I've never been to a concert in my life.
Time to rant and rant! Please skip this post.
Family. My mom, my dad, and my sister. My mom is a drunk and abusive whore. That's not "she sells herself on the street" that's "she has a new boyfriend every two weeks." They're all idiotic red necks and big burly black men. She has her life completly backwards. Exactly as was said in >>5, she puts things that don't matter at all in front of things like food, and money for schooling, and Gundam models. My mom and I tend to just ignore each other anymore. We've never had a good relationship. My dad. I don't talk to my dad anymore either. He's an abusive pervert. Voyeurism, actually. He also lies. A ton. And he's a selfish fuck! My sister doesn't like me. She's got anger issues and she's violent!
Friends. I have three of them that are worth anything. I can't talk to them, though. I know this is a really fucking retarded stereo type, and it shouldn't be taken seriously, but here are some of the things they're interested in: Violent Movies, PC Games, Playboy Girls, and the Xbox. What's that say? It says that my friends and I do not have any hobbies in common. I'm not saying "SHIT XBOX SUCKS" i'm just saying I have no one to talk about things I enjoy a lot with - we'll be walking down the street and they'll be conversing for awhile about the latest graphics card, but I'll trail behind, almost as though even my best friends don't care much for me. It's nice to have someone to just talk about trivial things with, you know? Passed that, though, they're assholes even deeper. If I buy a figure, or if I tell them I found a new series I really like and it has anything to do with a love story, they'll punch me and ridicule me for it. I know liking that kind of shit is "weird" or whatever, but they don't need to be such assholes about it! A bit deeper, they don't give a shit about my accomplishments. I can't tell them "hey, i'm learning C++!" because it's something they're interested in, and if i'm not as good as them (or even if i'm better than them, but just not perfect), they'll put me down and find something to make fun of me of. Just because apparently I'm dumb and will never amount to anything, ever. And even deeper... well, here's an example. I can't talk to them about any sort of emotional problem ever. Here, I log AIM conversations, so have a read. Please note, this was from (at the time) the only relationship I had ever enjoyed, the longest relationship with the sweetest girl I was ever involved with, who also enjoyed anime. She broke up with me, and here's what my best friend had to say about it:
[16:57:08] Me: Or if
[16:57:11] Me: I dunno.
[16:57:58] Friend: I don't know when your freaking drama is going to end
[16:58:06] Friend: if I videotaped through your window
[16:58:10] Friend: I could sell it on SOAPnet
Now this was only after one paragraph of complaining because the best thing that ever happened to me and gave me happiness left me.
Summed up: My friends are fun, but when it really comes down to it, they're not that great.
Love. I'm fortunate right now. I'm in the best and longest relationship I've ever been in. Next to the one above, which looking back on it, wasn't very good. At the time though, it was priceless. Anyway, i've got a sweet, funny, caring, attrative, smart girlfriend. What else could I possibly want in life?
The chance to see her face would be nice. We met on IRC. Now I've got proof she's not a 50 year old man (phone conversations, webcams), but she wants to finish college before we meet up. That's about 6 more years of me waiting, which I can handle (especially for her) but I don't need to handle it since we could be together within the next two. Yeah, I'm actually very young. Regardless, this is the best and longest relationship I've ever been in, but lately we're kind of "drifting apart", just because we haven't been talking a lot lately. I'm the kind of person who longs for affection and hugs pillows all night, so waiting like this is hard for me. This part of my life is probably the best right now, though.
School and Social Life. Don't exist. I'm homeschooled now, one of the factors being my peers. I was always kind of shy, but I got along pretty well with everyone. Then I had a bad injury and was out for a whole year. Everything went to shit. people completly fucking forgot I existed. When I returned, a year later, I probably got "welcome back" from one or two people. My best friends have deemed me completly and absolutely anti-social, and it's for me to talk to anyone anymore, even store clerks.
If you read this, you're probably really bored. This is my first time ranting like this a long, long time though, and it actually helped. Thanks for taking the time to read this very long, and mega-boring post. Hey, if I'm lucky there'll be a pretty girl on a bus, and a drunk will step on. . .