Ever tried writing your own novel? (26)

1 Name: Serial ATA : 2007-12-07 07:24 ID:PlMtDQos

I did, during my final high school year. It was very fun to write, considering the political issue of the time (I'm not a politician, but I was inspired). Unfortunately the only hard, handwritten copy of the novel (debut title: Moonlight Prince) was lost (I suspect somebody read it and never returned it to me) and it left me frustrated for two years. And this before I began writing fan fictions.

Right now I have plans to write two original novels but haven't decided on their datelines (one of them, though, has been written down in scripts for three years). I'm not sure to who or how I will publish this, but I'm looking forward to have it turned to manga.

Share your experience of writing original novel(s) here. Advices or anything will be very appreciated.


2 Name: Bookworm : 2007-12-08 00:06 ID:K0Oub/+s

About a year ago I tried to. I have schizophrenia and a drug problem, so that gave me the brilliant idea to get high once a night on something and write until I could complete a book. I don't think it ever got off the first chapter.

3 Name: Bookworm : 2007-12-09 00:04 ID:ofcHkee0

I did NaNoWriMo twice.

>>1, "have it turned to manga"? What, do you pay the manga factory $100 and they run it through their machine or something? Getting manga artists interested in your story sounds like a pretty far-fetched fantasy unless you're waaaaaaaaay better of a writer than you're letting on. Out of curiosity, how old are you and what do you do for a living?

4 Name: Bookworm : 2007-12-09 16:22 ID:nY6QOJLd

I've tried to write sooo many novels. I'm relatively talented at discriptive writing and creating characters, and I'm particularly talented at creating fantasy styled worlds for my stories to take place in. Problem is, i'm completely hopeless with plots.
Completely, and utterly hopeless. Even though I can't stand cliches, no matter what I start off with, in the end my story almost always boils down t some crap involving people either stuck on an island, or going on a quest for some kind of jewel or other item. Even if I say, 'fuck it, i'll do my best to write a stupid quest for jewel story', I end up giving up [sometimes after 300+ pages] because I've gone back and read it, and realised the whole thing is complete shit, except for my characters, world and descriptions of them.
I'm trying to work on my plotting ability, but I think i'm so bad at it, I'll never be able to improve to a satisfactory level. Perhaps the only thing I can do is use plot-lines other people come up wth for me, or something. If anyone has any constructive advice, please, please tell.

5 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E : 2007-12-10 03:01 ID:Heaven

I'm in a similar boat to >>4.

Sometimes if it strikes my fancy I begin writing pieces of fiction. Then I let them sit several months (and sometimes years) and come back to them. Whenever I reread them I can only shake my head, but I learn something from the experience.

I have a small theory that it's easier to make superior short stories than long ones, because it's easy to throw away small things or completely redo them. Long stories have taken so much investment that the authors are reluctant to chuck them out.

Having said that, I have no intention of publishing a thing; it's just a diversion.

6 Name: Bookworm : 2007-12-13 02:07 ID:Heaven

No. First of all, writing sentences is a pain.

7 Name: Bookworm : 2007-12-14 19:29 ID:Heaven

I don't have the dedication for anything longer than short poetry.

8 Name: Bookworm : 2007-12-16 23:22 ID:wR7DdpAJ

i have had the inspiration to write due to the things in this world, but with alot of things going on its hard to. I do keeps some paper and pen handy just incase I think of something when riding the train after work. But writing on the train can be loud, considerating when kids get on and when I leave work.

9 Name: iLikeThis : 2007-12-19 03:19 ID:R/9xIp6t

I always seem to think of this amazing, long story in my head, but when push comes to shove, and I get ready to write it, I realize that I'd rather be playing DoDonPachi or some other arcade game than writing/typing it.

10 Name: Bookworm : 2008-01-03 05:22 ID:9JrPOvqe


I had a similar problem, I was always saying to my self that I need to write down my ideas when I was high, but I never did it. Even when I realized I was addicted to certain drugs, and I decided to stop, I went through a rough withdrawal period where I was really paranoid and avoided people for about a month or two and had tons of crazy thoughts, but I never actually recorded anything.

I still want to write a short story, but I always run out of ideas when I am simply writing for classes, so I wish I recorded my shit to give me some strange ideas.

