Ever tried writing your own novel? (26)

1 Name: Serial ATA : 2007-12-07 07:24 ID:PlMtDQos

I did, during my final high school year. It was very fun to write, considering the political issue of the time (I'm not a politician, but I was inspired). Unfortunately the only hard, handwritten copy of the novel (debut title: Moonlight Prince) was lost (I suspect somebody read it and never returned it to me) and it left me frustrated for two years. And this before I began writing fan fictions.

Right now I have plans to write two original novels but haven't decided on their datelines (one of them, though, has been written down in scripts for three years). I'm not sure to who or how I will publish this, but I'm looking forward to have it turned to manga.

Share your experience of writing original novel(s) here. Advices or anything will be very appreciated.


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