Spoo (22)

1 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-05-26 23:16 ID:xKvesws0

               / ̄`''''"'x、
          ,-=''"`i, ,x'''''''v'" ̄`x,__,,,_
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 .l,  i,        }   人   ノヽ   |    {   {     保守
  },  '、       T`'''i,  `ー"  \__,/     .}   |
  .} , .,'、       },  `ー--ー'''" /       }   i,
  | ,i_,iJ        `x,    _,,.x="       .|   ,}
 `"            `ー'"          iiJi_,ノ

2 Post deleted by moderator.

3 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-05-26 23:42 ID:xKvesws0

Yeah, so. Your point? Seeing as how 99% of the images here are JIS Art.

4 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-05-27 00:33 ID:3wagFjj0

this thread = going nowhere fast

5 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-05-27 00:51 ID:xKvesws0

Lame mod.

6 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-05-27 04:25 ID:wWSmxTTW

so that weird thing that keeps getting posted on 2ch aa board is named spoo?

7 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-05-27 04:51 ID:xKvesws0


8 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-05-27 13:45 ID:3wagFjj0

9 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-05-28 05:56 ID:ubB5heuj

10 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-05-28 07:07 ID:wWSmxTTW

Holy fucking shit, once she started drawing the thing, I couldn't stop laughing, I'm just glad the guy was laughing with me when he saw it.

11 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-05-28 23:15 ID:Heaven

12 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-05-30 02:56 ID:xKvesws0


13 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-05-31 07:14 ID:VR30QTv/


14 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-06-03 07:04 ID:VR30QTv/

15 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-06-03 07:05 ID:Heaven

This video has been removed at the request of copyright owner Japan Broadcasting Corporation because its content was used without permission

16 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-06-04 10:59 ID:Heaven

*Everyone on 2ch kept reposting the AA of this mocking it and the female host of our show comitted SUICIDE when she invariably found out, so in order to respect the dead, her memory, and the wishes of her family this vidoe has been removed.*

17 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-06-04 11:05 ID:fOT1qW6I


18 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-06-06 10:48 ID:Heaven

Source is my mind and what I imagine can only happen the second she finds out about 2ch.

20 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-06-14 22:28 ID:V//izRcK


21 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-06-15 21:57 ID:Heaven

   // :/:::::/::::::.!:::|:::: !::::::::、:::::::::::::::::、::ヽ::::::::ヽ
   !|:::/::::::.!:::::::|:::∧::::|、::::::::!.、:::::::::::::ヽ: !:::::::::: !
  i:l: ::|:/:::.!::::::ii|_:| ヽ:::!l\:::!'、\::::::::::::!::!::::::::::::.!
.  |/l:::.!|, :::ヽ::::l'l:lヽ、ヽ:|l'´ヾr==ミ、:::::::|::|:::::::!::::: !
   |::.!l:.!::::::lヽ|,==、 `'    ヽ   \:|:: !: ::: !::::::.! I have no spoo!!
   l/ `ヽ::|:::l     , - 、       ll'::::!.l:::::.!:::::::.!
       l`l::.!!     l/ ̄ ヽ    /.!::::.!:|::::::.!:::::::l
       !::::.!.!ヽ   ヽ   ノ  /::::|:::::|::.!:::::.!:::::::.!
      .!::::| !::::.` ー 、._ ´ ,/  |::: !:::::|:::l::::::.!:::::::|
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      |::::::l':::::.!::::::|:::::_, -/}    /:l:::::lー-∟: !:::::::.!
      !::::::|:::::_!, .‐' ´.:.:.:!r- 、_ /.:.:.:!::::l// /`ヽ:: !
.     |::::::|/ ヽヽ.:.:.:.:.:.lィーミ./.:. :.:.:.!:::.!/  /   !::.!
.     |:::::::! ヽ ヽヽ.:.:.:.ヽ  / .:.:/ !::::|   /   |::::!

22 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-06-17 00:58 ID:la0K2bvB

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