11 Name: Bookworm : 2008-01-03 05:49 ID:iKCFOCN1

I wrote erotic literature, does that count?

It's much harder to write than normal literature because even after you're done you can't get the story out of your head.

12 Name: Bookworm : 2008-01-05 08:21 ID:rQvv4/yI


Outlines. Writing a book takes organization. I've written a novel, it's about 90,000 words or so, and it took me a little over a year. I had a plot outline, drew maps of locations to make sure geography and stuff made sense, wrote essays describing the characters and their motivations, what they knew and what they didn't know, lists of the stuff they had on them, had background stories for everybody, including shit like pet dogs they had as children and their favorite pair of shoes. You get the idea. I know so much ridiculous shit about everyone and everything in the story, and about 90% never actually gets related, but helps to flavor what DOES go on paper.

Writing a novel is fucking WORK. It's not going to happen if you don't have a clear idea about what you want to say, the story you want to tell and a game plan to go about it. After many abortive attempts at story writing I finally figured that out, and slogged through word after word, doing countless rewrites and edits, outline not far from hand.

My novel may or may not be worth a shit, I don't know. But it's fucking finished. I learned a ton about writing in the doing of this thing, which may have been the most important thing.

13 Name: Bookworm : 2008-01-11 03:54 ID:Heaven

See >>9. I'm too long winded to be able to put the plot I have conceived in a short story, but I don't have the dedication to get any farther than the first chapter or so.

I also have a problem with starting. I have tried starting that first chapter at least ten times and every time I feel like what I get isn't a good enough start. It almost makes me want to make a humungo outline of the entire story and start from the middle or something. I guess as long as I have all the key facts planned out I can work my way back without any significant plot issues...

14 Name: Bookworm : 2008-01-16 06:50 ID:PYAgGhow

The same thing applies to my as does to many others. I have come up with fantastic stories and characters, but I can't write for shit.

15 Name: Bookworm : 2008-01-22 00:01 ID:oDyOsWa5

I like doing it.

But I have always the problem I never get them to an end...

16 Name: jei : 2008-01-23 13:26 ID:5RrgBOxv

i tried but i failed

17 Name: Bookworm : 2008-01-25 16:30 ID:D54LPbt0

I think that a lot of modern fiction is too long: it concentrates on quantity over quality. I am planning a compendium of fairly short stories based on the amazing weirdness and beauty of everyday life.

18 Name: Bookworm : 2008-03-06 15:06 ID:nPdBtyNh

4 here...
I can outline, I love to draw maps, design whole ecosytems sometimes even, create detailed characters, histories... I'm great at everything except the actual story. I come up with some idea, but then, even with outlining, it somehow turns into people stuck on an island, or some stupid quest etc.
How do I come up with a good story that doesn't turn into those things? It's tragic...

19 Name: That Nigger From 7chan : 2008-03-07 08:21 ID:opc5eKZ2

I'm planning to write my own novel sometime next year.

20 Name: Bookworm : 2008-03-07 11:32 ID:Pd4GEsz2

I don't like writing with humanity as a frame of reference. Consequently nobody will ever read my work. Fortunately, I don't care.

21 Name: Bookworm : 2008-03-09 21:47 ID:6SGHq9Sh

I've done NaNoWriMo 4 times, won the first 3 and failed the most recent one because starting college made me super busy. Recently, I've been having the same sentiments as >>17. I think maybe short stories are better unless you have a really good idea that wouldn't fit into a short story.

22 Name: Bookworm : 2008-03-10 23:21 ID:rr3qiMo4

I dunno, there's lots of popular transhumanist Science Fiction like that.

23 Name: Bookworm : 2008-03-11 04:47 ID:Heaven


What I'm talking about is doing something like writing from the view of a serial killer, extolling soullessness as a virtue... Kind of like Ayn Rand, except with more death and less Roark.

24 Name: Bookworm : 2008-03-11 17:58 ID:Heaven

It's been done.

25 Name: Bookworm : 2008-03-11 20:47 ID:Heaven


Oh, cool. By who? Next I'll write from the perspective of the ocean.

26 Name: Bookworm : 2008-03-14 03:21 ID:Heaven


Jeffry P. Freundlich, for one.
They even made a TV series out of it.

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