¢( L~`)¡ how do I wrote blog
I forgot to write in yesterday's about how on Monday, that is yesterday, when Andrew asked me and four others to the hall to perform "Tube," someone asked what it was about. Being sleepy and sharp of wit, I said, "Just read it, it's just some stupid thing." Andrew said with unmistakable offense "It's not stupid!" The word I was looking for was "random," but it's great that I called his choice of poetry stupid without even getting away with it. I quickly added, "No, no, I didn't mean it that way," and was cut off by Andrew proceeding to tell us more about it.
Oh blog, me, babe! Don't miss a word of it!
Many a blog has brought love to my door
Netted by sparkling poem, or flash of wit -
The chatroom kind, of course, and little more.
What need of tangled flesh on messy dates
The weight of expectation as it starts
Its gentle journey southwards, then abates?
The strain of those repeated broken hearts?
Bah, today I'm too tired to write a blog entry. Tomorrow maybe I'll write something. Nothing really happened today anyway.
"I'm I getting glasses! Apparently I have to wear glasses for a few weeks until I can get contacts. I'm so gonna get contacts. I want one red and one purple. That'd be so awesome. Maybe yellow ones too. I look so odd with glasses. This is gonna take some getting used to. Omfg! I finally found another sealed copy of PLC's Frontiers album. Limited edition on top of that! :D I hope I get the Lida figure. I want one. Oooo I just remembered Lida's B-day is monday! Yay! LOL I'm such a fan girl :D I wanted to make him a card but I don't know where to send it ;; Arg damn Gaia. It's distracting me. Again. LOL. I listened to fish dance hour! Le woot! I'm debating wheather or not to downtown early so I can play DDR. Yay! Japanese starts again tonight! I still haven't gotten a job ;; I will by the end of the month. Some how. I'm going to Toronto on saturday. YAY! Fabric Shopping :D LOL I have a million packages in the mail again. Manga supplies, a Game for mike, Shoxx, and now the frontiers CD. I'm now attempting to order the Take Channel Honmake DVDs. I want them so much. Well, I'm off to go do stuff. Ja ne!"
I like night classes. It's kind of nice to be in the building when it isn't so crowded. It reminds me of when I was still in elementary school and parent/teacher conferences came around. Being able to run up and down the halls with the lights turned out - fun!
I hate it when people say "forty euro", or "600 euro". They're correct, of course. That's how Europeans say it. No plural. I don't care. We say "dollars", so therefore "euros". "Forty euro" sounds so trailer park. Like, " You go twenty mile down the highway yonder, and I reckon you'll run right past the new Wal-Mart - right before the new Olive Garden."
Penis. Penis penis vagina, tesicles vas deferens (Douglas pouch). Distended rectum? Crohn's disease gall bladder autoerotic asphyxiation. Bile duct.
So today I finally tried out the laundry room in the new appartment
building. It was pretty exciting! There's a really big washing machine,
the side-loading kind with a window that I've never really used before.
I didn't try sitting next to it and staring into it though.
It's red. Also, it's coin-operated, and wants 7 20-cent coins to work,
which was a bit of a problem since I wasn't prepared for it but I did
manage to gather together the seven coins I needed for it, and it's
churning away as we speak.
It's not all that fast, so that's why I came back up to the appartment
to post this. There's also a big drying room, with some sort of
circulating fan. I'm going to have to try out that too, to see if it'll
really dry the clothes quickly enough.
Actually, I've got a couple of shirts hanging in there which I washed by
hand because they didn't fit in the washing machine, and I didn't have
enough coins to do two runs. Not that I know the first thing about how
to properly hand-wash clothes, but how wrong could that go, anyway? I'm
not too worried.
I donft like looking a gift horse in the mouth, but as I take a sip from my company-issued cup of coffee, I have to say it tastes like diluted ashes. Of course, I should be thankful that I even get a free cup. Yet it still tastes like crap, and I still drink it.
My colleagues (and blog buddies) have been more proactive in their approach to ameliorate their coffee experiences. Some bring in their own special flavored coffee cream (and guard it with their lives), and others stop by Dunkinf Donuts on the way in.
Of course, one has to wonder why we are given coffee at all if everyone hates it. After talking to friends who work for other companies that offer coffee, I realize there must be an unwritten code that dictates coffee in the office has to be bad.
I also copypasted everything I posted above... I'm a good DQN!
Well, nothing interesting really happened today. Bleh.
Today was amazing!!
I'll write about it when I wake up.
I'm not very good with sharing my thoughts, so can I just post a picture of a cat on Friday?
