You're a stupid fuck. [!]Offical DQN Holiday Thread[!] (22)

17 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4487 18:38 [no]

Reason for season

How can you spell Christmas without Christ? You can't.

You see Jesus is the reason for the season. When we look at merry we see "Mary." When we look at Christmas we see "Christ."

Mary the Virgin gave birth to Christ the Saviour of this world. Happy never gave birth to holly for any reason. Ha ha. Get it? Happy holiday. Oh well, I think maybe we should take Christmas off the calendar.

We Christians know how to celebrate Christ every day. We could not be impositioned at all. How would the merchants feel about that? They want all the money, the business, and the woolah that goes with Christmas, but without Christ. Sorry, it will never happen. Christ is the reason we celebrate Christmas. That will never change. But we don't have to shop where Jesus is not celebrated.

Jesus is the reason for the season.

Kathy Caughron


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