Fuck American!!!! (46)

1 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4551 03:23 [no]

im japanese

2 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4551 03:24 [no]

fuck you, want me to nuke you again?


3 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4551 03:28 [no]

where? sorry your dicks too small i cant find it

4 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4551 03:29 [no]

Japanese is stronger than American!!!
you have only to suke my dick lol

5 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4551 03:37 [no]


6 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4551 04:16 [no]


(i'm not japanese but i can still use 'w' lol kool)

7 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4551 04:42 [no]


8 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4551 04:44 [no]

Sorry guys.
I'm Japanese as well, so I'll suck >>1's dick as a representative of this board.
It's the spirit of The Chrysanthemum and the Sword.

9 Name: suck a sage 1993-09-4551 05:02 [no]

I agree. Even though you stood by the nazi idiots side in WW2 i am close to forgive you. but no, fuck you too, in the ass. hard and furious.

10 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4551 08:48 [no]

suki suki

11 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4551 09:28 [no]


As long as I don't have to suck, I'll suke your dick any day.



12 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4551 12:36 [no]

japan is superior culture (wwwwwwwwwwwww

13 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4552 00:05 [no]

Hey Japan, your dick is so small, I need tweezers just to find it.
I'll just have to get an eyedropper to suck on it.

Unless of course, you are a futanari... In that case Rush Limbaugh's big mouth might be the only thing that is big enough to suck it.

14 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4552 01:41 [no]

Dickgirls are the ones with monstorous phalli. There's a difference.

15 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4552 02:12 [no]

I think I've got room for it right next to this bacon double cheeseburger I'm eating.

16 Name: japanese man 1993-09-4552 04:39 [no]

you stink! take a shower!

17 Name: japanese man 1993-09-4552 04:45 [no]

    /     \     ________
   /   ∧ ∧ \  /
  |     ・ ・   | < fuck!AMERICAN
  |     )●(  |  \________
  \     ー   ノ

18 Name: japanese man 1993-09-4552 04:49 [no]

            ..  - ― - 、
          , '´      †    ヽ、
        〈             _ )
         /´\   _,. - ― - 、.〃/
        , '/ `ー-’‐'´           ` ' 、
     / ,' -‐ // ,.' , i , l } ! `, ヽ ヽ \
      {ソ{. ニ二|,' / / ! Ll⊥l| .Ll! } 、.ヽ
     {ソl ニ二.!!イ /´/|ノl,|.ノレ'レ_l`ノ|! | .l }
      ハソt.ー-;ュ;Vl /,ィエ下     「ハ レ| j| j|丿
\   !((.ヽニ{fj ! l ` ハ|li_]    |iリ {、|,ノ!'   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  <\n )’( (‘ーl |   ´    __,'  ,' )     |  
  /.)\_,  ` ) ノノ\     tノ /((    <  SHOW ME ASS
  V二ス.Y´|  (( (r个  . ___. イヽ) ))      |  
   {. r_〉`! }>'  ) / ゝ 、,,_o]lム` ー- 、     \_________
    \    f  ,. '´/       o\   \
      `!  {/⌒ヽ            \_   ヽ
      |   .| / |  ',        '、  ヾ   ,〉、
      |  .|      l        ヽ   ヾ__,人
      |   |ミヽ  j/_         }   }、  ヽ
      !   .! ヾ_,ノ ヽ ミ   , i   ノ ハ イ y'⌒ }
     .|   | /\  /     / j '  /  |l. /  ./
      t   ノノ  ヽ.     '        o|l,'   , '
      ` ‐´'     }     /         |l /

19 Name: japanese man 1993-09-4552 04:54 [no]

     /  / ̄⌒ ̄\
     /   / ⌒  ⌒ |    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
    | /  (・)  (・) |   | FUCK
  /⌒  (6     つ  |   |   
 (  |  / ___  |  <   
  − \   \_/  /    \__________________
 //  ,,r'´⌒ヽ___/     ,ィ
   /    ヽ       ri/ 彡
  /   i    ト、   __,,,丿)/        ζ
 |    !     )`Y'''" ヽ,,/      / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
  ! l   |   く,,   ,,,ィ'"      /.         \
  ヽヽ  ゝ    ! ̄!〜〜、      /           |
  ヽ  / ̄""'''⌒ ̄"^'''''ー--、 :::||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ←AMERICAN
   Y'´          /    """''''〜--、|||||||||||||||||) 
   (      丿  ,,;;''  ....::::::::::: ::::r''''"" ̄""ヽ   |
    ゝ   ー--、,,,,,___      ::: ::,,,,,ー`''''''⌒''ーイ  ./
    ヽ      \  ̄""'''"" ̄   \____/-、
     ヽ       ヽ  :::::::::::::::::::: /          `ヽ
      ヽ  丿   )       /    ノ   ゝ ヽ ,〉
       ゝ      !      /            ∀
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         〈     j      ト-.|    /          )
          Y''""'i'〜      |,|    /      人   ,|
          |   |     ,-ーイ__j  /'""⌒""'''ノ  Y''"""

