Japanese Food (54)

34 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-09-18 18:24 ID:U3VExwHH

Sushi? Sushi is very safe and easy to make. I've myself done various kinds of maki sushi on multiple occasions, yummy. Very yummy.

I do hope that you don't think that sushi means just raw fish. A lot of people do.

"In Japanese cuisine, sushi (鮨 or 鮓 or, most commonly, 寿司) is a food made of vinegared rice combined with a topping or filling of fish, seafood, vegetables, or egg. The topping may be raw, cooked, or marinated; and may be served scattered in a bowl of rice, rolled in nori, laid onto hand-formed clumps of rice, or stuffed in a small tofu pouch.

In Japan the word sushi refers to a broad range of food prepared with sumeshi, vinegared rice. Outside Japan, sushi is often taken to mean raw fish. It is sometimes confused with sashimi, which is delicately sliced seafood served with only a dipping sauce."
from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sushi
also see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Sushi_Types

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