the underlying story. No one ever bothered to attempt a deeper analysis of the few good series/movies they viewed. They collected anime music videos and this was in 2003, for gods sake!!

I still really like lots of anime, but not because it is anime but because it makes me think deeper things. And this is what spectatorship should be, not blind worship.

23 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-07 03:26 ID:Heaven


What, unlike the very constructive and non-insulting "And yeah, I just sort of grew out of it after awhile, but I can't figure people who still do this shit. It's not cool"? There's nothing that annoys me more than people who feel the need to publically explain how much better their interests are than those of others.

They're interests! Stuff people do to pass the time! It's not a fucking popularity contest! Christ, people!

And if you ever feel the need to tell everyone you stopped liking something because it became popular, god help me, I'll punch you in the face through the internet.

24 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-07 10:47 ID:L1j4T+me

Okay, I'm not going to fight with you since I just said that I realized I shouldn't have used the word "cool" like that because it does make me look like a prick, which was NOT my intention. I was merely trying to get the point across that being obsessed over everything that is Japanese is not okay. These kinds of people are ignorant and sad

And yes, I realize that some people have interests, and that sometimes can be a little strange to other people. But those hardcore Japanese wannabes that won't have ANYTHING to do with ANYTHING that isn't from Japan bother the living fuck out of me. That's it. That's how I feel. I don't like them.

Now once again, back to whatever this guy wanted to discuss

25 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-07 10:54 ID:L1j4T+me

>> 22

Yes, exactly. Blind worship over something that they will eventually regret wasting so much time and money on. I know I did

26 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-07 10:56 ID:L1j4T+me

Oops, I meant 23, not 22

27 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-07 18:41 ID:AFrKGS6o


i get what you're getting at, but keep in mind that people enjoy different shit for different reasons. not everybody wants to or has to be looking for the underlying meaning behind stuff, especially in the case of something like eva where though you and i have our theories, a "real" interpretation is futile. japanese animation isn't always inherently deep and thought-provoking, and that's alright. if it entertains you, fuck it, enjoy. my lain DVDs are here next to my mazinger DVDs, and so on and so on. i'm not gonna tell anybody how to watch their cartoons.

28 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-07 22:25 ID:Heaven

>>27 is wise.

29 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-07 23:24 ID:AKCsstG8

Since we are all on the internet, on this board, and generally like anime (in particularly fansubs), can we not call this a club too?

30 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-07 23:40 ID:JlH7LSnw


Maybe. You guys are okay, though.

31 Name: Alexander!DxY0NCwFJg!!muklVGqN 2005-11-08 00:40 ID:Heaven

>But those hardcore Japanese wannabes that won't have ANYTHING to do with ANYTHING that isn't from Japan bother the living fuck out of me. That's it. That's how I feel. I don't like them.

I think you should leave a bit more room for this thing called 'youth'. Even though I'm certainly young myself right now, I strongly believe that it'll wear off eventually. : )

32 Name: Gilliam!iNeko8V/Ws 2005-11-08 12:10 ID:jxO8wwpn

"Total Anime Otaku"
tfc + anime = yes!

33 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-08 14:46 ID:AKCsstG8

>>32 , Yeah but a brand new TFC should be even more amazing right?

anyway; This board right now is probably the greatest anime club your gonna find. This is because we all come and stay here only because we have the same intrests - anime - and possably a few other things thrown in like Japanese Culture/Language. Plus, this place has the whole "Internet Privacy" thing going on for it. If someone dosent like what you recommend, the most they can do is throw bad words at you, not burn your DVD"s or something.

34 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-08 16:52 ID:VWZJmKyr

For this club... we have a choice to start with any of these titles for showings... which one would you want to watch first if you were there?

Full Metal Panic!

Full Metal Panic? FUMOFFU

Chrono Crusade

Neon Genesis Evangelion



Azumanga Daioh


Excel Saga


Elfen Lied


35 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-08 19:54 ID:UtOp2Ccb

Neon Genesis Evangelion or Azumanga Daioh. Maybe Robotech.
After those you should see other classics like Cowboy Bebop.

36 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-10 16:02 ID:LY9IsXW7

Fumoffu, Azumanga, Robotech, and if they've seen a fair amount of anime already, Excel Saga.

37 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-10 17:23 ID:Heaven

Neon Genesis and Cowboy Bebop are classics, if they haven't seen any anime before than Bebop for sure - Otherwise Azumanga, or Full Metal Panic. Only do Excel Saga or Azumanga if you really think they're the kind of people to enjoy it, it's an aquired taste.

38 Name: yuri! 2005-11-10 23:17 ID:Heaven

never been part pf any formal club though in my neck of the woods its pretty hard to find any anime fans ofcorse i have ID'd some but they all seem so Bleh more weaboo than anything or yet another anoying yaoi fangirl group i mangaed to save one person from this though and get him pretty much up to my standards though liveing in Sunderland which is in the north east of the England it like trying to find gold in a coal mine how ever there is three place's in the next city where i can get my fix but meh

39 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-10 23:19 ID:1Yty0sxo

All rise for the entrance of Yuri to this unworthy thread!

40 Name: yuri! 2005-11-10 23:45 ID:Heaven

>>39 thank you

41 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-11 05:00 ID:5g95WAEz

I've had lots of fun with anime clubs back in the 80s. C/FOoD and C/FO and the club at UC Berkeley. Am I the only semi-old timer here? (-_-;)

42 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-11 05:06 ID:kAgL3nkW


Most of the people on these boards are newbies compared to real old timers like Fred Patten (or even Mike Toole).

43 Name: cg 2005-11-11 18:54 ID:/LSF2Pe6

I used to attend meetings of the Cartoon Fantasy organization in Philadelphia back in the early 80's, which has been said to have been the first anime club...

44 Name: cg 2005-11-11 18:58 ID:/LSF2Pe6

cripes.. and this was posted today, too.

I claim seniority .

45 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-11 20:50 ID:5g95WAEz

I cannot claim seniority. I came in with the robotech wave which makes me a n00b. hehe.

Here is some C/FOoD history:

46 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-12 00:30 ID:7l6bwzVI

how old is everyone here? the veterans

47 Name: yuri! 2005-11-12 02:14 ID:Heaven

>>46 don't quite thing im vet quite yet but for my location im more of a vet than anyone i know
age: 19

48 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-12 02:20 ID:Heaven

No, I don't think that question was directed at you, >>47.

49 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-12 02:35 ID:JlH7LSnw

I was a Pokemon noob. That's how I got my start.

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