So, I'm male, 21, virgen and single. For some reason, I just haven't met any girls that want to go out or have sex with me.
I don't know. I think I'm an interesting guy. I like anime, manga, j-pop, samurai films, the japanese language, kabuki, bento boxes. Oh, and music!
I beleive in sex after marriage, and I don't like girls at bars and clubs and stuff, they're usually too slutty. And online dating is just crap.
There were a few interesting girls in some of my classes and at anime conventions, but I'm not the type to hit on girls. They didn't seem interested in me anyway.
Anyone know how I can get girls interested in me? Help pls.
troll detector is going off.
Definitely the first thing I would do in your situation is post about it on DQN.
The first step for you, >>1, is getting married. I suggest a nice Russian, although I hear girls from Taiwan are gaining popularity these days.
Did someone say Russian Women!!
But I don't like Russian women. They suck.
I have a Spainard fetish! I love thier hair.
Get thee hence to Spainardia then.
The Elitist Superstructure can't handle Spanitards.
>>1 have you ever considered going gay? There's plenty of guys just like you!
Buenos tardes mi amigos. Yo soy de Espandar, soy una Espandardia. Estoy buscando por un hombre guapo, y tambien virgen. Hay algunos hombres como si aqui en DQN?
Muchas gracias,
Soy el hueso de mi espada.
Mi cuerpo es de acero, y mi sangre es de fuego.
He creado más de mil espadas.
Desconocido por la muerte.
Ni conocido por la vida.
He resistido el dolor para crear muchas armas.
Pero estas manos nunca agarrarán nada.
Así que mientras ruego,
"Creación de Armas Ilimitadas"
So, I'm not a male, 21, virgon and not single. For some reason, I just have met many virgons that want to go out or have tex-mex with me.
I know. I dont think I'm an interesting virgon. I do not like anime, manga, j-pop, samurai films, the japanese language, kabuki, bento boxes. Oh, and music!
I dont beleive in tex-mex after sausage, and I like virgons at bars and clubs and stuff, they're usually too cute. And online dating is just awesome.
There were many interesting virgons in some of my classes and at anime conventions, but I'm the type to hit on virgons. They seem interested in me.
Anyone know how I cant get virgons interested in me? Help pls.
Look to an astrologer to see if the stars are aligned for 2 Virgons to meet at their local Taco Bell.
So how do I say "IT'S TOO MUCH METAL FOR ONE HAND!" in Spanish?
>>16 is 4chan down or something?
el oh el
>>17 no, I'm pretty sure it's gdemasiado metal para una manoh or close to it.
I do
[I think I'm an interesting guy]
u arent an interesting, and thats why u r finding it terribly difficult to get a girlfriend. who wants a guy that loves anime??
No one fucking asked for your opinion, you sick motherfucker. Even if it's true. Even if it's very true.
i'm 19 and im a virgin. i've never went out with a girl. what the problem ?
Damnit fart man, the reason girls don't want you is because you smell bad.
light some matches, and/or buy Beano.
As a woman, I must say you are an extremely dull person OP.
Women don't want men that suck Japan's cock.
A white person needs a microscope to suck Japan's cock. We aren't used to such dingy dongs.
how the fuck do you use a microscope to suck a cock?
being a slut she is, >>29, would know.