In this thread you talk to others or just yourself.
Anything that's on your mind is okay as a topic.
Have fun & don't shit up this thread! ヽ(´ー`)ノ
God, I'm so cold I can't sleep. I hate Norway :(
It's cold here in Germany, too. Buy a damn radiator already!
I have one, but I was too lazy to get up and turn it on ヽ(  ̄д ̄;)ノ
It's cold here in Canada, too. Buy another damn blanket already!
After 13 episodes, we still haven't seen any character deaths in Mai-Otome. I'm shocked.
All my technological shit is breaking. My router has to be reset every 30 minutes and now my desktop won't boot. :(
I have no experience finding a job and I need one really bad! If I don't get a job soon I won't be able to pay my internet and phone bills.
What kind of work are you looking for?
I'm telling you, you gotta keep calling places again and again after you apply!
Actually not anything. The last job I had was stock. I'm sure I'm not the weakest guy in town, I can carry heavy stuff here and there, but I just can't endure hours of continuous heavy lifting in my current state.
Yeah I need to call the places I've applied to tomorrow ( ´ω`;)
Something is terribly, terribly wrong with my Internet service provider as well =[
I have an interesting dilemma. While I was at school today, I came across a bunch of textbooks sitting on a bench in the business building, with a 'FREE BOOKS' sign posted above them. Not being one to turn down free stuff, I picked up an Excel 2002 guide and a pretty nice looking International Business book - still in the wrapper, even! I get home, look through it a bit, seems like a pretty good book - then I decide to see what it's selling for online. Amazon shows even used copies going for almost $70! So my dilemma is this: should I keep the book (it might be useful) or sell it? I'm an MIS major, but I've never taken any int'l business classes. Thoughts?
tl;dr: I found a book worth $70. Keep it or sell it?
photocopy any bits that look useful, then sell it?
I like this place
yeah start singin!
I'm not sure why I live. I'm not suicidal, crazy, or even that stupid.
I have no goals or drive, most of the things I like are getting farther away from me (insufficient funds), and I have no idea what to do about it. Even when I think to myself that I'm going to do something, I end up doing nothing at all.
Get laid.
Masturbate a lot!
you could pursue a career as a soldier of fortune
Study Philosphy then join the military and question if your actions are moral
I tried to get my friend to post at 4-ch, but he thinks it's confusing. :(
I stayed away from 4-ch for a week and it became confusing
I masturbated to child porn and now I hate myself.
>>253 just out of curiosity, how many ashers we got up in here?
talking to one self is a sign of intelligence
because it's winter
Live and learn.
Seriously, society makes this out to be worse than it is. There's no distinct line between a normal person and a pedophile. You are most likely normal. Shape up.
I just got my first copy of the Nigerian Scam. Wow.
In the last few days, I've learned how to use Share. It was annoying, but I had some experienced friends who talked me through it.
The guys that programmed WinNY and Share should be shot. Going beyond the bad UI and such... how could they make a flawed anonymity system with all of the information on freenet, traffic analsys, etc out there?
But despite all that, it seems that the two provide media of higher quality than one could obtain on English P2P networks. I've only accidentally downloaded a few troll files so far.
And we know how well Freenet works, eh?
Neither Winny nor Share are designed for perfect anonymity, just to be anonymous enough to make it not worth the bother.
You try talking when you've managed to download a four gigabyte DVD ISO through Freenet.
I don't think the interview went well. :( Now I just have to wait two weeks for the inevitable "you're not what we're looking for right now..."
i did something today i've been wanting to do for a long-arse time.
\o/ i'm free!
hello person this is directed to. i'll call you Mr.B for now because i'm too paranoid to go into details too much. anyway, to cut a long story short you gave me an erection.
so, um, congratulations.
I hope I am the person that is directed to.
What is it like to get an erection from another guy without expecting to?
it wasn't exactly unexpected - i'm not the most heterosexual of people here.
oh for fuck's sake
>You try talking when you've managed to download a four gigabyte DVD ISO through Freenet.
i've never used freenet, but i've downloaded 6 gigabyte files through tor before (lol @ isp blocking share, winny, and bittorent, but not ed2k), and i'm sure freenet can't be too much slower than tor...
I can either work on my paper, or read The Count of Monte Cristo.
Hard choice, right?
Yesterday, I met some 4channers.
As I suspected, they were retards who couldn't quit repeating the same catchphrase. :/
First post.
Second post.
I have a very incredibly important thing to do at 9am, which would require me to wake up at 8, or possibly 7:30. it's currently 3:22am. I don't trust myself to wake up in time. So I'm not sleeping tonight.
:\ I hate tests... Especially when your future depends on them.
Good luck >>293
Depending on how my homework goes, I might be up as well!
I'm glad my testing days are almost done. Well, officially, anyway.
I had my wisdom teeth removed. The procedure was painless, but the healing afterward is a total bitch.
Where will you be on 01:02:03 04/05/06?
I will be in bed ^^
I've got to have mine out pretty soon. I'm not looking forward to it. :(
I'm wondering what you call an inverse wapanese, someone Japanese who wants to be white..
I think my final went pretty well! The guy threw us a curve, though: it covered material from the first test as well, that I hadn't been studying.
Good thing my BS processor is up to snuff!
I was standing in line to buy lunch, and some girl randomly told the cashier to put my meal on her account!
Granted, it's the end of the term and everyone has lots of money left on their meal cards.... but that was still a very nice thing for her to do.
Free lunchGET!
Was she cute?
You should've Phone numberGET! instead.
Decently cute, but not really my 'type', if that makes any sense.
I'm about to graduate and move anyway, so I wouldn't want to get invovled with anybody around here.
I have a splitting headache, yet I am using the computer. The paaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnn.
Make sure your monitor is not at 60Hz or it'll get worse.
you know, not many people can make eating a sandwich look hilarious.
I don't care anymore. I just want to hang out and have fun and not study anymore.
I want to fry some bacon and eggs, but I don't want to bother puting pants on, so I just microwaved a couple frozen taquitos instead.
i really have no idea what to do with myself. i currently feel like shit. also i get the impression that no one cares i exist anymore.
If you need pants to fry bacon and eggs, you're using too much oil.
I have to start my first ever job hunt in earnest within the next couple of weeks. OTL
I have applied everywhere but nobody will call back orz I MIGHT have a job available after June 1st, but I'm moving before June 16th so it seems hopeless for me.
apparently one of the arctic monkeys doesn't like muse because matt bellamy shagged his mum. i have no idea if that's true or not.
Speaking of Muse and such things! I just heard Supermassive Black Hole. It's nothing like their other stuff, but I like it.
I spent something like 30 hours downloading this KOTOKO megatorrent.
So far it's been worth it! :D
I just blew two job interviews in the last 2 weeks. From feedback I failed not because of lack of knowledge but lack of confidence and interpersonal skills. orz
I just went outside for maybe five minutes to try to take photos, because the sky was an unusual yellow color. The shots looked great in the viewfinder. The flash came on autoidiotically and ruined them all. I tried to turn off the flash, but the best I could do was switch from "automatic mode" to "scene mode" using the "Night Landscape" scene. But this had a long exposure time, and I couldn't hold the camera still enough, so those shots came out blurry. Either the long exposure time or the flash ruined every picture I took, save one, which might have come out okay.
While taking pictures didn't go so well, I was much more successful at getting bitten by mosquitoes. In those five minutes I was out there, I got five mosquito bites. Two on each leg and one on my left arm.
I hate life.
If you're having trouble with your flash, what I do is just cover it with your hand or something