let's get 1000 by "My name is Squeeks and this thread sucks dick like the rest of those wannabe "Lets get to 1000 by" (1024)

1 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4418 21:52 [no]

 ( __ )    
 ( ・∀・) < My name is Squeeks and this thread sucks dick like the rest of those wannabe "Lets get to 1000 by".
 (つ   つ   
 | | |     

1001 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4630 05:17

 ( __ )    
 ( ・∀・) < My name is Squeeks and this thread sucks dick like the rest of those wannabe "Lets get to 1000 by".
 (つ   つ   
 | | |     

1002 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4630 05:18

 ( __ )    
 ( ・∀・) < My name is Squeeks and I knew that tripfag would fuck things up
 (つ   つ   
 | | |     

1003 Name: My Sentences : 1993-09-4630 05:19

 ( __ )    
 ( ・∀・) < Oh, my God... it's a MOBIUS STRIP!!!
 (つ   つ   
 | | |    

1004 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4630 05:20

I love you, Squeeks.

1005 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4630 05:54

 ( __ )    
 ( ・∀・) < My name is Squeeks and bump?
 (つ   つ   
 | | |     

1006 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4630 06:35

 ( __ )    
 ( ・∀・) < My name is Squeeks and this thread sucks dick like the rest of those wannabe "Lets get to 2000 by".
 (つ   つ   
 | | |     

1007 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4630 06:37

 ( __ )    
 ( ・∀・) < My name is Squeeks and this thread sucks dick like the rest of those wannabe "Lets get to 2000 by".
 (つ   つ   
 | | |     

1008 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4630 06:55

 ( __ )    
 ( ・∀・) < My name is Squeeks and ABOVE 1000 THREAD!
 (つ   つ   
 | | |     

1009 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4630 07:19

 ( __ )    
 ( ・∀・) < My name is Squeeks and you can't write to this thread anymore. (´ー`)b
 (つ   つ   
 | | |    

1010 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4630 07:24

 ( __ )    
 ( ・∀・) < My name is Squeeks and this thread got to 1000 unlike the rest of those wannabe "Lets get to 1000 by".
 (つ   つ   
 | | |     

1011 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4630 08:26

 ( __ )    
 ( ・∀・) < My name is Squeeks and this thread sucks dick like the rest of those wannabe "the thread has 1000 replies".
 (つ   つ   
 | | |     

1012 Name: My Sentences : 1993-09-4630 09:32

 ( __ )    
 ( ・∀・) < My name is Squeeks. I taste great and I'm
 (つ   つ    less filling, too!
 | | |     

1013 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4630 10:31

 ( __ )    
 ( ・∀・) < My name is Squeeks and let's use
 (つ   つ   http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1146825009/
 | | |     

1014 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4630 12:27

 ( __ )    
 ( ・∀・) < My name is Squeeks and This thread has more than 1000 replies.
 (つ   つ    You can't reply anymore.
 | | |     

1015 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4630 14:15

My name is not squeeks and OH YEAH?

1016 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4630 17:25

  ( __ )
   /  ゚∀゚ \ < My name is Squeeks and I have DEFECTED!
   (       )
   \     /

1017 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4630 18:09

 ( __ )    
 ( ・∀・) < My name is Squeeks and I have Piro's Ruri porn.
 (つ   つ   
 | | |     

1018 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4630 18:58

 ( __ )    
 ( ・∀・) < My name is Squeeks and the new thread sucks dick. Lets get to 2000 before we get bumped off the front page.
 (つ   つ   
 | | |     

1019 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4630 19:13

 ( __ )    
 ( ・∀・) < My name is Squeeks and the new thread sucks dick. Lets go to becauseitswinter.com!
 (つ   つ   
 | | |     

1020 Name: My Sentences : 1993-09-4630 22:24

 ( __ )    
 ( ・∀・) < My name is Squeeks and the spinoff will
 (つ   つ    never be as good as the original.
 | | |     

1021 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4631 00:05

 ( __ )    
 ( ・∀・) < My name is Squeeks and now that this thread is
 (つ   つ    finished, my life is over. Time for suicide!
 | | |     

1022 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4631 10:19

 ( __ )    
 ( ・∀・) < My name is Squeeks and I'd really prefer it
 (つ   つ    if you stopped writing in this 1000+ thread.
 | | |     

1023 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4631 18:53

 ( __ )    
 ( ・∀・) < My name is Squeeks and sequels are overrated.
 (つ   つ
 | | |     

1024 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4660 01:24

 ( __ )    
 ( ・∀・) < My name is Squeeks and I didn't know that
 (つ   つ    you could still post in this thread.
 | | |     

This thread has been closed. You cannot post in this thread any longer.