pen mark on tft (14)

1 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-26 01:33 ID:MCRBooc+

I managed to mark my monitor screen with a Biro, saliva does not remove it. what do you reckon ??

9 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-26 16:55 ID:c/FzBqGF

>>8 has just demonstrated his status as a master of wit. All rise for the entrance of Alexander to this unworthy thread.

10 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-26 17:01 ID:Heaven

  _____∧∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
~' ____( ゚Д゚)<  逝ってよし!!
  UU    U U    \_______

11 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-26 17:03 ID:Heaven

         ∧_∧, 三っ从∧、;・',‘ 
        (#´∀`)三つ;;)iT0゙)_;∴ You too!
        (,,, =≡,三つ※;'⊃   
        ノ ノ〉 〉ミ⌒);;⊂;)~   
       (__)_) ; ''(ノ ̄     

12 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-02 12:53 ID:8D3X2KHR

dont know what happened here?? anyway the pen mark is still on the monitor. any useful tips?

13 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-02 15:38 ID:Heaven

Can you take a pic? Maybe we can analyze!

14 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-05 21:36 ID:SSk8wMin

not at the moment, cos im not at home, maybe a few weeks or something before i can take a pic. but its not indented onto the screen to my eyes

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