In this thread you talk to others or just yourself.
Anything that's on your mind is okay as a topic.
Have fun & don't shit up this thread! ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Who says that person isn't you?
You're thinking too high of him and/or too low of yourself. You could be that person, goddamnit. And if you're not now, you can strive to be. For the future!
As long as there's love!
Love is just an excuse to fuck
>>175 IIRC, the average is closer to 5 inches.
Well, yeah, I could get over that stuff. The major problem is more that I'm gay and he isn't.
I wonder if there are people without problems out there.
Post in this thread if you are happy and without a care!
Pretty sure all humans spend their time worrying about something or other, even if it's nothing important. In fact, probably the only animals "without a care" are dogs and dolphins. And all other animals live their entire lives in abject fear.
I'm fairly happy with my life, though! Does that count?
Yep, everybody has some problem or another.
I guess I'm pretty happy, but I've done some complaining about my small problems as well.
But this is a general chat thread... it's nromal for people to talk about small things or the things tugging at the back of their mind.
Awesome. So all those internet people were LYING. haHA!
Finally! If I go to sleep right now, I will get normal day rhythm again!
I'm gay and no one cares. orz
What, you want a cookie or something? :o
Anyway, I've got to meet with my advisor to get approval to register for spring classes today. The scary thing is, I don't know that I even have enough classes left to make the 12 hour minimum to be a full-time student. Which means I've got to figure out some kind of bullshit class to take or something... any ideas?
yeah, that meant to say "i'd love a cookie" but something keyboard-related wasn't as it should be.
english classes are either (a) fun or (b) easy to BS your way through
Well, no bullshit classes for me... after we looked at it, I've now got 18 hours I need to graduate.
Thanks, Mr. Torres! >_<
Huzzah, I just bombed my Operations Management exam.
I'm not going to worry about it, though! ( ;^_^)
Whenever I try to say "no crying over spilled milk," I always end up crying.
It's strange because I hardly ever cry.
200get, btw. :)
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I think useless threads like this on the General Board are rather lame, It should be cleansed so more serious discussions can carry on.
you are just one of those idiots who cant seem to realize that the internet is a place for people to come together and talk, all youc are about is your "serious business" and pornography, you REALY need to grow up and meet more people, because your shut in assholery.
The internet is a place for people to come together and get mad at each other for no reason.
Wait, weren't 202 and 203 the same...
Oh, never mind. I'll never understand this 'interweb' of which They speak.
They used the same name, but the ID is Heaven due to the sage. So they might be different.
they're different, like I am. This thread is to prevent other threads from being fucked with, as this thread cannot take place in DQN without being totally DQN. It's the point of these boards to enjoy yourself - if you dislike this thread don't complain, instead scroll past it.
Also, advice: Stay anonymous or get a tripcode.
or use a tripcode instead of a name.
or use a tripcode instead of a name.
or use a tripcode instead of a name.
or use a tripcode instead of a name.
or use a tripcode instead of a name.
or use a tripcode instead of a name.
Did something hiccup?
So, last week my public speaking teacher verified that I have an accent. (He said it was "well pronounced.")
Having been home-schooled most of my K-12 life, and sort of reclusive since I started Community college classes back in high school, I've actually only been told this once before. (Back in 8th grade, by a random classmate.) Of course... the fact that I'm reclusive like this is probably the reason I have it in the first place.
Of course, I've had a slight hunch about it all these years. It's probably one of the reasons I shy away from microphones and telephones, explains people asking "are you from New York?", and also why people usually go "Huh? I didn't hear you."
I guess now I should decide if I want to visit a speech therapist or not.
I might post a sound file of me later, if anyone cares. (Though I still feel that my crappy mic is at least partially to blame.)
I wouldn't worry about an accent, >>216 . I have a southern accent thick enough you could spread it on toast, but it doesn't bother me. I actually think it's kind of charming, really. Maybe I'm wrong?
People visit speech therapists because they have accents in the US?
That's just wrong. >>217 has the right idea!
I think us people most Europe generally would recommend any american to see an english speech therapist.
An accent is cool. However, if your teacher tried to avoid saying that you talk incomprehensible, you might want to try correcting this 'accent.' Of course I don't know what it is in your case.
If you consider speech therapy, first consider its effectiveness and how much you could do to fix it on your own.
On a lighter note, since you seem to do public speaking, you should decide what target group you want to reach. If you want to appeal to New-Yorkers, get your speech therapist to give you a New York flavoured accent. If you rather appeal to a republican audience, perhaps you should choose a therapist with a major in 'Redneck Studies.' Finally, for the sake of peace on earth, at least say something sensible regardless of whatever incomprehensible accent you have.... One George Bush is enough.
