[Reviews] Season 2011 (84)

5 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU : 2011-01-08 19:30 ID:2FLxHh/V

Freezing 01
"Set in a slightly futuristic world where Earth has been invaded and is at war with aliens from another dimension called the Nova, the story follows the adventures of a Japanese boy named Kazuya Aoi who enrolls for training at a special school for genetically modified girls called Pandoras who battle the aliens, and their male partners, called Limiters, who use a special power called "freezing" to limit their opponent's mobility."

Ultra-violent sci-fi.

Based on a Korean manwha, which usually means "high quality art + guro + boobs + unlikeable, stiff characters + no plot".
I think I'm going to follow this for a few more episodes to make sure, and then I'm going to drop it when it's confirmed to go nowhere.
And yeah, so far I didn't like any of the characters.

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