well fuck u world4ch
are you on drugs?
I say, my good man. What would you like to see done about this problem?
Clearly this calls for a jolly good rogering.
I'm sorry to have disappointed you, Sir
Do you want me to arrange a meeting with Everyone so we could decide on the most appropriate course of action?
LOL! You said "shit"! XD
By Jove, you sure showed him!
VIP is more random.
DQN has themes, motifs, some original content, and wit!
VIP has...
VIP has...
>>VIP has...
cuz we're introverted dorks :(
VIP has more racism and flames
let me correct you.
special school is that way -------> 4chan -/dis/
DQN Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiimu!
is new nanoha out yet?
I am not VIPPER please help me! I am not VIPPER please help me! I am not VIPPER please help me! I am not VIPPER please help me! I am not VIPPER please help me! I am not VIPPER please help me! I am not VIPPER please help me! I am not VIPPER please help me! I am not VIPPER please help me! I am not VIPPER please help me! I am not VIPPER please help me! I am not VIPPER please help me! I am not VIPPER please help me! I am not VIPPER please help me! I am not VIPPER please help me! I am not VIPPER please help me!
My good sir, I am afraid I must correct you. We were at DQN are NOT as polite and self-affacing as you make us out to be. Some of us can be downright boorish, and many of us will make untoward commentaries regarding religion and/or sexual activities WITHOUT proper authority. In many cases, these jokes come with NO warning at all. Therefore, I must humbly request that you do NOT portray us as overly polite people. Should you continue down that road, I will be forced to give you another sound verbal thrashing. One that is perhaps even more devastating than this one. Thank you.
I say! Steady on, >>27; we can't have any blubbering at this tea party!
Scones, anyone?
you know, not all of us are VIP QUALITY
I am deeply disturbed with the child pronography going unchecked on this website. I truly hope, for your sake, that god is merciful on you perverted selves cause there is a special level of hell for sickos you're all making yourselves out to be. I had reported this website to numerous authorities including www.obscenitycrimes.org.
I hope you all have a nice day.
/NewDis/ >>>>> vip
I say, >>34, that was a rather rash thing to say. Perhaps you haven't given enough clear thought to the issue at hand. I would recommend that you show a little patience before jumping to any unnecessarily violent conclusions.
mona font.
406 days later. =/
o o
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@@R +@@@@@@@Come back to VIP or we'll KILL YOU!
@@ v@@@@@ .R
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@ Ό< MΝL ,> a Α άΠR@< MΝL ,>½
@@@R@@Ζ)@ Ό< MΝL ,>@(Β@@/
@@@@ @@i@@i LDMGj½΅ά@
@@@@@@@@@@(Β@@/i @@@No fuckin' way, man!!
@@@@@@@@@@|@iάj@ @@@@
@ _ @Ώ
(@ίΝί)c Individualism! Individualism!
VIP isn't funny.
Do you mean 4chan's vip? That place isn't funny [b]at all[/b]
exactly right. The 2ch VIP sections move way too fast for me to tell if they're funny or not.
I often wonder what the 2ch VIP 'feels' like. Whether it's like 4chan's /b/ or /news4vip/ kind of intense hate and flaming/trolling feel, or DQN's more mellow, considerate feel.
From what I've experienced on 2ch's VIP, it has a very sarcastic and random sense of humour. It has a sort of atmosphere between /b/ and DQN.