Hello! I am a recent fan of Trinity Blood on the Adult Swim, but I missed the first episodes up until about the last 7.
Can someone tell me who Abel is in the beginning, and what His Holiness's (the little Pope's) name is?
Additionally, I would like to find a nice gallery of screencaps.
2 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-02-04 18:52 ID:tkrkbXxL [Del]
> Can someone tell me who Abel is in the beginning
CATS from Zero Wing.
3 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-02-04 20:57 ID:Ro6pWuM9 [Del]
I saw a few eps in HongKong. after I read this post, first thing done was starting Azureus and the download.. looked pretty sweet, just no subtitles, couldnt understand a thing