In this thread you talk to others or just yourself.
Anything that's on your mind is okay as a topic.
Have fun & don't shit up this thread! ヽ(´ー`)ノ
What is it like to get an erection from another guy without expecting to?
it wasn't exactly unexpected - i'm not the most heterosexual of people here.
oh for fuck's sake
>You try talking when you've managed to download a four gigabyte DVD ISO through Freenet.
i've never used freenet, but i've downloaded 6 gigabyte files through tor before (lol @ isp blocking share, winny, and bittorent, but not ed2k), and i'm sure freenet can't be too much slower than tor...
I can either work on my paper, or read The Count of Monte Cristo.
Hard choice, right?
Yesterday, I met some 4channers.
As I suspected, they were retards who couldn't quit repeating the same catchphrase. :/
First post.
Second post.
I have a very incredibly important thing to do at 9am, which would require me to wake up at 8, or possibly 7:30. it's currently 3:22am. I don't trust myself to wake up in time. So I'm not sleeping tonight.
:\ I hate tests... Especially when your future depends on them.
Good luck >>293
Depending on how my homework goes, I might be up as well!
I'm glad my testing days are almost done. Well, officially, anyway.
I had my wisdom teeth removed. The procedure was painless, but the healing afterward is a total bitch.
Where will you be on 01:02:03 04/05/06?
I will be in bed ^^
I've got to have mine out pretty soon. I'm not looking forward to it. :(
I'm wondering what you call an inverse wapanese, someone Japanese who wants to be white..
I think my final went pretty well! The guy threw us a curve, though: it covered material from the first test as well, that I hadn't been studying.
Good thing my BS processor is up to snuff!
I was standing in line to buy lunch, and some girl randomly told the cashier to put my meal on her account!
Granted, it's the end of the term and everyone has lots of money left on their meal cards.... but that was still a very nice thing for her to do.
Free lunchGET!
Was she cute?
You should've Phone numberGET! instead.
Decently cute, but not really my 'type', if that makes any sense.
I'm about to graduate and move anyway, so I wouldn't want to get invovled with anybody around here.
I have a splitting headache, yet I am using the computer. The paaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnn.
Make sure your monitor is not at 60Hz or it'll get worse.
you know, not many people can make eating a sandwich look hilarious.
I don't care anymore. I just want to hang out and have fun and not study anymore.
I want to fry some bacon and eggs, but I don't want to bother puting pants on, so I just microwaved a couple frozen taquitos instead.
i really have no idea what to do with myself. i currently feel like shit. also i get the impression that no one cares i exist anymore.
If you need pants to fry bacon and eggs, you're using too much oil.
I have to start my first ever job hunt in earnest within the next couple of weeks. OTL
I have applied everywhere but nobody will call back orz I MIGHT have a job available after June 1st, but I'm moving before June 16th so it seems hopeless for me.
apparently one of the arctic monkeys doesn't like muse because matt bellamy shagged his mum. i have no idea if that's true or not.
Speaking of Muse and such things! I just heard Supermassive Black Hole. It's nothing like their other stuff, but I like it.
I spent something like 30 hours downloading this KOTOKO megatorrent.
So far it's been worth it! :D
I just blew two job interviews in the last 2 weeks. From feedback I failed not because of lack of knowledge but lack of confidence and interpersonal skills. orz
I just went outside for maybe five minutes to try to take photos, because the sky was an unusual yellow color. The shots looked great in the viewfinder. The flash came on autoidiotically and ruined them all. I tried to turn off the flash, but the best I could do was switch from "automatic mode" to "scene mode" using the "Night Landscape" scene. But this had a long exposure time, and I couldn't hold the camera still enough, so those shots came out blurry. Either the long exposure time or the flash ruined every picture I took, save one, which might have come out okay.
While taking pictures didn't go so well, I was much more successful at getting bitten by mosquitoes. In those five minutes I was out there, I got five mosquito bites. Two on each leg and one on my left arm.
I hate life.
If you're having trouble with your flash, what I do is just cover it with your hand or something
most digital cameras make the image darker when the flash goes off, so that wouldn't work.
if you can't adjust the exposure time manually, you need to get a better camera.
Mona font IS ugly. MS PGothic is better. Mona is only default AA font because of certain Linux types.
I saw a kid on the bus who looked like Phoenix Wright. I almost had to restrain myself from shouting "OBJECTION!!". Maybe if I was drunk, I would have.
Well, that's entirely relative.
I happen to like the mona font.
>Mona is only default AA font because of certain Linux types.
nice to meet you!
I want to speak with you.
You're kinda creepy, >>334.
Hell, I like you. You can come over and fuck my sister!
i am sad because we are so few here on 4-ch
I've been gone for a while, but maybe I'll come back!
