hOly shit kid! this is anime AWESOME!!! its got so much style and action and coolness i love it!
i want to talk about it in the forums, but the forums are filled with children.
i want to talk about it with you, but i don't know who you are.
who subbed it? Nyoro~n Subs.
who are they? I don't know.
anyways it is really exciting right? anime is fun.
> who subbed it? Nyoro~n Subs.
No, they made all the lines up. Good job at making it so nobody noticed, though.
There are pretty much only shitty groups subbing this show, which is a real shame because it is tons of fun.
AiA is barely passable, but they still get really simple lines wrong, and even important ones like "Don't believe in yourself! Believe in me who believes in you!"
And wow, "Black-Order" (with a name like that, you know they are though guys!) just released yet another shitty sub to add to the list.
When will someone comptent do this show?
So the English groups so far are:
Black Order, Kamina, Nyoro~n, AiA I-Z, Anonymous /a/ person, QMF and ADTRW. The last on the list is the only one I recognize from before. Unsurprisingly AniDB claims they're almost all first timers. Ara ara, so many trying to make a splash by choosing a high profile anime for their first project. I thought I would go with ADTRW since they have at least some experience but their video encoding sucks balls.
> I thought I would go with ADTRW since they have at least some experience but their video encoding sucks balls.
How about you try finding a good raw 48 hours after the first broadcast.
yeah, doesn't ADTRW release in .mkv? that format means you're watching the fucking raw (unless they re-encoded it to reduce filesize)
ADTRW does reencode. Also, fyi ADTRW has a lot of overlap with the 4chan and 4-ch moderation :)
Guess who we're beeing confused with?
I wouldn't be surprised if some of us were involved in that. 4-ch does have our share of humanoid trash.
From what I could tell it wasn't so much confused as blithely shortening 4chan to 4ch. Probably because some of them still haven't got a clue that 2ch and 2chan are two different sites.
Nyoro~on doesn't seem to be doing too terrible of a job. I don't really feel that any of the humor's been lost. Just some wierd/somewhat out of character phrasing.
There was already porn out for this series before the third ep. Truth.
Trust us on this, they are doing a terrible job. Probably the worst out of all the bad jobs people are doing on that series.
They do a bit better when they have somebody better to rip off, though, apparently.
>>14 You make me think I should've went from my first instinct- "Anyone who thinks that nyoro~on trash is funny is a fucking moron".
Who would you reccomend? I'm greatly enjoying the series regardless of the supposedly terrible translations, so I think it'd just get even better.
I recommend nobody, because they are all pretty horrible. I guess AiA might have a decent chance of getting things right but they still fucked up important lines in ep 1, as already mentioned.
Actually, I'll modify that statement a bit: The anon subs aren't too bad. Unfortunately they don't exist for all episodes.
Are you the same guy who criticized Oyasumi's translation of Welcome to the NHK?
Kamina isn't bad at all.
Are all the other subs still sucking ass?
Cause anon's seems to be the best but there are NO seeds for any of his torrents.
sekusharu mecha unification
check rapidsearch for the .ass files and download the raws
gurren rocks
I love the show, but I just wish that the subs would get things right.
This series deserves WAY better.
At least it's finally licensed so most of the butchering has stopped.
dose anyone know if it will be licensed and dubbed in the west?
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Age for ending.
I'm still on 8 ;_;.
What's with this 40% thing by the way ?