>>1 is clearly a faggot.
>>3 needs to stop being such a GET whore.
>>5 tries to come off all superior to those around it.
>>6 is some sort of politically correct faggot who can't use gendered pronouns.
>heterosexual finesse
Is that like french for 'homo' or something?
>>12 botched by foundering in using the thesaurus (http://www.m-w.com )
>>14 couldn't spot a misspelling of "floundering" if it raped him with a strap-on vibrator from behind.
People often confuse the verbs founder and flounder. Founder comes from a Latin word meaning “bottom” (as in foundation) and originally referred to knocking enemies down; people now use it also to mean “to fail utterly, collapse”: The business started well but foundered. Flounder means “to move clumsily, thrash about” and hence “to proceed in confusion.” Thus if >>15 is foundering in appearing that he has a clue, he had better lurk more; if he is floundering, he may yet pull through.
>>16 is tl;dr, and needs to go away from DQN
>>17 is tired and bitter!
>>18 is jacques chirac
>>20 has a penis bone even though he's human only so that everyone can see what an idiot he is since he frequently manages to break it
>>22 is moot
>>26 is nurupo
>>27 gah!
>>28 is....well, ugly.
>>29 breaks into open weeping during sex.
>>32 is too stupid to think of a good insult
>>33 is the shit piece left in my column after an enema.
>>1-34,36-1000 tanasinn
>>36 doesn't know when a thread is over! This thread will become a legendary cesspool of meaningless insults!
>>37 is desperate to keep his thread alive, even when it sucks.
>>39 NO U!
(come on, you knew it was coming)
>>40 is a 4chan faggot who can't come up with anything original
>>41 busted his cover, "faggot" is a typical 4chan insult.
For recycling something we already decided was lame, >>45 does not succeed.
>>46 is a little shitworm who needs to grow a fucking spine and dare to say some real insults.
>>47 has too much anger in his life.
oh and >>48 should shut up
>>51 has made this thread the worst thread ever.
>>52 fails at being a hip, cool, alternative internet person.
>>53 is a fuddy-duddy
>>54 is dead inside and cannot feel real feelings.
55 is an emo pussy
>>56 is a me-too trendhopper, jumping on the trite bandwagon of making fun of people for being emo.
>>58 is obviously too stupid to know that 57 comes after 56.
It's better than being a dumbass like >>60 .
If any body knows "scatological fetish" its >>63
I know you are, but what am I, >>64 ?
Congradulations Moron! You've found yet another way to flaunt your stupidity.
>>66 Oh the irony
>>67 gets off on illusions of superiority
>>70 dropped out of college to play World of Warcraft
>>71 is made of ass and poo
>>74 is getting off on the thought of pure, unadulterated male masturbation.
>>75 needs to go straight and get a woman
>>76 is only saying that to hide the fact that he is in fact HAADO GEI
is the real secret identity of HAADO GEI
>>80 just pain fails.
Ooh! Such wit! It took full 1 hour 52 minutes and that's all that >>81 could come up with.
>>82 needs to come up with less detailed insults.
>>86 io09i-0tip0izdrxt'ko67ygu65e46ssrthhrtshs6
>>89 thinks he's cool for including poop-culture references.
>>91's hand is busy at the moment, the elbow can take a message
>>96 explodes a lot.
>>98 also can't insult the poster above him
>>99 fails 100GET
>>92-98,100 fail to post anonymously.
>>101 failed to recognize that the default has been changed to W.T.Snacks
>>105 doesn't get puns unless they're explained in parenthetical notes (a jar).
>>114 speaks jive to cows in the hopes that it may score him some sweet sweet bovine ass
>>117 is a /b/tard and, as if that wasn't bad enough, can't spell.
>>121 thinks making 80s jokes makes him look cool when it really makes him look old.
thinks that smelling of breast milk is a bad thing
>>126 has a complex complex.
>>130 doesn't know when to stop.
>>136 makes references to people nobody cares about.
>>138 is so emo he insulted himself
>>139 is paranoid
>>1-141 are lactose intolerant.
>>147 does not know the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow.
>>150 fails to understand that Monty Python movies have no real plot.
