(EΝE) Hey dudes!
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@_@ @^
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@^P_@@ ^PPPPPPPPP
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@i LΦ` j@HELLOHELLOHELLO!
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@_Q^@@ _QQQQQQQQQ
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@^@ @_
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Ώ Θ@Θ@@^PPPPPPPPPP
HELLO```I @ i EΦEj/ b@@@@/@_QQQQQQQQQQ
QQQQQQQQ^ b@@@ q@b@@@b
@@@@@@@@@@@@@ /@^__v@/@^_v
@@@@@@@@@@@@@ P@@@@ / ^
(EΝE) Yo
( LΦ`) Sonny, what was life like after the internet?
(EΝE) What you mean pops? I don't understand?
i@L_T`jYaranai ka? Juniour?
@@@ ,κ-A@@@@@@ @^PPPPPPPPPP
@@@| l P R@@@@@@Need backup.
@@@ R @^ @@@@
6-‘‘@@@Ju.Ni.Our. Bah.Cup.
(EΝE) Since this is my thread, I'll be setting the rules.
( LΦ`) How so? You ask and I answer?
(EΝE) No Grandpa, we did that in your thread, remember? Dammit, don't tell me your memory is going already.
( LΦ`) Wait... Who are you? Where is my mother?
i E_½Ej I'm your boyfriend now BLELELELELE
(EΝE) Dude, that's gay! Sick!
i@L_T`jJuniour made me gay.
(EΝE) Dude, stop it.
(Ι₯Ν₯)Ι Junior tD`I
(E3E) Jounior, come-a-here for a kiss under the mistletoe!
( LΦ`) Junior! WhatLs hip these days?
(EΝE) All the cool kids in my class are using MySpace, Grandpa! You can put your own music and make a totally stylin space for you and your friends! If you aren't in with MySpace, your a square!
( LΦ`)Wow, Myspace sounds really interesting, Junior! Where can I buy it at?
(EΝE) All the cool kids in my class are using MySpace, Grandpa! You can put your own music and make a totally stylin space for you and your friends! If you aren't in with MySpace, your a square!
( LΦ`)Wow, Myspace sounds really interesting, Junior! Where can I buy it at?
(EΝE) All the cool kids in my class are using MySpace, Grandpa! You can put your own music and make a totally stylin space for you and your friends! If you aren't in with MySpace, your a square!
( LΦ`) I lose sonny
LΦ`) I lose sonnny
(EΝE) tl;dr LOL!
(EΝE) Random fact: My real name is Jisaku Jien!!
( LΦ`) My real name is... ...er...
This thread has ended peacefully.
@@@@@| _
@@@@@|½Ej@@@Did someone say gay?
@@@@@|Ό@@@@@I can dance now !
@@@τ@@@^ _@@@ BLELE
@@@@@@R(E_½EjΙ @@LELELE
@@ @ @@@ (@ Φ) @@@LE
@ @ @ @ @@ @
> ( LΦ`) My real name is... ...er...
(EΝE) cthulhu?
( LΦ`) ItLs Grandpa.
(EΝE) All the cool kids in my class are using MySpace, Grandpa! You can put your own music and make a totally stylin space for you and your friends! If you aren't in with MySpace, your a square!
(‘‘‘) Anonymous does not forgive, Junior.
(EΝE) You seem to be square. You are a square. Square. Air.
> ( LΦ`) I'm Goldpa.
(EΝE) A challenger appears!
> ( LΦ`) Actually, I think I'm more of an olive green...
(EΝE) Is it true pimpin' ain't easy, Goldpa?
> ( LΦ`) one thing you gotta remember is everything you say has to rhyme, 'cause if you don't you just might get arrested for a crime
(EΝE) Pohlice get me to jail? I don't fail, I deal mail, deal? This so rocks, push the cocks, get me the bucks, docs.
> ( LΦ`) That shit ain't not good, you're trying so hard your ass can barely be understood. Junior's gotta play it down a little, otherwise you just come off like a clown playin' the no-string fiddle.
(EΝE) what's the no-string fiddle?
> ( LΦ`) Junior, this is your thread. Stop asking ME questions.
(EΝE) Answer me now, what is the fiddle, lest your ass with a soup can I will diddle!
( LΦ`) Who are you talking to, Junior?
(EΝE) Talking to you! Get a god damn clue. If it ait'n cuttin' it, you never gonna gett ttit.
( LΦ`) What are you talking about, Junior?
