[GUILT] Anonymous Confession Thread [SHAME] (177)

151 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-14 08:42 ID:Z/snbxUK

Let's see, where should I start...

I'm muslim, in college now (community college, of course), was home-schooled all my K-12 life, and I'm introverted.

I want to make some friends, but I really don't know how, and am too scared to try.

When I was around 9 (I think) I "played games" with my brother who's 4 years younger than me... I had forgotten about it for a while, but when I remembered a few years ago I noticed it could be considered close to gay incest, and I really hope he has forgotten about it as he never mentioned it. Sort of scared about him mentioning it to our parents.

I feel like a loser since I still live with my parents.

I've known this one girl from the internet for like two years, and I've sort of fell in love with her. Heck, if she came to my house and asked me to run away with her, I probably would. However, she's too nice to ever do something like that, and I should as hell would never admit to her that I like her. She probably lives like, 2000 miles away, and I don't beleive in internet relationships. She's also 3 years younger than I am, and just turned legal.

Also... I want to have sex, but I believe in sex after marriage.

That's all.

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