>>151 fails to understand that under apparent plotlessness lies a subtle undercurrent of political critique and subversion, and under that is actually a plot, i think
>>155 couldn't get a clue if he pulled on a clue skin, doused himself in clue musk and sang the clue song while performing the clue dance in the middle of a field of horny clues at the height of the clue mating season.
thinks that DQN is an insult in the Forbidden Garden
Sorry I can't, my walls are bare.
>>176 can neither form a coherent sentence nor an insult.
177- wanks off to Webster's unabridged college dictionary.
That scarcely qualifies as an insult UNLESS YOU LIKE TO SUCK HUGE VEINY COCKS.
I can't believe I'm wasting my time on the likes of >>183.
>>188 replyed twice because nobody listened the first time.
>>189 couldn't get a stroke of genius if he gave Einstein a handjob.
>>190 disgraces science and progress with his pathetic puns.
a) has smelly balls
b) wants to get them sucked by a male who is not in employment, education or training
>>195 is a CONST.
>>196 is a NULL
>>200 is obsessed with not-so-large round numbers.
>>202 Is so ugly at Halloween the Haunted House paid him for admisson.
>>204 feels so big and strong, insulting everyone before him
>>209 is a fucking moron for continuing the "$NUMBER failed to notice that $NUMBER was not insulted".
>>210 is Captain Obvious, pointing out things everyone already knows.
>>212 is bathing in the warm afterglow of the fantasies of a all-bear orgy.
>>214 will settle for less than a cat.
>>220 is pedo
>>222 is lol
>>224 is a lowlife enough to actually post in this thread.
>>219-224, >>226's pea-sized brains cannot process sentences of more then three words
>>228 is actually stupid enough to think that his remark will make a difference
>>230 is too stupid to understand how this thread works.
>>234 makes fun of other people's misspellings over the internet.
>>237 Can't insult for shit.
>>238 is a great person...
...for me to poop on!
>>239 is Captain Obnoxious
>>241 should reload every 60 seconds like all loyal DQNs so things like this wouldn't happen
>>242 is a fucking homosexual faggot
( ´_⊃`)
( )
| | |
>>243 is a one-trick pony.
>>249 eats the shit of those who eat those who watch others eat shit for kicks, then shits it out and eats it again.
>>1 is the only one posting here
>>252 is a paranoid schizophrenic.
>256 refuses to be contained in a hexadecimal 2-digit number.
>>258 doesn't realize that caps lock is not cruise control for cool
>>259 is pointing out something that is apparent to even the most casual observer.
>>260 is pointing out something that is apparent to even the most casual observer.
>>261 is a loop
>>264 is not yet ready to be insulted, which is apparent to even the most causal observer
>>271 had a traumatic childhood eperiance involving a swimsuit and cheese.
>>272 has recurring masturbation fantasies involving swimsuits and cheese.
>>273 has no imagination
>>275 is a foppish dandy with a penchant for young boys
>>281 likes to kick people who are down.
282 can't get it up.
>>295 has ADHD
>>296 has bird flu strain that infects humans.
>>297 is a pandemic by himself
I Survived >>298
299 is the pussy, I survived the great Livejournal Outrage.
>>304 swings that way.
Likes to "see for himself" which way people swing.
>>309 is so emo he's purposely making himself easy to insult. Not that he'd have to.
310 spent his youth stuffing wimpy boys in lockers out of insecurity.
>>311 Was one of the boys who got stuffed up into a locker before PE and afterwards raped in the shower.
>>315 wears a "used" school uniform he purchased online.
>>316 wears a used uniform because he cant afoord a new one!!
>>317 wears anime girl masks and "clothing" then posts photos on the internet!
>>322 has no respect for penis-challenged people
>>324 provided the bad intelligence that started Iraq II: Electric Boogaloo.
>>325 is close to being a tripfag
>>328 is just a fag, he doesn't even have a trip to justify his gayness
>>329 thought up the term "tripfag"
>>330 is seething with jealousy
>>333 would have loved to 666GET, but he is only halfway there, that underachiever.
>>340 didn't even try.
>>342, on the other hand, is a deliberately selected idiot.
