Do you have some questions?
Yeah, what the bloody heck is a Japanese Vipper?
I ask, because I will be going over to japan soon enough with the army, but have been something of a japanese and japanese anime junkie for some time (I do not consider myself to be an otaku because I have a wide array of intrests outside of japan)
Yeah, (and I know I'm going to regret this) but what's a "vipper"?
You sound like an "otaku" in the American/English sense (i.e. an anime fan), but not in the original Japanese sense (i.e. an obsessive fan, not necessarily of anime).
Who bothered to make another thread similar to the one months ago?
That wiki doesn't actually answer the question of what a "vipper" actually is :-(
Perhaps such vipper concept may be above us the weaboo around here
There's but it is not VIP quality.
>Do you have some questions?
Yes, why aren't you on SAoVQ? If you hang around with these dokyuns too much, you'll lose your QUALITY.
What anime does a vipper watch in order to leave comments in here?
but mainly MUSASHI GUN-DOH.
How do 2ch users feel about foreigners voting in Saimoe?
No vipper should bother to watch Pretty Combat Communist Rika-chan