Are you Otaku? (49)

19 Name: Otaku Hikki : 2006-07-15 07:57 ID:62JaAni4


If you are joking, that is fine. But the term otaku has a bad social stigma attached to it already due to misunderstanding, and the media of Japan sensationalised by attributing the crime of Miyazaki to the term. To add more fuel to fire isn't neccessary. I'm also an otaku and I don't go out and rape little girls and I'm not scared of women. This is just a media defined term that is wrong. There are otakus in Japan that are famous and contributed alot to the industry. To me otakus are enthusiastic in their interests and most pursue, contribute and refine them. Otaku in Japan are the main consumers in anime/manga/game markets who maintain the supply and demand. Otaku create your anime/manga/doujinshi, games,etc. They are a driven force in the market for virtual world. I have visions and inspiration that could draw from anime/manga, and these are works of otaku and represents the culture and vision of otaku. Otaku is a specialised modern sub-culture of Japan. This modern sub-culture is created with reasons, and it is formed to change the tradional world. A world where people are free to roam to different realities without having bound the physical reality. There are people who are unable to live with the current state of reality or cannot cope with it for their own reasons, and some legitimate, so a different reality would suit them. Not all people are the same who can cope with only predefined set of number of restricted rules that the society are set to made an individual go through, people are different. If you understand their situation, you know what I mean. A true otaku would contribute and would little part of themselves to change the world for an ideal relating to anime/manga the ideas behind them such virtual realities.
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