Is jealous of the chosen. Because he's an idiot.
>>347 enjoys the company of his computer screen more than other people, like his mother, whos basement he lives in.
>>351 has been under suspicion of buggery for some time, and will soon be made to pay for his crimes.
>>352 is the nationwide special prosecutor of faggotry, and believes that it is best to fight fire with fire.
>>359 doesn't really know any words
>>360 is bigger than xbox
>>362 bought a slim PS2
had buttsecks with a barbie doll with fleshlight attached
>>370 is a vegan with a cucumber complex.
>>374 is not worth insulting because he is genuinely stupid instead of being funny.
>>380 is fruity, balmy, barmy, bats, batty, bonkers, buggy, cracked, crackers, daft, dotty, haywire, kooky, kookie, loco, loony, loopy, nuts, nutty, wacky and also whacky.
>>381 is so unoriginal he needs a thesaurus to get any decent insulting done
[ x ] Clueless Twit [ ] Lamer [ ] Flamer
[ ] "Me too"-er [ ] Pervert [ ] Geek
[ ] Spammer [ ] Racist [ ] Fed
[ ] "Expert" [ ] Freak [ x ] Troller
[ ] Fundamentalist [ ] Satanist [ ] Net.cop
You Are Being Flamed Because
[ x ] You obviously don't know anything about the topic at hand
[ ] You quoted an ENTIRE post in your reply
[ ] You started a long, stupid thread
[ x ] You continued spreading a long stupid thread
Would never understand if he was to be insulted anyway.
>>388 doesn't even exist.
>>389 lied about being an Officer of the British Empire.
>>392 thinks calling someone a girl counts as an insult.
Proof of an imbecile troll.
>>407, on the other hand, prefers to service dogs orally
>>408 can't even make a proper >> link.
>>409 is very proud of his ability to do so most of the time.
A mime coud deliver better verbal insults then >>410 just did.
>>413 does not know what"we insult the poster above us" means
>>414 does, and exploits it to the best of his ability whenever and wherever possible.
>>418 is
( ´_⊃`) >>420 is a queer-assed homo faggot and pothead.
( )
| | |
>>424 is an ALGOL 58 programmer wannabe
>>427 has yet to figure out how to do PRINT "Hello" in Gee Wizz BASIC
>>428 has yet to figure out how to write "Hello" in Microsoft Word
>>429 has yet to figure out how to use these computer things, his mommy loaded 4-ch and typed that insult for him.
>>430's mom is so fat he has to bring the computer to her to type for him.
>>431's mom is so fat, she doesn't enjoy going to the beach because she is unsatisfied with her appearance in a bathing suit.
>>432 's mom is so ugly the paper bag refused to go over her head.
>>433's mom is so wide that the last time she went out in a blue dress, everyone said "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!"
>>434 is so unoriginal, he decided that yet another lame your mom joke would be the perfect insult.
>>437's step-sisters half-brother's second father's third cousin (twice removed)'s aunt's (mother's side) grandpa's neice's dog's victim's doctor's wife's college roomate's sister's uncle's drinking buddy's cooworker's barber's mother
>>439 step-sisters half-brother's second father's third cousin (twice removed)'s aunt's (mother's side) grandpa's neice's dog's victim's doctor's wife's college roomate's sister's uncle's drinking buddy's cooworker's barber's mother is a fag
Thinks calling someone a fag counts as an insult.
Proof of an imbecile troll.
441 is a flaming queen
>>442 is homophobic and insecure.
>>444 is trying to direct the attention away from himself so people don't notice his insecurity.
>>447 put an apostrophe in "wants".
>>450 puts the apostophe in places others would find uncomfortable
like the colon, or semi colon?
>>452 is an insult to himself.
>>454 is an insult to the living
>>456 is an insult to the universe
>>458 has been insulted by half of the universe
>>463 is ((●)トェェェイ(●))
>>464 is ( ´ω`)
>>465 has no life outside posting in the Grandpa v2.0 thread
>>467 is so clueless, he doesn't even know that the refresh button exists
>>468 is so clueless, he uses the refresh button instead of F5 or ?R
>>470 is so clueless, his dad had to put a sticker labelled "Computer Help" on his F1 key!