Why does it hurts so much? I'm trying but in the end it doesn't even matter.
mood: bad :( :(
Sorry, but it's been a slow news day for me and I'm really tired from this weekend. Unfortunately, I will not be posting anything on my blog today. Tune in again tomorrow.
Don't read my blog today
. . . or tomorrow either. And I won't be reading yours. There are more important things to read right now.
Man, I had a long blog that I wrote today.
And it didn't post! That stinks! I always copy the text for the blog into the clipboard, just in case the website stalls when it's uploading and loses the text. BUt this one went through and I have copied many other things since then (and it's probably lost. That's a bummer. I can't stand that!!!!
I've looked all around my temp files, but can't find it.
I am home writing my blog today instead of sitting in class. I'm a goody-goody and really do not like missing class, but my baby-sitter flaked out on me. For the third day in a row she has not shown because of car trouble. I think I am going to have to fire her.
I had my first mayor spam attack this morning, my imbox was full with about 200 spam messages added to my blog. I will be disabling the email account for today and clean up all spams BUT I will not disable comments in my blog. I think is sad other bloggers had to becuase of that problem, I think this kills the point of having a blog.
On his 4546 September blog entry (which I hope the new version of my blogging software will actually automatically pingback as it should do since trackback is so 2004) Captain Obvious wrote:
> Don't read my blog today
> . . . or tomorrow either. And I won't be reading yours. There are more important things to read right now.
I think that it is wrong to post such things. It sends the wrong message in the blogosphere. Blogging is an important human endeavor, and even if not everybody may be interested in it, you should never discard a new media using such broad generalizations, especially when everybody else is pushing so hard to help it gain the respectability it deserves.
Today is the anniversary of my blog. Happy birthday!
Shefs back! Shefs back! Oh, dear Internet, my blog is back. Did you miss me? (Please donft say you didnft notice. That would break my heart. LIE if you have to.) Apparently, the server was horked all day yesterday. I couldnft EVEN blog. At all. All day.
But I am back now.
With nothing to say.
I know, I know, it's been like forever since I updated.
Nothing new to report.
Current mood [bitchy]
Current music [DQN - All Alone for Christmas]
LIKE OMG Katelyn doenst even no what shes talking about!!!!!!!!!!what a bitch!! she acts like she nos everything when she doesnt!!!
im tired of having to deal w/ this bullshit! well, other then that, my day is ok. i talked 2 Kevin...hes soooo hot...i think about him like all the time :)
i g2g, peace out my e-friends :) LOVE PEACE
(EÍE) I went over to 4chan /dis/ with Grandpa tonight. I wasn't really enjoying it so I came home early, but it seems like he's made up with Anonymous! Clonepa stopped in for a second, but he was pretty out of it. I think he was drunk. Well, I think I'll go check on Grandpa, then I'll write an update.
So I've downloaded some great songs tonight. They are about some emo kid alone for christmas who cuts himself and goes around calling people kaiser and idiots but for some reason finds hope, it's great. People made a lot of covers, I think I have them all, they have been on auto-repeat for 1 hour on my iPod, those songs are just that great. You should d/l them, I'm pretty sure they're legal.
http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my?loc=4hm0z-GAY2.mp3 (filtered)
http://www.uploading.com/?get=E661ZMSU (parked)
http://rapidshare.de/files/11398111/all_alone_for_christmas_pmix.mp3.html (pmix)
http://humblefool.net/music/res/1888.html | http://rapidshare.de/files/12782622/All_alone_for_Christmas__as_usual_.mp3.htm (weird)
(EÍE) I just got back. Things were getting pretty wild! I had hoped that Grandpa and Anonymous would patch things up, but the opposite happened. I think Grandpa is only staying there to spite him now...
I haven't been blogging, not because I have nothing to say- I have plenty to say! but because I' so tired of the features of this AOL tool. At first it was interesting and fun, but as I see the work of other people, I find that I'm very limited here and can do none of the things i desire to do. AOL is supposed to be fixing this, but I'm still waiting.
Black toilet paper by http://www.renovaonline.net/. I say it is a sacreligious to mess with toilet paper. Itfs white, itfs always been white, it should stay white.
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The 10 Habits of Highly Annoying Bloggers
For a long time I've known that some things have bugged me about certain blogs and/or bloggers. This is my attempt to collect them in a top-10 list. I was going to write a paragraph for each one, but I think most of the annoyances are obvious. Plus I really don't have the time right now.
(And, no, I'm not naming names here. And, yes, I know that I'm guilty of some of these from time to time.)