(EΝE) Talking to you! Get a god damn clue. If it ait'n cuttin' it, you never gonna gett ttit.
( LΦ`) Infinite loop? Pizza scoop. You're the one I'm trying to dupe.
(EΝE) Stop the nonsense old man.
(EΝE) Grandpa, why are you so much more popular than I am?
( LΦ`) I'm the one who's experienced it all, not you.
( LΦ`) I noticed, though, that the folks on 2ch don't care much for me. In fact, I think they make fun of me. They're just jealous!
(EΝE) Proof or bullshit.
( LΦ`) Zzz......
( LΦ`) Zzz......
Banned for impersonation of MODD.
( LΦ`)
(;Ν;) Grandpa..why..? Why did you have to..
(EΝE) Oh well. Time to carry on his legacy by frequenting /l/ all day.
((( LΦ`))) o O ( Ah, yes... I trained you well. Now I can rest in peace...)
(EΝE) Hmmm... the numbers on his grave seem strange... oh, of course.
( LΦ`)
2005 B.C.-A.D. 2006
(EΝE) Since Grandpa's gone, I don't have any questions to ask to anyone. Except maybe DQN, but all he says is Δͺͺͺ² DDDUUUURRRR and that'd get annoying very fast.
I think I'll ride my bike Grandpa gave to me that he won at a garbage rummage sale.
@@@@ ^@ _
@@@@i EΝEj@o/~ I'm on the hiiiighwayy to helll o/~
@` @(@O¦O@@@
@@-RJ¨ @@@@@@@@@@@@
( EΦE) Ah, I take it you're Junior! Hello, I am DQN Industries employee #425, also known as Clonepa. From today on, I will be replacing Grandpa. Although I am sorry about the loss, we must push on for a brighter future!
( EΦE) I'm rather new to this field, so please take care of me!
(EΝE) Still off somehow. I must complain to the engravers about this.
( LΦ`)
2005 B.C.-A.D. 1993
( EΦE) Hello? Junior? Any questions?
(EΝE) Nope! Grandpa taught me all I need to know.
( EΦE) Junior, I hate to have to tell you this, but those were all lies. Your grandfather never really served in the French Foreign Legion.
(EΝE) Stfu clonepa. You have no character and all you say is crap. I want graps back.
( LΦ`)
2005 A.D.-A.D. 2006
(EΝE) That's it - I'm gonna revive Grandpa. I think I still have that book of voodoo magic I ordered a while ago....
( EΦE) Junior, no! Magic like that is the first step to becoming a black magician, you mustn't use it!
(EΝE)Ι[@ ] Ah, here it is...
@@@@@ lR,,lR@"Reviving lost ones"...must sacrifice someone for ritual, do a dance..
@QQ__ (L@@ j_@@Well, let's start on the first step: Killing someone. Hmm..who to kill...
|__Q_,Ζ,, @@ήi , _
|@,|Q| @A_Qm.P| |@
R|Q| ΅ .[P]::::R,| |
@@@@@ lR,,lR @oh Clonepaaa...where are youuu...?
@QQ__ *(ΝE@ j*_@
|__Q_,Ζ,, @@ήi , _
|@,|Q| @A_Qm.P| |@
R|Q| ΅ .[P]::::R,| |
( EΦE) ...
=== 3
( LΦ`) Eh? Junior, who was that? What are you readin...
( KΦK)! That book!
@@@τ@@@^ _@@@ INTERMISSION:
@@ @ @@@ (@ Φ) @@@
@ @ @ @ @@ @@@@@@
@@@@ ΘQΘ τ
@@@^@ -D- _@ I hate myself and I want to die`τ
@@ i@@@@@@@j
@@@_@@@@ ^ τ
(EΦE )Κ(EΝE )Turned the gun on Clonepa!
@@@@ ΘQΘ τ
@@@^@ -D- _@ High up in the deep blue sky`τ
@@ i@@@@@@@j
@@@_@@@@ ^ τ
Now back to our program!
dramatic music fades in
( KΦK)! That book!
( EΦE) It is the Necroclonicon, written by the Mad Arab Abdul Alhazred! You know not of what you meddle in!
( LΦ`) Hey, you aren't bad.
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ .@^;;ά;;_@@@@ ^_
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@./;;/'ά'_;;R @ ^_@R.
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ .i;;i ,,j;;j.^@ @ Rb
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@/;;;;> ϋ <;;;^A@ @ @|/
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ /ά;;;;;;;;;~R€;;__@^PPPPPPPPPPPP
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ./;;;;;;;;;;.^;;;;;|::|;;;;' iI have been summoned by the great
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |PRc;;;;;;;;;|::|;;;;;;;;;l. | powerful book, Necroclonicon.
