ITT we correct minor nuances of the previous post without regard for context (273)

198 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-5079 18:05

For those of you that DO have children, did you wonder what kind of parent you would turn out to be? Do you think you succeeded? Do you think your children reflect the values that you wanted to and continue to teach them? Did you want to raise your children like your parents raised you?

And for those of you that do NOT have children, do you ever wonder what kind of parent you'll be? Do you have a plan? Do you know certain things that you absolutely want to instill in your children and things that are not as important? Do you think you'll be successful? Do you want to raise your children the way your parents raised you?

And that's why, you, you should no use the word fuck.

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