11. Bloggers who tell other bloggers how they should be blogging.
Wow..not much to say about these last couple of weeks, except they sucked. Oh man did they ever, its all about school. I hate it. The people in my class drive me insane. Its like, everytime I do something this one person in the class has to let everyone know about it.
12. Bloggers who blog.
This blog is closed. I'm leaving it up for historical purposes only.
But I guess I might post from time to time anyways, so keep checking daily.
Today I was banned for impersonating a MODD on DQN. I fucking hate that place anyway, who gives a damn if I was banned! I was going to leave anyway!
Today I cooked hamburgers for my cats, and you know what?? They didn't eat!! What the hell I work so hard to earn my cash and lovingly cook food for them and they don't eat? I hate this world. Maybe there is something wrong with me. I will never forget what they did
My visit to Yoshinoya
Anyway, in reply to [Captain Obvious][co]' recent
[post][], please read this. It's related, right.
[co]: http://4-ch.net/dqn/
[post]: http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1137101895/
Yesterday, I went over to [Yoshinoya] for a simple meal.
Yes, THAT beef bowl house, Yoshinoya. But the whole [restaurant][]
was so crowded, I couldn't even find a seat for hours!
[yoshinoya]: http://yoshinoya-dc.com/en/
Then I saw a poster that said:
<blockquote>Special offer! 150 yen discount</blockquote>
I thought to myself... geez, that's so fucking amazing.
You guys don't even normally visit Yoshinoya.
All you bastards came here just for that stupid-assed 150 yen discount.
Just for that 150 yen. ONE FREAKIN' FIFTY YEN!!
Then I saw some parents & children. A family of four eating out at
Yoshinoya. Damn, so much for that bitch's home-cooked family feast.
Then one of the little brats said <q>Daddy's gonna order a large
beef bowl</q>.
I couldn't believe it! Uuuuuggh, are you out of your fucking mind!?
Shiiit, i'll pay you 150 yen just to move your stanky fat-ass out of
a seat. Dude, you just don't go to Yoshinoya for that
lala-oh-i'm-so-happy dinner bullshit. It's where you pick a
fist-fight with the fucking guy sitting across 'yah in that
U-shaped table.
Kill or be killed. Heh... now that's the kinda shit I like.
Ladies, kids, stand back... 'cuz everything's gonna get FUCKED UP NOW.
After waiting for ages, I finally found an empty seat. But then,
the guy next to me ordered by saying
<blockquote>A large beef bowl with a LOTTA' gravy</blockquote>.
Dude, that just pissed me off even more. Shit, you just don't say
</q>lotta' gravy</q> nowadays, ya' freaking bastard.
How the fuck can you say <q>lotta' gravy</q> with that
<q>oh, i'm so fucking cool, hur-hur-hur...</q> look!?!?
Damn, I was THIS CLOSE to standing in front of his face and yelling
FUCKIN' GRAVY!?</blockquote>
For a freaking hour, I was THIS CLOSE to doing that.
Shit, I bet you just wanted to use the words <q>lotta' gravy</q> out
loud. Wow, you're so clever.
Dude, you gotta be like ME. See, now I know what's <q>all that</q> in
What's cool right now to say is Negi-daku. That's it!
You see now, a large beef bowl with a lotta onions & an egg is what
the hardcore Yoshinoya freaks eat. Like ME[].
[ME]: /profile/
Saying "Negi-daku" means that you get less meat, but they put a
WHOLE MESS of onions.
Mmmmm... a large beef bowl with onions & an egg, now THAT'S what I
call a meal. But anywhoo... ordering that is kinda' like a
double-edged sword. Cuz' then the waiters might notice you the next
time you come by. So yeah, I can't reccomend this to noobs.
For you, just go order a beef and salmon combo. That's as far as you
can go, you know what i'm sayin'?
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>>46 tried too hard (but didn't get very far)
I hate myself. And I want to die, too, that's because it's winter.
So I turned the gun on myself. But then the voices told me about some dividing driver that was as sharp as an incisor, and they called me "Kaiser" (look it up in a dictionary it's an actual word). They also told me >>1 is an idiot, don't know really why. Then I think I saw JISAKU JIENs, in the dark of the night. What? What, WTF dude, what was that shit? Then the voices told me the same thing. All I know, is that now, I want to enjoy life a lot, like I want to jump in the air.
I went ahead and purchased three new servers. They are Dell PowerEdge SC1425s with the following specifications: Dual 3.0GHz Intel Xeon processors, 4GB DDR2 SDRAM, two 250GB SATA150 Seagate harddrives, with dual GigE ethernet connections. I'd like to reiterate what I said in the last newspost--that this migration should be likened to "night and day". In addition to running on enormously powerful hardware, we'd also have half a cabinet of rackspace, with a full 100mbps unmetered line at our disposal.
