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You spelled your name wrong.
Just saying, Hiiragi.
Nice AA.
Kagami is concidered as a tsundere, right or wrong?
What do you think?
>>2 Oh, thank you for telling me!
>>3 Konata said to me "Youre tsundere" but I dont know what it means.
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Welcome to our board, Kagami-sama. Would you like some tea?
( ^ー^)_且~~~
You said it ! you said it!
I have teh tape:
"Hiragi" is an entirely acceptable spelling, if a somewhat confusing one. "Hiiragi" is only one out of several possibilities, you know, and not an officially recognized one at that.
It's one of the officially recognised romanisations actually. Although the supposed "official" official one which nobody actually uses IRL would have it as "hiragi", yeah.
"Hiragi" is not the same thing as "Hiiragi."
Just like "hashi" is not the same thing as "hashii".
just sayin.
If Tsukasa drops her cell phone but no one is there to see her, does she make a sound?
Right, but with names, romanisation isn't always standard, which is why we write Tokyo and not Toukyou.
"Hīragi" would be the most official spelling in Hepburn. When you can not use characters with macros like "ī", "Hiragi" is used instead, just like "Tokyo" is used instead of "Tōkyō".
On the internet, most people use some variation on waapuro romanization instead, which is entirely non-standard. In waapuro, it's "Hiiragi" and "Toukyou".
well, it's more accurate imho. If people are going all Pinyin on China, they might as well do the same for Nippon.
Depends how you define accurate. Accurate in that it reflects the exact kana used? Fine, but don't go writing "wa" for the particle, write "ha" for consistency. Most people on the Internet can't even decide what romanisation system they want to use. At least settle on one.
Most people on the internet write "wa", and then they go and write "wo" and "he" anyway. So yeah, no, internet romanization is anything but "more accurate".
Why should I spell it "ha" when it is pronounced "wa"?
Why should I spell it "Hiragi" when it is pronounced "Hiiragi"?
Kagami, I love you. Every day while I sit at my computer, I dream of caressing you in my arms. Your sweet scent hypnotizes me. Your pulchritude makes me sweat with joy. Your skin (my realdoll of you), feels smooth like the underbelly of a whale.
Kagami, will you marry me?
I know, that's a pet peeve of mine. Why should we write "wo" and "he" when it actually sounds like "o" and "e".
Another pet peeve is when someone is writing kana to look cool and they write something like こんにちわ.
Waapuro romaji has other weird problems too. "oo" and "ou" sound identical so why bother having two ways to write it... there's no argument about it being more "accurate" because it's only closer to kana and if you want to be accurate in that respect, just use kana FFS. Romaji in the western world is supposed to be a guide to pronunciation, primarily for people who don't know any Japanese at all. No sense in making it even harder for them by spelling things differently than they sound.
And then there's the people who use "dzu" and "du" instead of "zu". And in particular the ones which write "du" never seem to write "tu".
If real dolls could be made accurately like anime characters, I could probably never decide who to use. Maybe Yuki... I could store her propped up up a chair, reading a book.
>If real dolls could be made accurately like anime characters
Like what, a paper doll?
Are you also spelling it "o" and "e"?
VIP kara kimasta!
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this is VIP Quality.
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i 乂-‐ -! i Is it w? And does it carry out?
\ヽ .ゞ - )ノ Also, what is "it?"
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⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃kagami is my wife
Use BRIDE instead of WIFE.
Use BURAIDO instead of BRIDE.
Will you marry me?
Use WAIFU instead of BURAIDO.
Use OKUSAMA instead of WAIFU.
Actually it would be extremely wrong to refer to your own wife as "okusama", so you fail it.
Use YOME instead of OKUSAMA.
A good thread ruined by languagefags who get their weeaboo panties in a twist. Seriously, if you guys are so good at Japanese why don't you post at Futaba Channel or 2chan?
Did you have a question for Hiiragi-san?
Hiiragi-san has left us. She has better things to do than talk with us losers.
I do. Is it illegal to post in both? Fucking nazis.
You've just been defeated by Rena in Saimoe 2007. Sorry. By the way you can still vote for her...
kagamin is killed by stupid fake votes !