>>471 is still looking for the ANY key.
>>473 PICNIC
>>478 and his little friends are incapable of forming actual sentences.
>>479 is patronizing
>>481 is mean
Didn't have the brains to get one for himself.
>>488 is a toffee-nosed braggart
>>490 is supposed to insult the person before him.
>>494 is a tool who hides his poor spelling behind 1337 abbreviations.
>>497 is so dumb, he saw a sign that said wet floor, so he did.
>>497 is the only one laffing when he tells a joke
>>499 thinks nobody will notice he's copying insults from earlier in the thread.
>>501 is so dumb that he tried to minimize a 12 variable function to a minimal sum of products expression using a karnaugh map instead of the Quine-McCluskey Algorithm
>>502 is so dumb that he tried to minimize a 12 variable function to a minimal sum of products expression using a karnaugh map instead of the Quine-McCluskey Algorithm, then posted a joke about it
>>506 got "it"
>>509 got AIDS while dumpster diving behind W.T. Snacks' apartment.
Realized that he got AIDS when he saw Team America - World Police.
>>512 knows funny
>>517 is Janet Reno in fishnet stockings.
is masturbating to Jean Reno pictures while replying to this thread
everything about >>524 is so detesting that his right and left brain won't communicate. So he cannot count, and he cannot be creative.
Tried to make both sides of the brain communicate, using two tin cans and a streched wire.
The insults in this thread are getting lame. I think it's >>526's fault.
Pointing out the obvious detracts from a situation. Way to go!
>>528 is bored, boring and bothersome.
>>529 thinks that alliteration is somehow clever and interesting.
>>539 is dreaming the life.
>>539 is dreaming the life.
>>541 is using a crappy browser that replied twice.
>>542 is a niggler.
>>543 is a nigglet.
>>543 is a wannabe racist
>>545 is a midget.
Has a really fucked up view on what's GOOD or BAD.
548's view is only fucked up behind your fat ass.
549 is Bridget's brother
>>552 would like to get in touch with women: FAT CHANCE!!!
Lives in the lie his other "Father" is actually a woman.
>>554 can't see the difference between a man and a woman.
>>554 lives in the faulty assumption that his mommy is -like his father- of the human race, when in fact she is a sheep named "dolly-chan."
>>558 is the mother of fatty-chan
>>559 is the brother-in-law of the sister of fatty-chan
>>560 is doing a great job continuing this thread's tradition of shitty insults
>>561 can't even get a nice scat plot into this thread.
>>566 pays hosting and a domain name to host his own weblog
>>568 pays $10/month for 10 hours of dialup.
was such a lame attempt at an insult that im left breathless..
>>574 forgot how to breathe.
>>577 actually breathes under water, being a fish an all.
>>579 is a gigantic penis.
>>582 is George Zimmer.
>>589 used to have sagging balls, untill that time he accidentally crushed them between his knees in a bizarre attempt at making a military greeting, while walking on the knees.
>>590 spends hours fantasizing about sagging balls and visiting sagging balls websites
>>591 runs a sagging balls website as a 24/7 job
>>592 is laughing now, but he ties a knot in his scrotum to remember things he would otherwise forget
>>593 is jealous because he has no balls to tie knots with
>>594 isn't just the president, he's a client.
>>595 isn't just a client, he's the president.
>>597 seems to be under the delusion that anybody cares
>>598 went to Yoshinoya today. Yes, THAT Yoshinoya.
>>600 didn't 666GET. Ha, how about that, mother fucker!
