Linguistics (19)

19 Name: bubu 2005-07-11 11:08 ID:Heaven

translation science is used as a collective term for

  • "translation" (written texts, may incorporate varying levels of interpretative work),
  • "sequential interpretation" (translation of live conversation / spoken texts, after the speaker has finished his turn) and
  • "simultaneous interpretation" (translation of live conversation / spoken texts, while the speaker is still making his turn; ironically only a minimum level of exegesis is possible).

These three branches each require a very distinct training, so instead of summing them up as either "translation" or "interpretation" (which would lead to some unrest), the terms "translatorics" or "translation science" were coined.

They relate to linguistics, in that linguistics, by exploring the "inner works" of language aswell as its impact on its environment, seeks to analyse (and possibly improve on) the underlying structures of translatory work.
For example, the applied linguistics branch may offer improved learning strategies for foreign languages - diachronous linguistics can contribute to language learning by offering a contrastive view of languages - etc.

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