20 Name: japanese man 1993-09-4552 04:58 [no]

                              ∧_∧    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
                               ( ・∀・) < IM AMERICAN |
                               (     )   \______/
                              |  |  |

21 Name: japanese man 1993-09-4552 04:59 [no]

                 ∧∧                 ∧_∧      ∧_∧     ∧∧
                (*゚ー゚)               ( ・∀・)    (´∀` )   (゚Д゚,,)
          = = = ヽノ ⊃⊃            (     )   ⊂    つ   ⊂⊂ヽノ ニ ニ =
    ε-=≡≡ ⊂(  Y                   |  |  |     (⌒)  (    = = Y  )⊃ ≡ = = 3
              `J                 (__)__)        ヽ,_,ノ ≡ ≡ 3 し´

22 Name: japanese man 1993-09-4552 05:00 [no]

                            _ _
                              |  | |
                              |  | |
                              |  ||_
                    ∧∧  | ̄ ̄  _  ∧∧   ∧_∧∧
                       (*゚ー゚)   ̄ ̄|  彡(,,  )  (・∀・; ) )
                      {砂と |       |  |と    ヽノ (~(   (~(つ
                        i糖_| |〜     |  | | `ヽ  )⌒)ω / ヽ
                      し`J   ε=|  |≡3 `JJ   (__,ノヽ__,)

23 Name: japanese man 1993-09-4552 05:00 [no]

                            _ _
                              |  | |
                           __( ;・∀・)__ _
     ∧∧                 | と《   《つ | l          ∧_∧        ∧∧
    (゚ー゚*)                      ̄ ミ≡三彡  ̄          ( ´∀`)          (,,゚Д゚)
    ⊂⊂ヽノ  ニ ニ =             (__(__)          ⊂    つ        ヽノ ⊃⊃
       Y )⊃ ≡ = = 3                |  | |           = =  )  (⌒) = ニ ニ ⊂(  Y
.      し´                      ,;'"'";,,| |       ε = = ヽ,,ノ           `J

24 Name: japanese man 1993-09-4552 05:01 [no]

                              |  | |  !!!?
                            Σ ∧_∧
                           __( ;・∀・)__ _
                        | と《   《つ | |
                          ̄ ミ≡三彡  ̄
                              |  | |
.                          ,;'"'";,,| |。,、。,、。,、。,、。,、。,、。,、。,、。,、。,、。。,、。,、。,、。,、。,、。,、。,、。,、。,、

25 Name: japanese man 1993-09-4552 05:02 [no]

                        ハ           ハ  |
                            / 'i          /  'i. l
                         /   '!         /    '! |
                     ノ    'i、      ノ     'l、
                     .,,ィ´      `‐----‐´       ヽ、
                 γ                      ヽ
                 /                         ヽ
━┳━ ━╋━`.       i!                  /        ;                 ┃
━╋━ ━╋━  ╋┓ ━{     ●  ト‐----┤ く 。 o 。.         }━━━━━━ ┃┃┃ ┃
  ┗━   ┃   ┃     i   o ゚     i:::;:;:;:;:;:::i ι ヽっ          i               ┃ ・
                   'i       `∴;:⌒⌒:i               ノ
                     ヘ        o ゙;'。  /                 /
                     ヽ      。 ・ 。ノ                ノ
                    `ヽ,,.                  ,,r´
‐----ーー----─-─γγγ───~^`┬              ,r´^~┴─--ー-γγγ‐ー----─-────
  ,;´~`'-、,,_.,,..r -ー/ミ/ミ/-ー─ '"~~"⌒            ⌒~~~"' ー─- /ミ/ミ/一-、..,,._,,ィ-'´~';,
  ; O °         |ミ|ミ|                             |ミ|ミ|         ゚ O ;
  ';, o            |ミlミ|                             |ミlミ|         o ,;'
   ` ´⌒`''‐-- 、...,,..ヾ、ヾヽ                              ヾ、ヾヽ..,,...、--‐''´⌒` ´
‐----ーー----─-─ー`JJ - 、.,,,                    ,,,.、--ーー JJ ‐ー----─-────

26 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4552 06:33 [no]


27 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4552 09:39 [no]

I am American and I find your actions extremely rude.

28 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4552 15:05 [no]

I am American and i approved this thread

29 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4552 15:07 [no]

I'm an American who's really an American...

30 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4552 15:11 [no]

I'm an American and every post in this thread was posted by me.

31 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4552 15:56 [no]

I'm an European but I like to pretend I'm a dumb American

32 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4553 05:51 [no]

I'm an American who's really a Canadian...

33 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4555 17:06 [no]

I'm an American and I approve bumping this thread.

34 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4555 17:08 [no]

      | ノ  _,   ヽ
     /  ─   ─ .|
     .| ////( _●_)//ミ  こんなにいっぱいどうしよう
    彡、   |∪|  ノヽ
     /ヽ /⌒つ⊂⌒ヽ |
      |  /  / k l   | l
     ヽ、_ノ    ヽ,,ノ

35 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4555 17:08 [no]

yellow monkeise

36 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4555 17:10 [no]

Im korean .
fuck american!!!!
fuck you all!!!
suck my ass hole!

