Kanon 2006 (14)

1 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-03-31 06:10 ID:8Y1bZXLn

Kanon remake! I can't wait! Any thoughts?

2 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-03-31 06:49 ID:NgQD3lYD

Did they fix the character designs?

3 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-04-02 20:37 ID:8Y1bZXLn

Yes! They actually did fix the character designs up!

4 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-04-02 20:38 ID:8Y1bZXLn

You can also pick up the promo for it on animesuki. Looks pretty good and is 24 eps instead of the old 12.

5 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-04-03 01:35 ID:S5XF5Q7m

that seems more like a huge budget increase (which the new kanon TV certainly appears to be) than an actual change in character design

6 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-04-04 22:29 ID:CbywxZLa

I don't know much about the Kanon universe, but does it basically means that the exact same story will have been remade by 2 different studios in less than a few years? Are people obsessive enough to make this actually profitable? If it is so, that's quite creepy.

7 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-04-04 22:55 ID:A7Pz1lpN

lol looks like it was based on an h-game

8 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-04-04 23:09 ID:Heaven

no shit sherlock

9 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-04-09 19:11 ID:0cDqjbUC

H-games are great anime.
Like Kimi ga Nozomu Eien and Air.

10 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-04-10 06:14 ID:Heaven


( ゚ ヮ゚) Mittens 2006 (10)

11 Name: umboody : 2007-01-28 17:49 ID:/8ABWwWw


12 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-02-07 09:22 ID:Heaven

Wow, that's sad. The image to the right makes the characters look more demented (too angular and weirder faces for such HUEG eyes (even bigger than the eyes to the left). Please tell me that's not the anime... Even though it obviously is.. Bah.

13 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-02-19 08:54 ID:KVXQQNgn

Oh noes, Ayu vanished! Where is Yuuichi going to stick his tongue now?

14 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2011-08-25 16:28 ID:Heaven

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