0 records found
>>602 is a database freak
>>603 is a beta freak
>>610 is a typical oversensitive tranny
>>612 is amused by repetition
>>613 is amused by what little penis he has
Such a thing aside, >>614, please listen to me, in spite of being not related this thread very much. Yesterday, I went to YOSHINOYA nearby my house. Then,I found that all seats were saved, and couldn’t sit. I gazed a banner which says“Reducing By 150yen”. Are they fool?Is it nonsense? Hey, don’t come YOSHINOYA where you usually don’t come only for reducing by 150yen,goddam! Parents and their children also came,and said“Now, Dad’ll order TOKUMORI!” I couldn’t see anymore. I give you 150yen, so get away. YOSHINOYA originally should be more bloodthirsty. To stab or to be stabbed,such an atmosphere is desirable. Women and children must keep out it. At last, I sat.Then, the man who sit next to me ordered“OOMORI TUYUDAKU”. So, I got angry again. Listen, TUYUDAKU is already out of date. I was disgusted because you order TUYUDAKU with a look of triumph. I want to ask him“Is that true that you want TUYUDAKU?”. I want to ask a question closely. I want to ask a question closely almost one hour. I want to say“You simply want to say TUYUDAKU, and want to behave as if you are in the know. From the point of my view who is an professional of YOSHINOHYA, fashion among professionals of YOSHINOYA is NEGIDAKU. It is. NEGIDAKU is with much of leek. It is order style for professional of YOSHINOYA. But if you order with that style, you’ll marked by a clerk. It is, so to speak, a sword with edges on the both side of it. I can’t recommend it to beginners. After all, you, a beginner, should eat GYUSYAKETEISYOKU.
??? Everyone should just keep walking and not make eye-contact with >>615 . Its for your own safety.
>>619 is making a very poor attempt at reverse psychology.
Understimates a person with clearly much more brains than himself.
"misunderestimates"? ARE YOU EVEN TRYING!?
You belong here:
Go now before you hurt yourself!
>>626 thinks silence is an insult. That is true unless you have actual friends.
>>627 thinks the quick brown fox really jumped over the lazy dog.
>>628 is sexually attracted to Jack Daw's big sphynx of quartz
>>629 is [verb]ing the [body part] of [male name] and liking it.
>>631 Is just jealous about the masturbating, because he lost his penis when attempting to mate with a crocodile.
>>635 NO U
>>639 milked that to the last drop.
>>642 Paris
>>643 likes the writing of Ayn Rand
>>644 is Ayn Rand's sex slave
>>645 is Ayn Rand form Paris
It takes a pro to recognize another pro.
>>1-659 got owned.
>>660 never got an owner and was lonely all his life
>>662 has the wit and sophistication of a donkey.
>>664 664
>>667 failed to notice "Captain Obvious" does in fact contain a U.
Limp Bizkit.
>>673 broke up Bob Dylan.
>>680 uses interesting euphemisms to talk about his genitals
is mistaking 680 for himself, as he has never had any genitals to speak of since he was born
>>684 wishes he himself had a manhood to speak of, instead of playing down the gear of people he has never seen.
>>685 is a stupid bloody moron with no right to exist as a sentient being
>686 is DQN
>>687 hates to see two of the same characters next to each other.
has no sense of anything, none at all, your senseless, senseless i say senseless moooooo!
>>692 says senseless moooooo!
>>698 is weird for NOT enjoying smelly feet.
>>701 was waiting for 700GET and is sad because he missed it
Nobody loves >>707
>>710 's mother is so fat when she steps on a scale it says "One at time please."
>>711's mother is so fat, the National Weather Service assigns names to her farts.
>>714 Pa Pa Panda
can't spell xbox
>>722 doesn't want to know anything and has no reason to stay in high school
>>724 wrote the last posts.
>>728 Pa Pa Panda
>>727 tried to be too coherent for this thread but failed.
>>730 was never here. never was, will be or will ever have existed. Good day non-sir.
>>731 is talking to empty air.
>>733 has a Swiss bank account.
>>733 exports fart bottles to Switzerland
"Tests the said vaseline before he sells them.."
No but srsly, we need more creativity in here! No more given follow-up posts plz!
Gets thrown in prison all the time for being so fucking ugly
>>745 forgives and forgets.
>>748 has more hair than wit, and more faults than hairs, and more wealth than faults.
>>752 is the giver.
is very familiar with goatse as he visits everyday for his daily pleasure
doesnt have any freinds, and as such has no phone
>>760 is a phony.
>>761 accidentally developed flesh-eating bacteria her belly-button
>>763 is a Panda
>>764 is probably albright
>>765 Wants to have sex with pandas while jerking off Mr. Dress Ups dead corpse in front of Martha Stweart.
