looking for some GOOD MMORPG's for Linux. Maybe something on the line of anarchy online if it exists, if not just post what ever you know of. Free would be a plus
any one... at all?
ok.... and I DON'T mean text MUDs thank you very much you sarcastic jack ass
MUDs are the closest thing in existance, fyi
MUSHes are a lot better for RP than MUDs, but there isn't a single one that deserves the "MM" part.
RP on the graphic games is an utter joke.
only if you play the wrong games, or play it the wrong way, there is a huge RP aspect in anarchy online, only allot of people decide to ignore it
ok, I don't care what you people think, I want a GRAPHICAL MMORPG, and yeah, all non-text ones suck, and that is why you all rant and rave about them... would you attention hogs just shut up
you know, I went here because I thought that you guys would be more likely to know and less likely to give me sarcastic and argumentitive remarks then world4ch. I guess I was wrong....
To be honest, >>10, I've played a number of graphical "MMORPGs" for Linux and could only get one of them working: http://www.planeshift.it/
I'm not really into MUDs that hard, but for some reason BBS games like Legend of the Red Dragon and stuff like that I can sort of get into. I'm not exactly sure why...
I don't play MU* any more; they're a waste of time. Most MUSH are dead, and MUDs attract the wrong kind of player.
I have played several MMORPG, and they were uniformly a travesty for RP. They're pretty hack'n'slashes, and some are even fun, but anyone who claims they contain decent RP probably cannot write and do not have a creative bone in their body (just look at >>7). So it shouldn't be MMORPG, just MMO.
heal plz
u got z/platinum/gold/silver/credits/etc?
o shit
u stole my <insert here>!
fuck u
wut lvl r u?
ur a <insert here> whore!
Unrelated topic, but since you asked, now you know.
I couldn't even get plane shift to work correctly, it complained because I was using it through X when that is the ONLY way to run it
There are fundamental limitations with graphic games that prevents serious RP from taking place on them.
Besides, most people who claim to RP on AO can't even spell properly. No thanks.
AFAIK, Anarchy Online runs just fine under Cedega in Linux.
via boingboing:
"Urban Dead is a growing popular browser-based MMRPG (Massive Multiplayer RPG) in which you start off as a human (scientist, military, or civilian) or a zombie in a large city that has become overrun by zombies. When one dies as a human, he turns into a zombie, and zombies can be revived by scientists back into humans. Characters advance by hurting/helping fellow players, looting, doing graffiti, etc.
"It's fascinating the way the game plays in real time. Players are alloted a certain number of action points during the day, but if action points run low, the player had better find a heavily barricaded building so zombie players won't get to him during the night!"
Pretty interesting browser game. Let's advertise this place on there as often as possible~
It needs more moves per turn! ;_;
Pshh, I have to spend two points to actually move anywhere, I got taken down pretty quick.
Aww man, I wanna be human again. I liked my axe.
Find some heavily/strongly barricaded building and just stay there. Chances are that inside are humans who will 1. kill you and 2. revive you afterwards.
laffo... I just noticed somebody took WAHa's annotation script and uses it as a sort of tracking device for zombie hordes and the like on the town map:
Maybe we should start out own 4-ch clan?