[GUILT] Anonymous Confession Thread [SHAME] (177)

174 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-28 07:01 ID:DGuT/JRl

i left a dead battery in my apartment's lobby before i moved.
the landlady was really nice. i guess i was just being a lazy ass.

i once hated this 6 year old annoying spoiled girl, so i framed her for something stupid, then their parents got pissed angry with her and she cried yelling she didnt do it. I kinda felt happy at first and then felt bad afterwards.

i rode on the skytrain in (area) a lot without paying, cause they didnt monitor the trains. but then i eventually got caught once and the fine was like 100+ bucks. instead of paying, i just left the country. lol.

oh, and i have a bad habit of never calling home. i'm the only child and both my parents love me a lot. i felt guilty, but at the same time, my laziness and apathy gets the better of me.

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