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |;;;;^|:|;;;;;;;;;;;;VQ__Ι | How may I be of service?
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ^;;;;_V;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|@ .._QQQQQQQQQQQQQ
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ VΝ€;;|;;;;i;;;;;y
@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@V_W
(EΝE) Hi there, Mr. Death. I want you to revive Grandpa, okay?
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ .@^;;ά;;_@@@@ ^_
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@./;;/'ά'_;;R @ ^_@R.
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ .i;;i ,,j;;j.^@ @ Rb
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@/;;;;> ϋ <;;;^A@ @ @|/
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ /ά;;;;;;;;;~R€;;__@^PPPPPPPPPPPP
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ./;;;;;;;;;;.^;;;;;|::|;;;;' i Whats your offer?
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |PRc;;;;;;;;;|::|;;;;;;;;;l. Ripping and giving back life
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |;;;;^|:|;;;;;;;;;;;;VQ__Ι | ain't free ya know.
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ^;;;;_V;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|@ .._QQQQQQQQQQQQQ
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ VΝ€;;|;;;;i;;;;;y
@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@V_W
(EΝE) $10 and a bottle cap?
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ .@^;;ά;;_@@@@ ^_
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@./;;/'ά'_;;R @ ^_@R.
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ .i;;i ,,j;;j.^@ @ Rb
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@/;;;;> ϋ <;;;^A@ @ @|/
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ /ά;;;;;;;;;~R€;;__@^PPPPPPPPPPPP
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ./;;;;;;;;;;.^;;;;;|::|;;;;' i ...I'll pretend I didn't hear that.
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |PRc;;;;;;;;;|::|;;;;;;;;;l.
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |;;;;^|:|;;;;;;;;;;;;VQ__Ι |
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ^;;;;_V;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|@ .._QQQQQQQQQQQQQ
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ VΝ€;;|;;;;i;;;;;y
@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@V_W
( LΦ`)? Junior, I'm right here.
°( EDE) ...!!! G-grandpa is a ZOMBI?! OHSHI-
( LΦ`) Come on, you know me better than that. I fell off of the line between life and death a few years ago.
( LΦ`) You were just getting annoying, that's all.
Oh man, this one is way past schedule!
@@@@ ^ά_@Α@@ ^_
@@@@/'ά'R@_ Α^_@ |
@@@ iDj@j^@@@|:@|@
@@@@ >ϋ/@ .^@@@@ |: /@@
@@@/ά@@ ~Π@_@@@Y
@@ /@@@^@|::|Ι|@@@ |
@@ |γ7~@@ |::|@ ΔA@@ |
@@ |:^@@@@VQn@@@|
@ ^| i@@@@@@@@ | @@|@
@@@y .i@@@@@@m@( LΦ`) Oh look, the sunset and a hot chick!
@@@ ΙΝA|@i@.mV@ |@@ | |
@@@@@@u_v@@@i A@Ύ
@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |b |
@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ΎΎ
°(EDE ) H-hey! What are you doing?!
( LΦ`) You moron, the spell you cast was to RETRIEVE lost souls, not bring them back!
( LΦ`) Thanks to you, I'm condemned to all hell for eternity. Well, until I figure a way out. Should be easy since I cheated death so many times in the past. Anyway...you're a moron.
(-D- ) S...sorry, Grandpa. I'll pray for your soul, okay?
( LΦ`) Praying doesn't do shit, kiddo. I asked Jesus once what he does with prayers. He either tl;drs them or laughs.
( LΦ`) But this is your thread, not mine. You have the power to do whatever you'd like. Unfortunately.
@ _ @Ώ
( LΦ`)c@Seeya, Junior. Make sure to fill up my 8 terabyte monster computer with as much loli as possible! Oppai oppai!!
(EΝE) Well, I guess Grandpa's gone off to the afterlife. Knowing him, he'll be back eventually.
(EΝE) ...
(EΝE) So, I wonder what I should do now?
( EΦE) I'm still here.
(EΝE) Oh, hi dad!
( EΦE) I'm not your da-
( E[EjHey, Junior! Where's Grandpa?
( EΦE) ...
(-Ν-) Grandpa, he's...
(EΝE) Wait. Dad, my Grandpa is your dad. You called him Grandpa too. BAKA !!
