13 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-12-13 09:20 ID:2RyvEzqJ


For starters, YuYu Hakusho. Eye of Bast??? The items in question are supposed to mirror the Japanese Imperial Regalia, wtf does that have to do with Bast? Let us not forget when they change the sexes of characters in order to obfuscate a homosexual relationship, as they did with Sailor Moon.

I never said that all of the translations are bad. I presented it as an alternate reason for some of the people you seem to be conveniently lumping together.

Also, some of these greedy little freeloaders are actually willing to pay for the bootlegs, provided it's better than the legal copies, so I'm not sure how relevant your focus on cost is.

Insofar as free stuff, if there is an official release that is distributed here, it's easier to just distribute bootleg copies of the official translation, without needing to go through that extra effort of attempting to write a faithful translation.

BTW: do you actually know someone who hasn't broken any laws? Have they never rolled on a stop sign, or driven over the speed limit, both activities which if done haphazardly can endanger others?

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