Post your records!
Here's some of the rules from what I gathered:
The beginning is pretty easy. Click on the arrow-field to select the angle from which the guy will be hit off, and hold until you think it is wise to release to achieve a certain ammount of power.
Every girl has a SPECIAL move. These are triggered in the following ways:
For SPECIAL moves you must immediately click on the SPECIAL that comes up on the screen for it to complete.
Then there's AERIALs. You have three red ones and infinitely blue ones. The latter charge up as long as you are in the screen. Both will result in the girl from the beginning showing up again and give you a little boost, red AERIALs with an upwards angle, blue AERIALs with a downward angle.
Use these to avoid hitting the guys or the green girl without a block or special move or use it to hit a special girl or just to boost up after a special move brings you back into the screen!
Then there's the guys.
Oh yeah, forgot this about the ANGLEs:
You can only use them when you are in the screen and the blue one only when you are going upwards and the red one only when you are falling down.
My record is 4140.25m. Check out this dude though:
Okay, I know how the Purple girl works now. She will trigger a super SPECIAL move that will get finally triggered for a random girl (in the special boxes on the right, a VS CCF will appear when that girl is in reach). When you hit that random girl with the block still in charge, the SUPER special move gets triggered and it appears to be different for each girl.
Hey, that's my high score of 10k whatever, and yeah. I've only gotten the VS CCF with the blue girl. She wraps you in something and then you're carried straight for a countdown from 99. I don't understand it, but I know that it gives you a ton of distance.
If anyone feels peachy enough to translate the character page for us, that'd be awesome!
You all fail compared to some Jap who got 52K
I've also seen 2 more special CCF moves,one of em makes you bouncy,so you get a boost everytime you hit the floor and the other one makes every boost 2x,do you get a double boost out of the girls (and their supers)
Which anime is this game based on?if it's based on anything,that is
Oh,and my record's 13389.60 m :P
<img src="">
Does this work? If not, 22879.43m!
The irony was... I started out this game as a willful attempt at getting the lowest possible score, but the bouncy guy had other ideas.
Curses. It seems to be dead now.
Did anyone mirror?
On 4chan, probably being bumped off soon.
Awesome, thanks! I finally got one of the super powerups (but my high score is still 4140.25m).
This needs cookie-saving of the record
> one makes every boost 2x,do you get a double boost out of the girls (and their supers)
That's the Green girl's CCF SPECIAL. It wears off after some time, but it's pretty damn powerful.
Also, both the Green and the Red CCF SPECIAL seem to wear off after a while. At least with the latter it seems there is some kind of CHARGE for every BOOST you get when you are in some CCF mode.
IT is,if you don't waste it by bouncing on the floor..that's what you want to do with the other powerup instead :)
another mirror
> F&C's "Cross Channel" IIRC
And what's that?
Is this from some anime series? This game is teh cr@ck
only one thing i dont like about it is that you have to drag your mouse everywhere... lol david teh cr@ck
Drag the mouse?the only thing i DON'T like is that it counts the mouseclick no matter where i click...even if it's outside the game screen (which makes multitasking a problem..whenever i click back to that window i use an aerial)
BTw,the angle change guy seems to change it according to the previous angle you were flying at: if you hit him while traveling at more that 45° you'll get an angle down and vice versa
> And what's that?
Some sort of bishoujo game.
My sources say it's an Hgame..
Finally I got a halfway decent score.
Gah, 100webspace are blocking image linking now.
Here's my best. It took a while though, and a lot of it was luck.
Sorry. ^^ Forgot to post it.
Well, I finally broke my old record and got 7679.52 -- not that that's very impressive compared with the other scores people are getting! world records?
Look at the spacing between the first 4 digits. Also best record starts with 14, not 13. It's obvious the 139 was pasted from the end :P
The best record could be a 13xxx though,look at where the ending segment of the 3 is..but the spacing is kinda weird,yes
The angle would make it hard to photoshop it,though
There's also a yellow and green special that the Purple girl gives you, the former boosts you every time you hit the ground, the latter... i forget already.
If you look at the top right corner, you can see the the bit sticking out belongs to a 4.
Green special gives you double boost, I think?
Here´s my record :)
Kudos for endgame due to terminal loss of velocity. Viva la difference!
Here's my strats list...
Block VS CFF (Comic Force Field)
I only know you can trigger the Block VS CFF after you hit the purple girl... no idea how it is triggered (or what makes the VS CFF part appear)... But here's all the Block VS CFF I know...
That's about all for now... my highest, unfortunetly, have only been around 9K, so its not worth while to post anything. If I get anything higher, I'll be sure to post back.
PS: hope the link thing works properly :X
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Well, sorry for posting desktop as well, but that's my score.
interesting you guys havent figured out what triggers CFF. Its every 10 characters.
Yes, after the inital one which is random. It was mentioned in the thread over at /v/.
Its too hard but funny game, my score 968.09Meters...
"how is possible fly 1KM hit by a bike and several punches by little girls, thats funny"