>>767 doesn't proofread his posts.
>>769 is thinking about bottoms.
>>775 bodybuilds to draw attention away from his tiny penis
>>779 is a Panda
>>780 couldn't get laid if the survival of his species depended on it
>>785 enjoys construction work.
>>792 is half of pi.
>>793 gets dressed up like a mailman while his mother goes and has sex with some guy he doesn't know on his dad's bed.
>>797 forgets who's bed he's in
>>798 is in bed with a Panda
>>801 is trying way too hard to be DQN. Trying and failing.
>>807 is too lame to think of a new joke
>>808 thought of a new joke, but didn't bother using it.
>>810 is a churlish swag-bellied fustilarian
>>812 uses terminology I don't understand
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.| ヾミ,l _;;-==ェ;、 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ ヒ-彡|
〉"l,l "-ー:ェェヮ;::) f';;-ェェ-ニ ゙レr-{ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
| ヽ"::::''  ̄´.::;i, i `'' ̄ r';' } | I see so many crappy treads here.
. ゙N l ::. ....:;イ;:' l 、 ,l,フ ノ | You'de better get out of here,
. |_i"ヽ;:...:::/ ゙'''=-='''´`ヽ. /i l" < otherwise you spoil yourself!
.| ::゙l ::´~===' '===''` ,il" .|'". |
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/ .| \ゝ、゙l;: ,,/;;,ノ;r'" :| \
'" | ''-、
'ー--─'";;-'''" ,| \_
818 douches with lysol
819 is funny
>>820's keyboard and mouse are broken.
>>821 is not good at personal hygiene
Smells because he cant afford a bathtub or a shower
>>823 smells despite the fact that he showers twice a day
>>824 has no discernable smell at all, because he's a robot.
>>825 trusts the pusher robot.
>>826 thinks it's funny to make references only five people will get.
>>828 plays too much Escape ( http://escape.spacebar.org/ ).
thinks secret codes make you cool. He's wrong, though.
Buys CDs.
speands his life outside in the grass because he has no home, like a Panda!, hows the bamboo?
>>839 is giving lessons but doesn't check if spellcheck is a valid spelling.
>>841 is clearly a faggot.
speands!, o rly?
848 has done it and confessed to it in church
>>849 has FAILED to use the leading >> symbols because he is a big dummyhead.
you're a fag and nobody likes you. plz die amirite?
>>854 fails at attempting to create a graphical representation of an insult using text
>>857 is a coprophile
>>859 thinks that perverts like us DQN don't know what a hermaphrodite is.
>>860 makes a good point, but that doesn't change the fact that he rapes baby goats.
>>868 is a time cop
>>869 is a fucking tripcode fag man. I hate you.
>>873 is just another goody two-shoes.
>>874 is the grain of sand in the Machine who will bring the collapse of all that is noble and good.
>>881 is just bitter because he isn't part of the hive-mind.
wishes gantz would revive 10 homos to have gay sex with him
Gantz revived 10 homos to have gay sex with >>885
>>888 thinks he's cool simply because he GOT an interesting number
Thinks computer science is cool
>>895 thinks that one can learn something useful at school.
>>896 learned everything from his Ma and Pa out on the ranch. Except how to read and write.
>>899 is a godless communist and therefore does not enjoy Christmas.
>>901 is homosexual and is not welcomed in the forbidden garden of Jesus.
>>902 is a Panda and is not welcomed in the forbidden thread of insulting.
>>904 is not posting in a legendary thread
>>905 is a fudk
>>909 Merry fucking Christmas in the middle of September, dick.
Retard. orz
>>911 Retard. orz
>>913 also forgot the sage.
>914 is fucked by me
>>918 is a fucker.
you are fuck off.
and your girl frielnd is reiping by me.
Lol that made no sense
sorry DQN this may seem like a generic insult, please forgive me for i have sinned
>>923 is very upset.
>>924 likes using pussy words to describe masculine rage.
Is gay. Hard gay.
Doesn't understand the difference between hard gay and HAADO GEI
Bumped the thread for no reason at all.
>>929 has an insult or two.
>>932 said it himself.
>>933 can't bring himself to hit the other guy while he's down.
