22 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-04-21 05:49 ID:nkgInCwK

(´・ω・`) This thread will now segue into a discussion of how DBZ sucks.

For some reason I watched this show avidly many moons ago, but after seeing some anime gems like Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo I finally realized how bad it was.

1) Throughout much of the series none of the non-Saiyan characters are important except as hostages/victims/comic relief. This includes the warriors who in the DragonBall series (notably less sucky) who are so blantantly overshadowed by the three or so main characters.

2) Each episode consists primarily of dramatic pauses and power-up sequences, meaning a total of 45 frames of animation appear per show.

3) Story arcs are way too long, dragged out primarily by the aforementioned with remaining time given to taunts and cliche'd philosophical waxing best described as 'white space'.

Anything else?

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