[REQ] A thread for REQUESTS! [OBLIGATORY] (18)

1 Name: !!jHlguvSq (Admin) 2005-07-05 22:38 ID:3D1CCNBO

This is the REQUESTS thread. Use it to request reposts of certain AAs or provide a picture or an idea of something you want to see as an AA!
Upload pics here: http://kao.wakachan.net/r/wakaba.html

                           | |       _______
                           | .|     /
                          ∧_∧   | I HEREBY REQUEST
   ==============、            (´Д`; ) <  THE USA! USA! USB!
   /_____/\\            ) ⌒ヽ  |  ELECTION CAMPAIGN AA!
   /7     /7 \ \\         /   r、 \ \__________
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  .//   .\ .//     \ \\    ノ   ///\ / /、
 //     .//        \ \ _,,..-''"   / //  // /
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./     .//   //   / // ̄/ r /7    // \   /

9 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-09-02 00:38 ID:Heaven


Not really an anime pose, but here's a nice Death Note template (fill in the names or >> numbers of people you hate in the blanks):

 !.メ| 〉ヽ!:|_!:.|:i.:N:.|
:.:.l!:l、.:.:l、:l`ヽ::ノ_, ' リ |i |.,.ィl、.|::!||:.メ:リ
、:.l!.N、:い!.        !く:::ソ } |:.:|/:/
!:i、.i!リ ヽ!         , `~ /|:ノ:/  
:.i|:iN  `      .: ノ  /:!レ/′
:、l:|ハ     、____    /::i/'′
小| ヽ     `''ー‐`''  /|/l
:.:トヽ  \       /                      r‐-、r‐-、r‐-、r‐-、
N|`ヽ   ヽ、    , '´      ┌───────┤  ||  ||  ||_..._|‐───────┐
``'''‐- ..,_   iT"´           | ー──────‐ |_...._||  ||_...._|ヽ_,ノ. ─────── .|
、_    ``''‐N、           |           ヽ_,.ノ|.-‐.|ヽ_,ノ               ..|
 `ヽ、      i          | ─────────. `ー' ー‐─────────‐ |
、   `ヽ、   |           |                                   |
、`ヽ、   \  |          | ──────────―──────────‐.  |
 \ \   ヽ.|ヽ         |                                  |
   ヽ ヽ   |  \          | ────────────────────―― ..|
                   .|                                 .|

10 Name: 9 2005-09-02 00:38 ID:Heaven

argh, fucked it up

i:.:| |:.:.|l:.:.l/ィ示ヽミ !.メ| 〉ヽ!:|_!:.|:i.:N:.|
:.:.l!:l、.:.:l、:l`ヽ::ノ_, ' リ |i |.,.ィl、.|::!||:.メ:リ
、:.l!.N、:い!.        !く:::ソ } |:.:|/:/
!:i、.i!リ ヽ!         , `~ /|:ノ:/  
:.i|:iN  `      .: ノ  /:!レ/′
:、l:|ハ     、____    /::i/'′
小| ヽ     `''ー‐`''  /|/l
:.:トヽ  \       /                      r‐-、r‐-、r‐-、r‐-、
N|`ヽ   ヽ、    , '´      ┌───────┤  ||  ||  ||_..._|‐───────┐
``'''‐- ..,_   iT"´           | ー──────‐ |_...._||  ||_...._|ヽ_,ノ. ─────── .|
、_    ``''‐N、           |           ヽ_,.ノ|.-‐.|ヽ_,ノ               ..|
 `ヽ、      i          | ─────────. `ー' ー‐─────────‐ |
、   `ヽ、   |           |                                   |
、`ヽ、   \  |          | ──────────―──────────‐.  |
 \ \   ヽ.|ヽ         |                                  |
   ヽ ヽ   |  \          | ────────────────────―― ..|
                   .|                                 .|

This thread has been closed. You cannot post in this thread any longer.