( E[Ej I'm impressed, Junior. I called him "Grandpa" because I thought you were still mentally 5 years old.
( E[Ej So?
(EΝE) So help me save Grandpa from the depths of hell or or leave my thread!
iE_EBjHi... blush
(EΝE) Fiance, you're back!
iE_EBjWho're you? Where did my lover go? What have you done with my lover*??!*
(EAE) ...
iE_EBj Oh, there you are...
( E[Ej Okay, we'll be going now. Bye, Junior.
(EDE) Shit sux.
( EΦE) If you're willing to listen, I may be able to help you win her heart.
(EΝE) tl;dr
(EΝE) Ah, I joke, I joke. Tell me how to attract girls, Clonepa.
(EΝE) Yeah I'm so desperate that I have to listen to advice from a non-character.
( EΦE) Clonepa is a non-character is NOT a meme.
( EήE)Β( EΦE) Don't listen to my brother, he's a bother!
( EήE) (EΦE ) You! This time, we'll settle this!
_, -=''""PP""-\,.A
@@_,A @@@@@@@@@ P.A
@@ c @@@@@@@@@@@@"" - ,
@@@ >@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ R
@@ :"@@.QQQQ@P.A @@_
@@/ @cά@ |@|@@ P--,A@@@ R@@@@@@@.'@@C@D. ΘQΘ
@ /c"@/~Ζ |@j|ΘQΘ @ "R@@@ @R@@@@.@'@@@@@( ))ή E)
@^@@ (@/_/@ |( EΦE) @@@ _@@@Π@@@@ E,e@ά>@ _^ ^
@@@@@R@Π@ .|R,- @άR. ,_@ @Π@@@,i@@@@@@f|@'ά@@ άi
@@@@@@P|@Π@@@Ι|R Y|Oj @R@@.|@@@@@@@|@@^@@m b
@@@@@@@|@ |@@ /@_Qm @@ |Π@ ij@@@@@@@, [' @^LS_Ι
@@@@@@@R@R@ | @@@@@@@ |@@|i @ @@@@^@,@@m
@@@@@@@ "[€@ | @@@@@@@|@@ Ι@@@@ ^@^ ^
@@@@@@@@ @ R@R@@@@@ Ι /@/@ @@ ^@^@,'
@@@@@@@@@ @ R@R@@@@//@/@@@^ @ ^| @|
@@@@@@@@@ @@/ @ ) @@@/ ^@@ @!€Q^ / @ r
@@@@@@@@@@ /@^@@@@^ @ @@@@@@@ |__^
@@@@@@@@@@|@ |
@@@@@@@@@@__| !4 HITS!
(EΝE) OOOOOOOOOIIII! This is my thread people.
( EΦE) Sorry, I've always wanted to do that.
(EΝE) I want a girl to knead!
( EΦE) Do you have Solar Hands?
(EΝE) I have Solar Gauntlets.
( EΦE) Excellent! Then come with me to play Dark Underworld, I need you to defeat this Vile Darkness bastard.
(EΝE) joins your party.
You gain 2 exp. You reach the ten billionth level of experience. You gain one (1) internets, but your inventory is full. Do you wish to leave the internets behind?
( EΦE) I drop one (1) magic elixer and take the internets.
(EΝE) You are full of Bombs and/or Keys.
(EΝE) A blast from the past!
(EΝE) So, wait, is clonepa my dad now?
( EΦE) I forgot my Japanese name.
(@₯ิΦ₯ิ) It's uηΥ[ ·[v
( EΦE) You dick!
(EΝE) Good one, Dad!
( EΦE) I think it might be uVo[EJ[gbWv, though.
(EΝE) I am Jr, hear me roar
(EΝE) I can't believe Grandpa is making me live in the garage. I hate that old bastard!
i@MnL) Hello, Junior.
(EΝE) Woah there! Good Darkpa!
i@MnL) So why aren't you living with your mom & dad?
i@MnL) More importantly, why aren't you living in my basement? You could take care of my tentac-*coff*tent garden.
i@MnL) Yes, I have a garden in a tent. I know it's very unusual. that's why I need someone with your unique abilities.
(EΝE) What does it pay?
i@MnL) 15 Rape Dollars a month.
(EΝE) Can I buy rapeseed oil with those? It's my favourite lubricant.
i@MnL) Everyone loves magical nonoha oil.
i@MnL) If you do it right you won't need lube.
( ί ί) I like lube!
i@MnL) Myself, I do not, as lube tends to have a corrosive effect on Mittens.