Your Diet (15)

1 Name: Apprentice Chef 05/01/26(Wed)10:13 ID:Heaven

Diet not as in "Gee, I am so fat I need to lose a few pounds" but as in a more general routine of digesting / avoiding certain kinds of foods.

Are you aware of what you are eating, are you carefully selecting your food and what do you try to bear in mind if you? What are the important parts of your diet? Nutrition, discipline, etc.

In short: What's your diet?

2 Name: Apprentice Chef 05/01/26(Wed)11:17 ID:X+HeT1aK

Today I have consumed:
2 McMuffins
1 600mL Pepsi
6 Iced Donuts
6 Cinamon Donuts
1 Packet of Chocolate biscuits
.. and some corned beef with white sauce for dinner.

3 Name: ShinyKnife 05/01/26(Wed)11:36 ID:HzhcGqYk

30% complex carbs, 20% simple carbs, 40% protein, 10% unsaturated fats

4 Name: Apprentice Chef 05/01/26(Wed)11:37 ID:Heaven

From a sustenance point of view, >>2 is DQN

5 Name: Apprentice Chef 05/01/26(Wed)12:26 ID:X+HeT1aK

Would you believe that I'm not fat? Seriously, I'm not. Because of my work, I get a lot of physical exercise, and I have a somewhat strong upper-body as a result.

I still have a fat stomach :(

6 Name: Apprentice Chef 05/01/26(Wed)13:49 ID:Heaven


> I still have a fat stomach :(

That's cancer.

7 Name: Apprentice Chef 05/01/28(Fri)06:35 ID:924ViE1I

Speaking of that I found out recently that drinking soda significantly increases your risk of esophageal cancer, which is usually fatal.

Not going to stop me!

8 Name: Apprentice Chef 05/01/28(Fri)09:05 ID:tDs/JNez

I drank a liter bottle of coke today.. shutup.

9 Name: Apprentice Chef 05/01/28(Fri)11:44 ID:WyiIxCFc

I am pretty sure that eating, drinking or elsewise intaking too much of any given substance can give you cancer in the end.

10 Name: Apprentice Chef 05/01/29(Sat)01:53 ID:Heaven


11 Name: Apprentice Chef 05/01/29(Sat)02:44 ID:Heaven


All those minerals found in tap water can cause stones and other mineral deposits... iirc Mad Cow Disease is linked to the presence of certain minerals in the land/water that cows exist in.

12 Name: Apprentice Chef 05/01/29(Sat)05:52 ID:Heaven - Not cancer, and I think a link to substances in water is a little far-stretched. - Also not cancer, but potentially humorous.

13 Name: Apprentice Chef 05/01/29(Sat)10:56 ID:Heaven

>>12 is Allbright

14 Name: Apprentice Chef 05/01/30(Sun)20:03 ID:Heaven

15 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-12-31 21:05 ID:E2NIUpz2

anything i have is open

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