In this thread you talk to others or just yourself.
Anything that's on your mind is okay as a topic.
Have fun & don't shit up this thread! ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Last night I dreamt I was sucking a large breasted womans right nipple.
Today I woke up with a tender and sore right nipple.
(・∀・) ?
Man, I'm so tired. I'm in the last class for today and just want to go home and sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
10 more minutes. I can do it.
Also, general is pretty crappy. More people need to use this thread.
I'm home now. :P
I dreamed that I was going to a Pretty Cure convention. (・∀・) Then it turned into WoW or something even though I don't play that. Well it was weird but interesting.
I just puked the entire contents of my digestive system up. most of it was alcohol. ugh. i'm never drinking again.
I haven't showered for 2 weeks. I don't want to think about the things growing in my crotch.
I dreamed I was stuck inside Disgaea 2, and couldn't go to sleep because I had to beat all the enemies on the screen... except they kept respawning. :\
I was bored out of my mind so I decided to take a shower. It feels quite good to be clean again.
I find myself unable to understand why 186 doesn't like taking a shower...
It's so nice and warm and wet!
>>390 Now that you did it.
Which one do you feel: relief or regret?
Every day I wish I was dead. Why can't suicide be easy?
Suicide is greato!
I've always been sort of mixed when other people mention suicide.
On one hand I think "Well, it's their life, and they have the right to decide if they want to end it or not. They might be incapable of ever doing anything that would make themselves happy." But on the other hand I think "People shouldn't kill themselves. Other people will miss them. Besides, lives shouldn't be wasted. If they really want to waste their life that badly, they should at least do something to try and help other people, like venture on a mission to otehr countries. They might actually find usefulness in their life."
I've never considered suicide myself.
Sometimes I wish I could believe in myself so I could change my situation for the better. I know I never will though.
I've known that I'm probably transsexual since, well, forever. Yet my fear of dissapointing my parents has led me to keep completely silent, never having even told my numerous therapists. I'm going to end up dead by age twenty.
the rapists lol
I agree with you. In essence, suicide should be legal, but considered immoral.
I wonder what is the best way to deal with a compulsive liar...
Transsexuality kills you? You should probably tell your parents you have it!!!
I thought you have to change your sex to be, you know, transsexual.
But if you feel like it would kill you, tell your parents to take you to a doctor (mental or physical) for it. If a doctor vouces for you, your parents should accept it easily.
I want to know who this Chinese guy is. I keep running into him. Maybe he's stalking me. Which I wouldn't mind, because he's hot.
Check out that screenshot. Always strange to see another 4-ch'r in the wild.
Bored at work. :\
Probably that Halcy guy who also posts at Etherchan and got mentioned in /dqn/ for linking to /dqn/ from his account.
I remember seeing another mention to the english-speaking *chan culture on the daily wtf but I can't remember which site or which thread.
After the hikki threads were moved, this board pretty much died down again. :(
It's a pity. I'd like to see this site become more than MITTENS and oh, some other stuff too. :\
I went to check the grade I got on my Religion midterm and it says I got a "69.5". All the shittier, I estimated between an 89 to an 83 without curve, after tallying up the points for each question. WTF!!
>>412 Sucks for you. I recently took a test that I thought I would have around a 40%. I got 77% FTW!!
I'm about 70% sure it was a mistake that can be corrected later. Given my luck, I'll bring it up and be charged with cheating or rape or something.
first i failed the hard exam, then i failed the easy exam. im a dumbass.
it's okay. you can always hide yourself from public and never be seen again
I skipped a Monday/Wednesday math class this Monday because I thought there would be a test I would bomb, but it turns out it was Wednesday, so I bombed it today! Luckily I had forgotten about the one drop grade we get, though, so I am safe. WHEW
Oh man, oh man. There's a weird Japanese boarding school not far from where I live (for the children of Japanese people that are working in this country) and they had an open day today. It was fucking awesome.
They had a raffle which featured prizes such as 32" LCD TVs, high quality digital cameras, and electric guitars. (The open day is sponsored by the big companies some of the student's parents work for or some crap like that, so they get great stuff to give away.) I didn't win anything good, but it was still pretty cool. They also had a book sale, and I bought a shit load of manga for 10p A VOLUME. キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━!!!!!
Plus there was loads of Japanese food to eat/be disgusted by, weird Japanese kids to be confused by, and assorted strange weeaboos to gawk at. Most fun day I've had for a while. And now I'm going to read some of that big stack of manga I bought... ( ´ー`)
too cool, >>418
i put too much vegemite on my toast :(
An interesting thing happened to me this weekend.
This morning, I left my apartment to go to work as usual... hmm, that's weird, why isn't my car unlocking?... oh, it was already unlocked?.... wait, what?
Yes, my car had been broken into. Well, if you can call it 'breaking' when my dumb ass left the doors unlocked.
Funny thing about it, though, is that I didn't lose much, and the car wasn't damaged. They certainly rummaged around in my glove box and center console, but all that was missing was about $.75 in quarters I had lying around. Not a big loss. Hell, I had my cd case sitting in the front seat, and they didn't even touch it.
What is also odd is that I found a book of matches with one halfway burnt laying in the seat.
My conclusion? A bum camped out in my car. Interesting times.
I'm trying to think of musical instrument-based euphemisms for the penis. So far I've got "pink oboe" and "skin flute".
Meat trumpet
Picollo of pleasure
Trouser trombone
One eyed flesh bassoon.
Schlong saxophone
Muscley Mizmar
These are getting a bit ridiculous.
