Genshiken 2nd season (65)

55 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2006-01-24 21:36 ID:h/mAqTUJ

Then just STOP RESPONDING 2Du3FgsB. We know, we know, you have bad grammar and someone pointed it out. But did you know? It's not just that guy who is fucking annoyed by you. There's at least three other people in this thread who are tired of watching you double-post in a sad attempt to "win" the arguement or whatever. If you don't like grammar nazis attacking you, learn some fucking grammar.

28 replies? GREAT! 28 replies to one "grammar nazi." And you're NOT the one fagging up this thread? I think everyone will agree with me when I say that your immature, unintelligent attitude is not welcome here, outside of lurking.

If a mod could delete this thread, or just everything since 2Du3FgsB, I would appreciate it. I don't want my thread to be an eyesore in Anime because of 2Du3FgsB.

This thread has been closed. You cannot post in this thread any longer.