Anime Reviews - mid 2006 (121)

111 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU : 2006-10-15 20:20 ID:XX4s+RDS

Bartender ep 01 raw
"The story follows a genius bartender who won a championship in a worldwide contest in the past and decides to work for a hotel bar. In addition, the patrons who frequent the bar tell the Bartender various stories about their life."

Drinking anime.

Uh, using real pictures as background in an anime? Ultra low budget, or what? Let's see... Minimal animation? Check. Using pans instead of animating? Check. Talking about things instead of showing things? Check.
Okay, this is a cheap version of Cooking Master Boy, but using drinks instead of food. I don't like alcohol (makes me go to sleep) so I'm not the intended audience here. There is a girl but she's nothing special, and her raving ramblings about champagne don't help to make me take her seriously. As for action scenes, the only actions are drink-related. Zzzzzz...

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