Wikitravel says of St. Petersburg, Russia:
"St. Petersburg has a somewhat dangerous reputation, although mafia gang wars are unlikely to affect the average tourist. Skinhead gangs are a problem if you are Black or Asian. Much of the police force is corrupt and best avoided. Avoid travel alone at night and do not get into altercations with drunken Russians."
I would think that last part is good advice wherever you are.
I think you should ask a variety of sources whether you have a problem being heard/understood, and make them give you an absolute and honest answer. It might be hard, but you'll finally know the truth.
If it just sounds like a New Yorker's accent, that's cool. But if you can't be heard/understood, then I think that you should try to correct it.
accents are sexy, thats what most girls say
I can't wait for the 5th. I really need to get as far away from my family as possible.
I'm going out for a drink with friends I haven't seen in some time. I'm a bit nervous because I might start with too edgy humour that I've adopted from the internet.
Intarnut humor never works in the real world. :(
In other news, today was like a delayed Christmas for me. Both the Chrono Cross OST and the GTO diecast that I hard ordered came in! Huzzah!
new computer new computer new computer kitaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
God, I'm so cold I can't sleep. I hate Norway :(
It's cold here in Germany, too. Buy a damn radiator already!
I have one, but I was too lazy to get up and turn it on ヽ(  ̄д ̄;)ノ
It's cold here in Canada, too. Buy another damn blanket already!
After 13 episodes, we still haven't seen any character deaths in Mai-Otome. I'm shocked.
All my technological shit is breaking. My router has to be reset every 30 minutes and now my desktop won't boot. :(
I have no experience finding a job and I need one really bad! If I don't get a job soon I won't be able to pay my internet and phone bills.
What kind of work are you looking for?
I'm telling you, you gotta keep calling places again and again after you apply!
Actually not anything. The last job I had was stock. I'm sure I'm not the weakest guy in town, I can carry heavy stuff here and there, but I just can't endure hours of continuous heavy lifting in my current state.
Yeah I need to call the places I've applied to tomorrow ( ´ω`;)
Something is terribly, terribly wrong with my Internet service provider as well =[
I have an interesting dilemma. While I was at school today, I came across a bunch of textbooks sitting on a bench in the business building, with a 'FREE BOOKS' sign posted above them. Not being one to turn down free stuff, I picked up an Excel 2002 guide and a pretty nice looking International Business book - still in the wrapper, even! I get home, look through it a bit, seems like a pretty good book - then I decide to see what it's selling for online. Amazon shows even used copies going for almost $70! So my dilemma is this: should I keep the book (it might be useful) or sell it? I'm an MIS major, but I've never taken any int'l business classes. Thoughts?
tl;dr: I found a book worth $70. Keep it or sell it?
photocopy any bits that look useful, then sell it?
I like this place
yeah start singin!
I'm not sure why I live. I'm not suicidal, crazy, or even that stupid.
I have no goals or drive, most of the things I like are getting farther away from me (insufficient funds), and I have no idea what to do about it. Even when I think to myself that I'm going to do something, I end up doing nothing at all.
Get laid.
Masturbate a lot!
you could pursue a career as a soldier of fortune
Study Philosphy then join the military and question if your actions are moral
I tried to get my friend to post at 4-ch, but he thinks it's confusing. :(
I stayed away from 4-ch for a week and it became confusing
I masturbated to child porn and now I hate myself.
>>253 just out of curiosity, how many ashers we got up in here?
talking to one self is a sign of intelligence
because it's winter
Live and learn.
Seriously, society makes this out to be worse than it is. There's no distinct line between a normal person and a pedophile. You are most likely normal. Shape up.
I just got my first copy of the Nigerian Scam. Wow.
In the last few days, I've learned how to use Share. It was annoying, but I had some experienced friends who talked me through it.
The guys that programmed WinNY and Share should be shot. Going beyond the bad UI and such... how could they make a flawed anonymity system with all of the information on freenet, traffic analsys, etc out there?
But despite all that, it seems that the two provide media of higher quality than one could obtain on English P2P networks. I've only accidentally downloaded a few troll files so far.
And we know how well Freenet works, eh?
Neither Winny nor Share are designed for perfect anonymity, just to be anonymous enough to make it not worth the bother.
You try talking when you've managed to download a four gigabyte DVD ISO through Freenet.
I don't think the interview went well. :( Now I just have to wait two weeks for the inevitable "you're not what we're looking for right now..."
i did something today i've been wanting to do for a long-arse time.
\o/ i'm free!
hello person this is directed to. i'll call you Mr.B for now because i'm too paranoid to go into details too much. anyway, to cut a long story short you gave me an erection.
so, um, congratulations.
I hope I am the person that is directed to.