DQN has crashed WikiChan (170)

119 Name: WikiSysop : 1993-09-4874 05:22

To be read in a snotty French accent:

Gentlemen, Wikichan has been fun, but your endless and amusing revert wars have caused the entire internet to overload and explode into candy. I will try to keep the wiki open as an archive, but I am afraid that editing is no longer a possibility until I get better hosting. Feel free to dump all wikichan shit into other wikis such as etherchan.info, wikichan.org, and wikipedia.org. This site will not die, but all great things must come to an end, and unfortunately, the only great thing on this site was the wiki (the rest sucked, except for the Anime, which is still here of course).

You guys have made it fun, but at least I get to leave knowing that my legacy is not lost. Kirk has made an imposter wikichan which sucks so much meaty man muscle that a George Zimmer joke wont even do it justice. However, they do say that imitation is the purest form of flattery, so Kirk, you're a tremendous faggot, but I am flattered.

Moot, Halcy, and even you Delayclose have made this site what it is and i hope to keep in touch and come up with some new, less SQL intensive ideas for this server. Until then, it is a discussion board.

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