>>50 and i will sell it for hentaikey or whatever
I have never been more determined to go to Tokyo University. I will Pass my exam next month. I will finish my book in time for June. I will study in Japan this summer. Mike has Just made sure of that. I will not become some Minimum wage bum! I will Get a Good job, and I laugh when he's still a Tim Bitch. I refuse to fail. I will be better than him. Owning him at DDR is no longer enough. He's made it clear that I cannot let him be better than me. He turned into the biggest jackass I've ever met. All because of his bitch. I can't believe he's sunk this low. Oh well when they're fucking welfare bums and he's still a Tim Bitch I'll be laughing.
I saw the worst post today on DQN.
It was called, "ITT we use DQN as a blog"
While I was reading DQN today and some DQN made a thread called "ITT we use DQN as a blog". I read some really shitty copipe inside.
Dear blog.
Today I ate two worms. I am not proud but I love worms. And mittens. Poland sucks.
Yours truly,
Minnie McKierlen
Informative post, Minnie McKierlen, but I have a question. Who's Poland?
It appears Fashion unites where religion and politics divide. What does that say about the world in which we live? It would appear Fashion consumers are true Global Citizens; cosmopolitan, discerning and truly intelligent.
The comment was submitted by someone from a fashion site site called Kit Me Out.
Today when I came back home from high school this sexy guy sat next to me. He's only a couple of years older than me (I'm 17) and I was like ·Àªªªª(Í)ªªªª¯!!... But not for long because my destination was only a couple of blocks away... :( I was like FUCK!!!!!!! because it was so cozy between the guy and the window, especially when our bodies were both touching one another...he was so warm. And handsome. I wish I could've stayed there forever, with him...
Now I'm feeling kinda down because I can never get a guy like that. :( Yeah, yeah I know, I can always dream...but dreams just aren't enough...
I'm a guy BTW.
So I was browsing 4-ch today and on the front page http://4-ch.net/4ch , Squeeks left us a message titled "You have three weeks.". As I read the message, my first thought was WTF?!!! I then knew that I just had to make a post ITheT titled "ITT we use DQN as a blog"
So today, I found this really perverted video on YouTube parodying the TegoMass song "Miso soup" called "lick my pole" where a couple girls have recorded some really dirty lyrics to the tune and subtitled the original video with them.
And then I was bored, so I started searching on Google for instances of "ITT" on 4-ch...I don't even remember what ITT means now, but it must be good because all the awesome posts have it! Anyway I found this old thread. How awesome is that?
So today, poor quality blogs get either closed to remind others of what happens, or deleted. Of recent there has been a lot of crappy, low quality posts to this blog surfacing from obvious newbies who are totally oblivious to the concept of "lurking", and going with the flow of things.
Here is my request for readers of this blog who think about commenting on anything: Think before you post. If you think that your post isn't going to be informative, useful or remotely funny to someone other than yourself, then don't post. If you post crap and I don't delete it, you'll probably get flamed anyway.
God, I'm really fucking pissed right now. I want to cosplay when I go to Otakon, you know, so I try to be nice and ask people if they want to help me chose who I should be. So I put up a poll to see if anyone would vote if I made a "who-should-I-be-at-Otakon" poll, and 2 people voted no. WTF? I had to vote yes myself just so I wouldn't look like a loser.
This is fucking bullshit. Seriously. I'm nice to people, I try to be interesting and shit and say "Oh, hey guys, I'm finally gonna cosplay just like everyone else, wanna help me?" and everyones like "No, fuck you.". What the fuck is this bullshit? That fucking slut who has a new boyfriend every fucking week gets thousands of words of comfort and help whenever she wines about her stupid boyfriend, yet me- the nice one, the fun one- gets fucking jack shit? That fucking boy that tpes lke ths & isd a fuckinh reatrd has thousands of friends, but I don't? That other fucking bitch that claims to be a huge Anime fan because she watches fucking Naruto is looked up by our friends to when it comes to anything Anime related but me, whose watched Anime for 6 fucking years, has downloaded hundreds of anime torrents, has read and seen thousands of fanfics/fanart/flashes, whos put time and energy and sweat and blood and tears into Anime, is told she doesn't know what shes talking about?
Fuck you guys. You're all a bunch of scum. You should just kill your selfs so that good people, nice, wholesome, superior people like me can live with out your stupid fucking bullshit. Fuck you.