Take this, >>934! WHUP! CRASH! BANG! 'Feel better yet?
Better than licking it like >>937 does.
>>938 wants 1000 THAT badly.
>>939 takes 63 bit sockets in the ass.
takes 64 and a half bit sockets in the ass and enjoys it, begging for more and more, till his anus explodes
>>941 explodes.
takes 64 and a half bit sockets in the ass and enjoys it, begging for more and more, till his anus explodes
is cliched and lives up to the name Captain Obvious!
>>953 is tone-deaf
>>954 predicted the imminent death of the 'Net
>>955 bought 500 bottles of spring water in preparation for Y2K
>>957 believes the iPod hype.
Belives in what little hype the Nintendo Revolution has
>>959 owns 3 PSPs. One for shitty homebrew and pointless emulation, one for normal use, and one for absolutely nothing.
Buys 300 cases of canned beans in preparation for Y3K
>>964 fapped 300 times in preparation for 1000GET
>>965 thinks 1000GET is unimportant, the uncultured swine that he is.
>>966 raises uncultured swines for a living.
>>967 loves the way those uncultured swine oink when he does them in the butt.
>>968 loves to cavort in a bathtub filled with mayonnaise and pigs.
>>969 loves to cavort in a bathtub filled with hot sauce and caviar.
>>970 ruined the STEALTH THREAD by posting and then not deleting the posts
>>971 is too smart for a DQNer and is gonna get his ass handed to him
>>972 knows from having his ass handed to him many times.
>>975 is so close.
>>986 doesn't like beef bowls, but went anyway just because of the discount
>>987 shot the sheriff, but left the deputy alive to testify at the trial.
>>989 refuses to believe that aliens are out there.
>>990 is from Uranus
>>993 thinks Uranus is better than France.
>>993 is doing it wrong
>>995 hears that from his uncle every night
>>997 repeated the previous insult, but phrased in a dumber way.
>>998 is afraid of change.
>>1001's penis width and length stand to each other as the golden ratio
1002 can measure a penis with the accuracy of Rain Man. Practice makes perfect! :D
>>1006 should not be insulted because pedo-abused primary school wimps like 1006 will become obsessed with donkey-bestiality. So please don't insult him, because he will fail at it, at the cost of the poor donkey. Thank you.
>>1007 is a pacifist
is a pedafile
>>1009 is in the wrong thread.
>>1009, your want http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1132715633/1,l50
>>1011 hopes to some day achive the true 1000GET.
>>1014 is me, but I'm posting again just to keep this thread alive. Come on, bump or no bump, let's continue the insults!
This thread will never see the light of day again, and it's all >>1015's fault.
>>1017 is a yaysayer
>>1020 has failed to end this thread peacefully.
!!!!!!!! THE ENDO!!!!!!!!!!!
>>1021's reports of this thread's end were greatly exaggerated.
>>1001-1022 failed to migrate to the new thread
>>1023 failed to ignore the new thread and keep using the original and best.
>>1024 boycotted New Coke.
No more clever insutls to throw, eh?
Well that's why I'm here to shine brightly, in contrast to your poopy presence.
>>1029 uses the word "poopy" necessarily.
>>1032 didn't have much parental support during childhood
>>1033 had an unbumpable secret clubhouse.
>>1034 was never allowed in the neighborhood kids' secret clubhouse
Is still attending "secret clubhouse" meetings
>>1036 is the proud owner of a "secret clubhouse"
>>1038, you ARE the father.
Suffers from hallucinations caused by the drug his stepfather gives him before putting IT in. He's probably a little dizzy from last nights session.
Fucks anything with a heartbeat. And he's not on any kind of drug.
>>1043 fucks anything without a heartbeat. What kind of nonsatiated necrophile are you!
>>1044 fucks inanimate objects
>>1047 exemplifies the universal truth that profanity is the linguistic crutch of the inarticulate motherfucker.
>>1048 likes anal.
>>1051 hasn't.
>>1001-1056 shouldn't be able to post in a >1000 thread
>>1059 Saged, making it clear that he hates this thread.
>>1060 has no fucking idea what this thread is about
>>1066 killed this thread.