I prefer the cooking euphemisms, myself. The best one I've yet come across is "leather pestle"
Vagina grinder
My tummy's all rumbly now.
Dammit IBM, why couldn't you have given us the software update BEFORE we shipped all 80 of the damn servers out to the store? >:(
One hour left in class..
Five hours left at work...
I know they liked my car, but they didn't have to get it up to 140. :(
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I get dizzy from trying on clothes.
I wonder if that's normal. ?_?
Well, I guess it's the feeling of the cloth rubbing against my skin.
And it depends on how fast I do it. Like if I pull my pants down or shirt off too faster, I'm more likely to get dizzy. Or if I put on and take off 3 outfits in a row.
I'm on the buss, posting in your thread
Tomorrow I get my internets back at home. I'm so happy :(
thanksgiving and nothing to do .....i wonder where i could get a life it sucks being 15 in USA.
Happy Thanksgiving 4-ch
I'll be spending Turkeyday drinking with a bunch of Mississippians. :D
I'm sort of happy right now.
I just now figured out that I'm an agnostic. I don't think I've evr heard the term before now, but I found that it decribed my beliefs pretty well.
I'm going out tomorrow with a few friends. But for some reason, there's someone I don't want to see there, even though I know that friend of mine is coming.
Aaah~ Let's just see what's going to happen tomorrow!
I think I have found the most retarded place on the entire internet. I'm not even going to tell you where it is, because I mean damn. Your IQ would probably drop a good 20 points just looking at the place.
damn, i really need to finish that English assignment. i mean i have to write notes and all, about 20 or so pages , and I wasted a whole weekend doing nothing. i didn't even play a game or anything, just was laying around ... arrgh , its 10:26...
I've got work in about 30 minutes. I'm nervous because I've been off for a week, so I bet the work has been piling up. =(
It turned out fine! There was very little work piled, and it's good to get stuck back in! I feel happy, even though my holiday is over. (^.^ )
Augh. Rant rant rant.
I have this friend who suddenly started ignoring me and I don't know why he's ignoring me. I don't want to ask him what's wrong so I don't say anything. Even if I do ask him, he'll probably ignore me!
I wish guys like him would disappear!!
End of rant. (^v^)
My boss has just gone to Jamaica for 2 weeks, which means I'm alone in the office. I have some work, but not a lot. I'm debating whether or not to start drinking at work for the next two weeks.
ヽ(*^▽^* )ツ kampai!
I can't decide if it's smarter for me to get a condo now, or rent for a little while longer. If I can find a nice place in my price range, it'd be great to build equity... but I'd worry that I'm making a move too quickly, since I just moved here and started my new job 6 months ago..
Damn telemarketers. Just got phoned from someone who wanted me to invest in something in Dubai. I really really didn't care about what she was talking about. She went on and on and on. Told her "not interested". She asked for a reason why. What the fuck. YOU just randomly called ME! I said "no reason". She babbled on more until she stopped and I said "not interested byebye" and hung up as she was about to continue babbling. Should have just done that at the start >:/
It always seems sort of rude to just hang up on them, as they're just doing their job.
Onlt time I really hung up was after Citibank called me like, 4 times over a month trying to get me to get a credit card.
The forth time I told them to remove me from whatever list I'm on, and then hung up.
My roommate hangs up the moment he realizes it's a solicitation. I'm just too nice for that... I'll almost certainly hear them out, politely tell them I'm not interested... and usually, they're graceful enough to thank me for my time and wish me a pleasant evening.
I'd hate to be a telemarketer. :(
It's BECAUSE it's their job that I don't feel bad at all either hanging up or being a jerk to them. I'm a very polite person, even to strangers in the street, but when you know that someone is calling you just to get you to give them business, they're treating your phone line like some kind of TV channel to advertise on, that makes me quite annoyed.
I think, hey, if someone phones someone's house up who they totally don't know, then they shouldn't expect to get someone nice and polite on the line.
Man wtf, someone missed while taking a shit in the hall bathroom. Poo is all over the place.
(__) m(_ _)m < Shitsurei shimasu! ~ Excuse me for what I have done!
( __ )
I feel like a looser I have nothing to do on weekends and my "friends" ditchd me on friday. I really need to get a hair cut but I don't know what style to get. D8
I'm totally awesome
I'm eating cake for dinner.
I frequently find myself eating cake for either breakfast, lunch, or dinner when I don't have much of everything else, or I'm just too lazy to make something else.
Seems like Marie Antoinette's comments aren't that off nowadays.
Hey, Anonan00b here, with a frightfully n00bish question...
why is there this place -
and a as well?
I know 4chan has images and flash and stuff, but is there a reason there's two different ones?
this site is for lengthy discussions.
4chan is more for posting pictures or quick chatting, since everything gets deleted so quickly.
I agree with >>470 - emulates the Japanese site, which is an 'Imageboard' for posting images and discussing them - whereas emulates the Japanese site, which is a 'Discussion' board for simple text discussion.
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!
Ah yes. I see now. For your help, I shall give you both an internet.
However, due to lack of bandwidth, I must mail you the internet on 3 1/4 diskettes over the next many years.
thanks! Enjoy the internet ^_^
Hemorrhoids. :(
The weekend means the week has gone by way too fast yet again, alas
Let's turn this into a Penis Size/ Age/Location thread!
Note: As this is 4chan, responses of more than 4 inches will be laughed off.
Aww... that was mean... I didn't mean that up there. the joke just had to be told!
Lesse, 6', 23, Canada
9000+/22/the wire