Three tape dispensers are hardly a challenge, but balanced on the top of a desk lamp that is 200 feet tall they provide some degree of intimidation. Obviously a computer speaker, it is, a human being who speaks of other humans who do computations, is not designed by any entity in the imagination of most people who have escaped from a party host's living room into what appears to be the area of bepenised bird's lymph system around the left side of the neck to be as large as the aforementioned office supplies. As a matter of course, this is irrelevant as only one person has or ever will do it, an impressive feat indeed given the currently existent span of time, which has been by all accounts infinite. Within this case, this grandson of the supplicant's mind sacrificed itself in a battle that lasted in the least six thousand years to clear his way without his knowledge, which was currently taking a nap.
>>334 PLEASE SPEAK TO ME (^______^)-b
I was doing a podcast transcription on mturk, but I accidentally closed my browser at 5:30/6:28.
It's my birthday. :(
ummm... okay here i go
1) I want to go to Japan sooooooo bad but i have to wait till im older :(
2) My school has all Asian ppl except Japanee. All the asian people have exciting lives (is this true)? I get so depressed sometimes cause I have no close friends only some acquaintances so there isnt any one i can hangout with. im such a loser T.T. I dont have much of a family either. I only have my parents and for me life is VERY lonely. :-(
Thank you for reading
ummm... okay here i go
1) I want to go to Japan sooooooo bad but i have to wait till im older :(
2) My school has all Asian ppl except Japanee. All the asian people have exciting lives (is this true)? I get so depressed sometimes cause I have no close friends only some acquaintances so there isnt any one i can hangout with. im such a loser T.T. I dont have much of a family either. I only have my parents and for me life is VERY lonely. :-(
Thank you for reading
oops i posted twice sorry :P
>>346 >All the asian people have exciting lives (is this true)?
x_x in the west? No. Well, depends on how strict the parents are. Girls will always be dominated by the parents and never be allowed to do anything, and treated like crap. Boys have it easier but are still very restricted. They're expected to be smart and succeed in life a lot more than other kids...
If you don't have friends, it's because you don't make the effort. Strike up idle chit-chat with someone in a common situtation (eg in the library, you're researching the same topic). As long as you don't scare them off with talk about anime and otaku and stuff then they'll probably not hate you.
I had a rant, but I forgot it. Oh well. Things aren't bad for me. Going to Japan soon (^_^)b (though it's kind of annoying that heaps of other people I know are going too, so it makes my trip sound less special when I type about it. lol.)
Thanks (T.T) I will try. Also have a nice time in Japan. (O.~)
You know, Japan isn't even all that special. I'm tired of all this wapanese tripe.
Wow, I'm so glad you said that! I'll be sure to cancel my trip now that some jaded internetter has saved me by exposing the truth.
And I've been there already, by the way. So it's not like I'm some deluded fanboy expecting servicing from robot maids.
I'm (t)here right now.
Maybe you know better, but the other 99% of the internet idiots who drool about Japan do so because of animu fanboyism, and would get laughed out of the country by the average Japanese before they can say "Ohayo baka genki kawaii desu lol".
Thats the reason most of the kids in my HS want to go to Japan which is really annoying.
(I'm Australian)
It'll pass sooner or later. Everybody my parents age wants to go to Canada; everyone my older brothers age wants to go to the UK. It's a generational fad thing, I suppose.
I'm so freakin' unmotivated.
So I was suppose to go a wedding on Friday, so I booked my flight for Thursday. So how, my flight was booked for Friday and I'm now missing the wedding.
My last grandmother died four hours ago. Rest in Peace, grandma.
I lost all my original grandparents, I never got a chance to be that really close to them.
So I moved all my stuff into my dorm room and I was planning on coming back home, why? Because my mom wants me to. Right before I left I find out my hometown's water system is contaminated with e. coli. Logic would say that I should stay on campus where I have a clean water supply and I don't have to worry about boiling water so I don't get sick. My mom believes otherwise, thus I am boiling water.
I want to sign up to a porn site. Just for a month. It's the greatest porn site I've ever seen. Problem is, their credit card companies only accept the usual international cards like Visa, Mastercard etc. All I have is a Maestro debit card, which seems to be only accepted in the UK. I could ask a family member, but I don't particularly want to sign up for porn on my mum's credit card, you know? orz
I think.. what I need is a virtual credit card that's free (or close enough), is available to the UK, isn't a massive scam, and can be credited with a Paypal account. I doubt such a thing exists.
All my friends were going to see snakes on a plane together and I can't go. Had to return home for the exact week this gettogether was planned on. I had been anticipating that trip for months too...
I couldn't go either, but because of a lack of funds. I had been looking forward to it since the movie was announced (waaaay back).
I tried to sell my Gamecube at the last minute, but I couldn't find the cords so no one would take it..
The shrink wrap on BMG CDs from the late 90s is completely fucking impenetrable.
I just opened my first checking account and put $50 in. They haven't sent me my card and it's been over two weeks now. Where TF is my monay?!
Get the cords off of ebay for five bucks. I did this once for a PS2.
I'm down to 183.8 pounds!
I think alcohol is great. It's so relaxing, takes the egde off everything. If I had the money I'd probably become an alcoholic.
you know, alcohol is really cheap... even homeless people can afford it.
I was thinking if someone becomes a doctore surgeon or general how much free time do they get ? I hope someone could help me out.