Cosplay questions (5)

1 Name: Randomness : 2007-03-25 16:42 ID:YrXD15yV

i was just wondering if it is possible to gather some pictures of a character you want for cosplay and give it to a tailor (was it a tailor or something else...?) or something to make it for you.

also, what are some advice on creating your own "realistic", not those cheap looking ones, cosplay costume? im not a sewer, tailor or whatever, no experience in making clothing from scratch.


2 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-03-26 01:16 ID:NooiWaW7

If you believe in yourself, and put the work into it, you can do anything.

3 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-03-27 07:44 ID:fM7Yap3/

would be a good experience try to create it your own ^^
and of course if you gather pictures a handle it to a sewer, tailor or whatever they will make it, a least here they do :D

4 Name: Randomness : 2007-03-27 23:52 ID:YrXD15yV

thats my last choice there, having someone else make it but i want to try to make it myself, and so i am. i've got somethings down, i have a rough draft drawing on what i want the costume to look like (which is vincent from ff7) in the front, back and sides, also the acessories. the first thing i'm working on right now is his small cape that layers his long one, the one that goes around his upper body, with newspaper so i wont have to waste cloth, the problem is that when i put it on, the sides are longer than the front and back when it's suppose to just run all around my upper body like a wrap. i've been trying to get fix this but i just cant seem to figure it out

5 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2011-08-25 17:15 ID:Heaven

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