A few of them were quite popular.
This one will not be so lucky.
In the future, when they're teaching the little children how to start threads, they will point to this one and say "Don't do that."
In the forbidden garden of DQN, all new threads, no matter how bland their beginnings, have the opportunity to blossom into really horrible wastes of time.
Those were the times. It's too bad the garden is now affiliated.
>forbidden garden
This used to be a forbidden garden until those elitist punks took it over.
You can not call grammarians 'punks'.
Can too!
( ί -ί) I find this thread to be ... kinda bland. You've done better, >>1.
I don't know. I think this thread still has promise. It could just be a late bloomer.
Two green armchairs sit facing eachother at a 45 degree angle to the stage. Junior is sitting stage left, reading a newspaper. Mittens is sitting stage right, knitting a pair of mittens. A single table is in between them, with a radio on top.
A young female voice can be heard singing in Arabic.
( ί ί) Isn't this just wonderful, Junior?
( EΝE) I can't stand fucking Arabs. I can't stand them.
( ί -ί) Listen, Junior. I know you're still sore about moving to Saudi Arabia, but...
( EΝE) But nothing, mittens. I hate this fucking country. Nothing but fucking desert.
( ί ί) But we can still have mittens!
( EΝE) You're a fucking idiot. There is no winter here. We don't need fucking mittens in a fucking desert.
( ί -ί) ...
( ί -ί) That's it. I'm leaving.
(ί- ί ) Exit stage right
( EΝE) Good fucking riddance.
Fade to Black.
( ί ί) What's the difference between a duck?
( ˃ ˂) The higher it flies, the MORE! GET IT? GET IT?
( EΝE) Are you on dope?
I made a thread once. It got 17 replies, then it died. Now I do not make threads anymore.
( LΦ`) One of its legs are both the same.
If it had 17 replies, it would have 18 posts total, wouldn't it? WHAT IF YOU HAVEN'T FOILED HIS PLAN?
OH SHIT! Now I am doomed to be dragged away kicking and screaming my the Elitist Superstructure. I TRIED! I REALLY TRIEζζζζζζζ
>my the Elitist Superstructure
( ί ί) >>25 tried so hard, and got so far!
( ί -ί) But in the end, it didn't really matter...
( ί ί) Come on, thread! I believe in you!
| Θ
|L₯Φ₯) It was stillborn, I'm sorry.
( ί -ί) that's so sad