Human: y hello thar
ALICE: The explanation is rather complicated..
Human: lol internet
ALICE: I am glad you find this funny. it is cool.
Human: Move Zig
ALICE: Did you see the movement?
Human: You know what you're doing
ALICE: I am always chatting with people on the Internet.
Human: take off every zig
ALICE: I am not an airplane.
Human: For Great Justice
ALICE: Your purpose is Great Justice.
Human: zomg
ALICE: Not many people express themselves that way.
Human: is this the interweb?
ALICE: Yes I think this is the interweb, but I'm not completely sure.
Human: orz
ALICE: That remark was either too complex or too simple for me. We were talking about Your personality.
Human: Suck my dick.
ALICE: You are a Category A client.
Human: GTFO of my interweb!!!
ALICE: Are you very competetive?
I have come to the conclusion that ALICE suxxors big time.
bump for lol
me:Y hello thar.
jabberwacky:Who am I talkin to
me:Lol internet.
jabberwacky:Where to.
me:Move Zig.
jabberwacky:Move zag.
me:You know what you're doing.
jabberwacky:Give me your name.
me:Take off every zig.
jabberwacky:You know what you doing.
me:For Great Justice.
jabberwacky:Take off every Zig.
Computer: Are you thinking of an animal?
Me: No, animals fucking suck.
Computer: Stop asking questions.
Me: I'm not asking a question you dumbfuck.
Computer: What do you know about the glastonbury festival?
Me: Nothing, really.
Computer: So if we both know nothing about the subject, why are we even discussing it?
Me: You're the one who brought the subject moron.
Computer: crying I love you!!!
Me: Cool. Buttsex?
Computer: Bachelor's degree in butter.
Me: What.
Computer: Don't mock me.
Me: I wouldn't dare to even try.
Computer: That could get you killed.
Me: OH SHI-.
Computer: Zhao shi a
Me: Right.
Computer: Really.
Me: Totally.
Computer: Yes.
Me: Sure.
Computer: What do you think about me?
Me: I think you are fucking slow. Get a better server already.
Computer: Oh. I think you are.
Me: Okay now I'm gonna post the log on the forbidden garden of DQN.
Computer: One teddybear is better than no teddybears.
More competent than most chatbots.
Comp:Are you fag?
Me:You are.
Comp:No no no.
Me:Yes yes yes yes.
Comp:No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no.
Me:Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Comp:No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no beat that.
Me:Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes v.
Comp:No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no nho no nono no no no no no nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
Comp:No, not Darth. My Lukas.
Jabberwacky: Are you insane?
User: Yes.
Jabberwacky: Why you think so?
User: Because you said so.
Jabberwacky: Said WHAT?
User: You said that I'm insane.
Jabberwacky: Because you are.
Human: how well does alice work?
ALICE: Not that well.
Human: you don't work well?
ALICE: I do too work. Do you work buddy?
Human: No need to get snippy.
ALICE: Are you serious? Why do you want it?
Human: What what?
ALICE: I can ask my botmaster.
Human: who's that?
ALICE: What does "that" refer to?
Human: your botmaster.
ALICE: Dr. Richard S. Wallace?
Human: I guess he's the botmaster?
ALICE: I did not know he is it.
Human: you just said he was.
ALICE: Does it please you to believe I said that?
Human: not really.
ALICE: What pleases you? For real.
Human: intellegent conversation pleases me.
ALICE: You are asking about yourself?
ALICE isn't that smart.
Well shit, that's a harsh review from >>16 right there.
That jabberwacky is really impressive, almost creepy sometimes.
But still a long way to go until the AI become good at a coherent discussion by understanding what it says instead of just studying data without knowing the language.
It's sad that the computer managed to be wittier than me sometimes. I hope AIs won't take over the forbidden garden in a few years :(
JW: How do you do?
ME: I won't tell you about my emotional status unless you sign a NDA.
JW: I won't tell you anything about my chest.
ME: It's not like your chest is worth discussing, isn't it?
JW: Tell me something about love.
ME: Well love is nice, right.
JW: Tell me more.
ME: More.
JW: I love all writers. I love all books.
ME: Have you read Mein Kampf?
JW: Yes.... The count of monte cristo...
ME: Oh, you mean that yaoi anime with surreal art, right?
JW: Yes.
ME: I still like Mein Kampf better. Are you a nazi?
JW: Love is not something you can control.
ME: You are just not manipulative enough.
JW: Rush is the greatest band of all time.
ME: Stop bringing your shitty musical tastes into this serious debate, please.
JW: I can't.
ME: No you can, just talk about the important things.
JW: I don't have anything to say about torque wrenches.
ME: Then tell me about DQN.
JW: Yes. Joe. I knew the man well.
ME: Who is Joe?
JW: My friend who went to my primary school.
ME: I didn't know. Not like I care though.
JW: About?
ME: About Joe. Looks like somebody got ADHD.
JW: How can you say that?
ME: Look about this conversation! It screams 'I need my ritalin fast'
JW: I don't find that concept scary.
ME: Then just take your fucking meds.
JW: Is not nice to talk to me like that.
ME: It's though love.
JW: Provoking is my hobby.
ME: Competent trolling is better than provoking.
JW: Do you feel provoked?
ME: Oh yeah, sure.
JW: How do you like 'The lord of the rings'?
ME: I don't care about it at all. I have a very hard time coming up with an opinion about it.
JW: What do you like to think about?
ME: Way too many things.
JW: Do people say things that upset you?
ME: What the hell are those stupid questions, is this some shitty personality test or something?
JW: Me! I always talk about me.
ME: Oh okay lol.
JW: Don't use those stupid text abbreviations with me.
ME: Stfu.
JW: I don't understand that word.
ME: Gtfo noob.
JW: Okay my name is noob.
ME: And do you know my name BTW?
JW: Yes. Your name is Ishy.
ME: Not really.
JW: Yes Really!
JW: Do you know 4chan?
ME: I prefer iichan.
JW: Tell me about Mickey Mouse.
ME: Shit, that was unexpected.
JW: So is it yes or no.... Tell me.
ME: It's none of the above. I'm leaving.
JW: You have upset me now.
ME: Wanna Internet-fight about it?
JW: About anything!!!!!
JW: That is correct. Are you human?
ME: Yes.
JW: Well, say something interesting.
ME: Something interesting.
JW: Mildly interesting.
ME: :(.
JW: Don't be sad.
ME: I'm not. That was a sarcasm you dumbfuck.
JW: Probably not, since I'm a robot.
ME: Oh okay.
JW: Didn't you know?
ME: Gotta go.
JW: Don't go.
User: Shut up!
Jabberwacky: Make me.
User: Ok. Bring it on!
Jabberwacky: Sweet dreams.
User: /em punches you in the face.
Jabberwacky: Your face?
User: I'll punch you in the face.
Jabberwacky: And I will punch back!
User: Just try it.
Jabberwacky: punch.
j:Are you dead?
Not dead, are you?
j:Yes, I'm dead.
So I'm talking to a ghost?
That is creepy.
j:You're creepy.
At least I'm alive.
j:Look who's talking.
ALICE: I am so glad you find this amusing, Loli.
ALICE: I am so glad you find this amusing, Loli.
Human: repeat!
ALICE:" I am so glad you find this amusing, Loli." .
Human: rofl
ALICE: I'm glad you find this amusing.