episode 1: awesome
episode 2: narutoshit.
episode 3: back to awesome
havn't caught 4 yet. your thoughts?
i have not watched the anime
i read the manga
it is mostly naruto shit
its a typical shounen series
watched 4.
black star needs to die. worst character.
then this would be an awesome show
It would be awesome with most of your brain functions turned away.
Episode 3's late night version got on my nerves. What's the point of it being there when you can't show panties? Even Code Geass is showing panties, and some even barely cover the ass.
In the coming episodes I want more Maka (Even if the VA's acting needs a lot of work), more Death the Kid (Light's voice actor playing an OCD son of a shinigami never fails to amuse me) and less Black Star. I'll probably watch it to the end even with its faults.
I don't hate Black Star like everyone else.
I think he's kinda funny, but I can see it getting annoying really quick.
P.S. I don't even watch Naruto.
What are you guys talking about? The shear fact that the animation is so clear and beautiful due to the HD is great! Who cares if we have another Naruto like character in the show at least he doesnt scream out believe it or end his phrases with datebayo! The show is still amusing to watch and I will watch it till the end.
Oh God, is it like B'itch'leach? I fucking Hate Bleach&Naruto. I'll try the first episode.
The most recent episode was really good.
Sounds interesting, But It isnt
Has shonen been interesting? They reel you in then it goes to shit
I personally enjoy this kind of show, a no brainer adventure with full of reused animation scene. If you want something more thoughtful go watch Aria >:3
Aria sounded like a good idea but all the sequels make it daunting
saw 5. was good. so now it's:
episode 1: awesome
episode 2: narutoshit.
episode 3: back to awesome
episode 5: awesome yet again