37 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4555 17:12 [no]

 ( __ )    
 ( ・∀・) < My name is American and this thread sucks dick like the rest of those wannabe "Lets get to 1000 by".
 (つ   つ   
 | | |     

38 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4555 17:15 [no]

>>36 ( ゚ ヮ゚) I'll be right over!

39 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4555 22:51 [no]

I'm an American and this is the history of my land


40 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4555 22:56 [no]


41 Name: _ 1993-09-4556 08:42 [no]

write 1 is korean

42 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4556 10:04 [no]

Are you korean?
or you are fisher?

43 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4556 14:09 [no]

  ||// ∧_∧|∧_∧
  ||/  ( ´・ω・)(    ) 「がっ」される
  ||   (    )|( ヌルポ)
    ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ u―u'

  ||// ∧_∧|∧_∧
  ||/  (n´・ω・)n   ) でもぬるぽついてない
  ||   (ソ  丿|ヽヌルポ)
    ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ u―u'

  ||// ∧_∧|∧_∧
  ||/ r(    (n´・ω・`n) ぬるぽついてないのに「がっ」される
  ||  ヽ゚ホllヌ)|(     )
    ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ u―u'

44 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4556 14:11 [no]

Tiredness externals South Korean


45 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4556 14:28 [no]

                      | 、  / |
                      | \/ | /|          、 ,ィ
                   丶ー‐┘    '"  |      ∧ / ∨|
                    >         レi   / ∨    レ7
                   <              r{  Y        /__
                   >          j::! ̄´"''−、_     /
                  / _,,、     ,__,ノ:/       ´' 、  ∠
                   ̄  / _,、イ /― '"   / ̄´"''−、`<
                      ト、  フ       /       l| -ヽ
                 ヽー - ┘ Y1  , ‐ 、ー'7  _,、‐f´/  l|l   \
                  ,>    !::!  // l |ニ-/ ,∠ `ト/|  ト'く7   トヽ
               -、'_´      ヘ::'、'、‐v  /‐' l/ngメ' l i| |  i|
                  `7     ヽ:Y^ヽ      `'く7 |!  ヽN-┤/ ∧!
                   /       /|             ,nテ7|/|/
                 / _,. - 1 /ヽ!       、   _,: `゙ // /
                  ̄    /'"  r‐|_\    \_,   /
                       ,⊥=ー-  ̄二_−- 、__,、‐'´
                      /_  -、:::::/ :: ´"''− 、Z
                  ,, - ''"   `'−、v!::    lニコ }
                 /    .:::::::::::::..  l トニ‐- 、_ 〕_〔/
                 /   ..::::::::::/:::::::...   l l:. `'‐、、二つ\
              r−'、_,,- 、_,/.:::::::i:::::::... l l::.... . \ ヽ}\}
               >、_,,. - ''´ .::::::::/:!::::::::::::::>'´ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄´"!
            「<_ −' . . ...::.:::::::::/:::::!::::::::::/ C        i}
       ,. -、_    |::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/::/ノ::::::://: : . .        i
   /⌒i′   `'‐<_  \::::::::::::::::/:/:/::::::ノ/: : : : : : : : . . . . . . . }
  /   l   j     \  \  ̄...:::/二、‐'". : : : : : : : : : : : :/: : : :/
  {   / ヽ  /-、_      i....:::::|`!:::::/ ヽ  : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :∧
rー''^ ,  ,r- /   |`'‐ 、  |:::::::::|:.::::/   ) . . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :.j::::!
`¬'゙} T´! i /   |:::::::::|::`''|::::::::::|:::/   _>i: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : >:::i、
  |i i i_j.     |:::::::::|:::::::|::::::::::|/_,. -''" 二}` ̄´ ̄´ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄´{::::  ヽ、
.   ! l l、_}      !::::::::ヽ:::/:::::::::/      __,〕  . . : : : : : : : : : : : : }:::::...  )
   ヽ! }      ヽ:::::::::/::::::::/      j '‐ 、_: : : : : : : : : : : : : :ノ‐i:::::.. {
     `´     _,.-へ::/:::::/    . . : :/|`   ´~""''¬ー一''"´: :/:::..... i、
        _,.-'´   ヽ''´    . : : : : :/::|   . . : : : : : : : : : : : : : :{::::::......  )

46 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4556 18:14 [no]

        /  \
        / ' 3 ` \
       ⊂\__ / つ-、
      ///   /_/:::::/
      |:::|/⊂ヽノ|:::| /」 Ja Ja
    / ̄ ̄旦 ̄ ̄ ̄/|
  /______/ | | 〃∩ ∧_∧
  | |-----------|     ⊂⌒(  ・ω・) 
                     ⌒ ⌒

i don,t understand Mr Japs&Yanks

This thread has been closed. You cannot post in this thread any longer.